
CLICK ON THE DISCUSSIONS below to read what others are saying. Want to add a comment or start a new discussion thread? First, you’ll need to log in.

The Habits of Old Men by Andrew Forsythe

6 replies

AUTHOR: Andrew Forsythe on 9/7/2024
FIRST: mytimetotravel on 9/7   |   RECENT: Andrew Forsythe on 9/8/2024 at 12:16 AM

Medigap pricing question

80 replies

AUTHOR: rgscl on 9/2/2024
FIRST: David Lancaster on 9/2   |   RECENT: David Lancaster on 9/7

First Place by Jonathan Clements

53 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 9/6/2024
FIRST: eludom on 9/6   |   RECENT: Ed Hanson on 9/7

Quinn ponders the minimum wage, a living wage and the possible consequences of changes for all

10 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 9/6/2024
FIRST: Dan Smith on 9/6   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 9/7

Quinn is considering buying a Bentley 🤑

21 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 9/3/2024
FIRST: William Perry on 9/3   |   RECENT: AnthonyClan on 9/7

Consuelo Mack WealthTrack

10 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 9/6/2024
FIRST: Nuke Ken on 9/6   |   RECENT: Jonathan Clements on 9/7

Long Term Care? Who has it?

42 replies

AUTHOR: Jeff Bond on 8/10/2024
FIRST: Nuke Ken on 8/10   |   RECENT: Mark Eckman on 9/7

Money Memories by Edmund Marsh

4 replies

AUTHOR: Edmund Marsh on 9/6/2024
FIRST: Dan Smith on 9/6   |   RECENT: Edmund Marsh on 9/7

What I Saw With Meals on Wheels

11 replies

AUTHOR: mytimetotravel on 9/5/2024
FIRST: baldscreen on 9/5   |   RECENT: mytimetotravel on 9/7

DIY Analytical Tools to Support Financial Decisions

6 replies

AUTHOR: Ed Kadala on 9/5/2024
FIRST: R Quinn on 9/5   |   RECENT: Rick Connor on 9/7

Nasdaq 100 Option-Income ETF: Is the Sequel to JEPI Just Theater? by Steve Abramowitz

2 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 9/5/2024
FIRST: Ed Kadala on 9/6   |   RECENT: steve abramowitz on 9/6

The Dance of Time by Ken Cutler

14 replies

AUTHOR: Nuke Ken on 9/2/2024
FIRST: Edmund Marsh on 9/2   |   RECENT: eludom on 9/6

David Enna’s tribute to Bob Brinker

11 replies

AUTHOR: William Perry on 9/4/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 9/4   |   RECENT: William Perry on 9/5

Reaching Two-thirds of a Century!

26 replies

AUTHOR: Rick Connor on 9/3/2024
FIRST: Marjorie Kondrack on 9/3   |   RECENT: bbbobbins on 9/5

Dart board investing. What, me worry? Quinn may not be a good example

10 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 8/31/2024
FIRST: Michael1 on 8/31   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 9/5

I would like some RMD advice

11 replies

AUTHOR: polamalu2009 on 9/4/2024
FIRST: David Lancaster on 9/4   |   RECENT: William Perry on 9/4

Final Decision

24 replies

AUTHOR: Dan Smith on 9/1/2024
FIRST: OldITGuy on 9/1   |   RECENT: Dan Smith on 9/4

Jonathan is right, employers don’t care, but that’s not the real problem- it’s people

14 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 9/2/2024
FIRST: Dan Smith on 9/2   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 9/3

Covid and Money Fever by Steve Abramowitz

14 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 9/1/2024
FIRST: Rick Connor on 9/1   |   RECENT: steve abramowitz on 9/3

JEPI as a Bond Substitute? Don Quixote Confronts the Windmills by Steve Abramowitz

21 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 8/28/2024
FIRST: Kevin Cady on 8/28   |   RECENT: Kevin Lynch on 9/3

Retirement Calculators

43 replies

AUTHOR: Matt Morse on 8/28/2024
FIRST: baldscreen on 8/28   |   RECENT: Tom Raveret on 9/2

Year end action items?

26 replies

AUTHOR: eludom on 8/31/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 8/31   |   RECENT: Dan Smith on 9/2

Prosperity by Marjorie Kondrack

33 replies

AUTHOR: Marjorie Kondrack on 8/25/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 8/25   |   RECENT: Marjorie Kondrack on 9/1

Kristine Wonders: Does Not Having Children Change How You Plan For Retirement?

90 replies

AUTHOR: kristinehayes2014 on 8/14/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 8/14   |   RECENT: 1PF on 9/1

Quinn ponders a taxing situation. Loopholes and such. Is there a better way?

25 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 8/29/2024
FIRST: Dan Smith on 8/29   |   RECENT: David Lancaster on 9/1

I Ain’t Stupid Ya Know

33 replies

AUTHOR: Dan Smith on 8/27/2024
FIRST: David Lancaster on 8/27   |   RECENT: Nick Politakis on 8/31

Rules of the Road by Jonathan Clements

25 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/30/2024
FIRST: David Lancaster on 8/30   |   RECENT: Michael1 on 8/31

Connor asks – How young is too young to receive an inheritance?

24 replies

AUTHOR: Rick Connor on 8/25/2024
FIRST: Jeff Bond on 8/25   |   RECENT: William Dorner on 8/31

Is being frugal a way of life, a necessity, habit or fun? RDQ thinks about it.

38 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 8/27/2024
FIRST: baldscreen on 8/27   |   RECENT: Mark Eckman on 8/31

Did we do this all wrong?

23 replies

AUTHOR: polamalu2009 on 8/27/2024
FIRST: sjoag on 8/27   |   RECENT: Mark Eckman on 8/31

On Being Aware

10 replies

AUTHOR: Dan Smith on 8/25/2024
FIRST: Winston Smith on 8/25   |   RECENT: Mark Eckman on 8/31

IRAs in a Trust

3 replies

AUTHOR: David Lancaster on 8/29/2024
FIRST: William Perry on 8/29   |   RECENT: David Lancaster on 8/29

Do You Own a Safe?

42 replies

AUTHOR: mytimetotravel on 8/23/2024
FIRST: Jeff Bond on 8/23   |   RECENT: stelea99 on 8/29

Jonathan in Washington Post this am.

8 replies

AUTHOR: baldscreen on 8/28/2024
FIRST: 1PF on 8/28   |   RECENT: Olin on 8/28

How Did You Announce Your Retirement?

18 replies

AUTHOR: Jeff Bond on 8/13/2024
FIRST: R Quinn on 8/13   |   RECENT: Rob Jennings on 8/28

The Road Trip by Ken Cutler

12 replies

AUTHOR: Nuke Ken on 8/19/2024
FIRST: Rick Connor on 8/20   |   RECENT: Nuke Ken on 8/27

Working for Free by Ken Cutler

29 replies

AUTHOR: Nuke Ken on 8/26/2024
FIRST: Jeff Bond on 8/26   |   RECENT: Nuke Ken on 8/27

Spreadsheets vs winging it

30 replies

AUTHOR: polamalu2009 on 8/25/2024
FIRST: R Quinn on 8/25   |   RECENT: bbbobbins on 8/27

Kristine Wonders: Does Personality Matter When It Comes To Finances?

35 replies

AUTHOR: kristinehayes2014 on 8/18/2024
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 8/18   |   RECENT: P Pozo on 8/27

SOS, MAYDAY,HELP, etc. concerning What Type Bonds Should I Consider Social Security?

5 replies

AUTHOR: Michael l Berard on 8/24/2024
FIRST: sjoag on 8/24   |   RECENT: Brad Butts on 8/25

Committing Ourselves by Jonathan Clements

13 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/23/2024
FIRST: Michael1 on 8/23   |   RECENT: GNeil Nussen623 on 8/25

Travel is a valuable learning experience – our world is linked like never before, we need more understanding 

46 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 8/15/2024
FIRST: luvtoride44afe9eb1e on 8/15   |   RECENT: mytimetotravel on 8/24

Running Away from Home (Again) by Steve Abramowitz

19 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 8/22/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 8/22   |   RECENT: Mike Gaynes on 8/24

Requiem for a CEO by Ken Cutler

3 replies

AUTHOR: Nuke Ken on 8/23/2024
FIRST: Kathy Gloeckler on 8/24   |   RECENT: Kathy Gloeckler on 8/24

Women and men are different. Quinn’s in trouble again

51 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 8/19/2024
FIRST: eludom on 8/19   |   RECENT: Mark Eckman on 8/24

Cash On Hand

29 replies

AUTHOR: Dan Smith on 8/7/2024
FIRST: Jeff Bond on 8/7   |   RECENT: cesplint on 8/24

RDQ says ignore those big scary numbers

42 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 8/21/2024
FIRST: Matt Morse on 8/21   |   RECENT: Chris Roessler on 8/23

Final Arrangements, a Learning Curve (from Dana/DrLefty)

28 replies

AUTHOR: DrLefty on 8/18/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 8/18   |   RECENT: parkslope on 8/22

Having Your VOO and Diversifying It Too by Steve Abramowitz

7 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 8/14/2024
FIRST: William Housley on 8/14   |   RECENT: steve abramowitz on 8/21

Everything About Retirement on a 3×5 card

10 replies

AUTHOR: William Housley on 8/14/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 8/14   |   RECENT: Cheryl Low on 8/20

I cannot figure out the procedures and methods for logging in to this site.

21 replies

AUTHOR: Max Gainey on 8/3/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 8/3   |   RECENT: Nuke Ken on 8/19

Am I Retired?

15 replies

AUTHOR: Nuke Ken on 8/11/2024
FIRST: baldscreen on 8/11   |   RECENT: DrLefty on 8/19

This deserves a rant. The United States approach to paying for healthcare is a joke.

52 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 8/16/2024
FIRST: Dan Smith on 8/16   |   RECENT: Kevin Madden on 8/19

Full Pockets by Edmund Marsh

10 replies

AUTHOR: Edmund Marsh on 8/19/2024
FIRST: B Carr on 8/19   |   RECENT: Dan Smith on 8/19

“Dad, how should I invest for retirement ?”

17 replies

AUTHOR: eludom on 8/16/2024
FIRST: Jeff Bond on 8/16   |   RECENT: Dan Smith on 8/19

I Know Your Blind Spot

24 replies

AUTHOR: Cathleen Toomey on 8/16/2024
FIRST: mytimetotravel on 8/16   |   RECENT: Linda Grady on 8/18

Preparing for the unthinkable.

15 replies

AUTHOR: Rick Connor on 8/14/2024
FIRST: R Quinn on 8/14   |   RECENT: Randy Dobkin on 8/17

When you retire, should you move your retirement savings to IRA or leave it in 401K plan?

29 replies

AUTHOR: smr1082 on 8/11/2024
FIRST: Nick Politakis on 8/11   |   RECENT: smr1082 on 8/17

Connor suffers from new car envy

56 replies

AUTHOR: Rick Connor on 7/29/2024
FIRST: Jeff Bond on 7/29   |   RECENT: Mark Eckman on 8/17

Is a 401k plan better than a pension? For most workers, yes it is. Here’s why. RDQ

23 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 8/12/2024
FIRST: Jeff Bond on 8/12   |   RECENT: Mark Eckman on 8/17

Nothing to Trust by Jonathan Clements

29 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/16/2024
FIRST: Edmund Marsh on 8/16   |   RECENT: Michael1 on 8/17

Quinn is fascinated – and a bit frightened- by the misinformation, irresponsibility, envy, and selfishness expressed by many people – is it real?

34 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 8/7/2024
FIRST: Dan Smith on 8/7   |   RECENT: parkslope on 8/15

Why Risk 40/20/40 When You Can Recreate Your 60/40? by Steve Abramowitz

30 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 8/12/2024
FIRST: Rick Connor on 8/12   |   RECENT: steve abramowitz on 8/14

Foolish summer

6 replies

AUTHOR: billehart on 8/14/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 8/14   |   RECENT: Kevin Lynch on 8/14

What retirement expense scares you the most?

46 replies

AUTHOR: Matt Morse on 8/11/2024
FIRST: R Quinn on 8/11   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 8/14

Social Security Survivor Benefits. Connor learns a nuance.

11 replies

AUTHOR: Rick Connor on 8/12/2024
FIRST: Jeff Bond on 8/12   |   RECENT: Rick Connor on 8/13

A CCRC is not an Assisted Living facility

32 replies

AUTHOR: mytimetotravel on 7/9/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 7/9   |   RECENT: kt2062 on 8/12

A Big Question For Me Heading Into Retirement

50 replies

AUTHOR: Matt Morse on 8/9/2024
FIRST: stelea99 on 8/9   |   RECENT: Matt Morse on 8/12

Enabling 1:1 message here? Feature requests?

8 replies

AUTHOR: eludom on 8/11/2024
FIRST: Linda Grady on 8/11   |   RECENT: eludom on 8/11

Are Credit Card Usage Fees out of hand? Ben asked, Connor obliged.

20 replies

AUTHOR: Rick Connor on 8/8/2024
FIRST: Jeff Bond on 8/8   |   RECENT: jimbow13 on 8/11

Lines in the Sand by Jonathan Clements

47 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/9/2024
FIRST: bbbobbins on 8/9   |   RECENT: kt2062 on 8/11

Staying the Course by Jonathan Clements

51 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/5/2024
FIRST: Rick Connor on 8/5   |   RECENT: luvtoride44afe9eb1e on 8/11

New Inherited IRA RMD final rules

9 replies

AUTHOR: William Perry on 7/19/2024
FIRST: William Perry on 7/19   |   RECENT: KitchenPoet on 8/10

How have you financially protected a surviving spouse or dependent?

33 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 8/8/2024
FIRST: Rick Connor on 8/8   |   RECENT: OldITGuy on 8/10

A Crisis of Competence? by Ken Cutler

20 replies

AUTHOR: Nuke Ken on 8/8/2024
FIRST: G W on 8/8   |   RECENT: jimbow13 on 8/10

Convert Your Traditional IRA Non-deductible Contributions to a Roth Tax-free

5 replies

AUTHOR: Ed Kadala on 8/8/2024
FIRST: Randy Dobkin on 8/8   |   RECENT: Randy Dobkin on 8/9

How to Convince A Friend Not to Invest in an Active Fidelity Fund by Steve Abramowitz

2 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 8/9/2024
FIRST: Philip Stein on 8/9   |   RECENT: steve abramowitz on 8/9

The Motivated Seller by Steve Abramowitz

14 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 8/5/2024
FIRST: baldscreen on 8/5   |   RECENT: brian johnson on 8/8

Unexpected, cautionary or funny tales about managing your retirement accounts online

7 replies

AUTHOR: Laura E. Kelly on 8/2/2024
FIRST: Dan Smith on 8/2   |   RECENT: John Yeigh on 8/7

Quinn has questions. To Roth or not and when?

20 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 8/6/2024
FIRST: baldscreen on 8/6   |   RECENT: Rick Connor on 8/7

Baseball, Gin and Technology by Steve Abramowitz

4 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 8/7/2024
FIRST: Jeff Bond on 8/7   |   RECENT: steve abramowitz on 8/7

How to protect your retirement savings from scammers?

44 replies

AUTHOR: smr1082 on 7/29/2024
FIRST: Rick Connor on 7/29   |   RECENT: Margaret Fallon on 8/7

What to do when the stock market crashes

5 replies

AUTHOR: johntlim on 8/6/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 8/6   |   RECENT: Adam Starry on 8/6

At Dave’s Request

6 replies

AUTHOR: Edmund Marsh on 8/5/2024
FIRST: Michael1 on 8/6   |   RECENT: bbbobbins on 8/6

Day of Reckoning by Ken Cutler

29 replies

AUTHOR: Nuke Ken on 8/3/2024
FIRST: R Quinn on 8/3   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 8/6

A dollar by any other name would smell as sweet. Connor wades into the income debate.

19 replies

AUTHOR: Rick Connor on 8/4/2024
FIRST: Nuke Ken on 8/4   |   RECENT: Rick Connor on 8/5

To target or not to target? Can workers do better?

9 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 8/4/2024
FIRST: Dan Smith on 8/4   |   RECENT: Randy Dobkin on 8/5

Is paying income taxes on your Social Security benefit fair?  

32 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 8/2/2024
FIRST: Dan Smith on 8/2   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 8/5

Should you include SS and pensions in your net worth? Connor weighs in.

44 replies

AUTHOR: Rick Connor on 8/1/2024
FIRST: Nuke Ken on 8/1   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 8/5

The Renegade Therapist by Steve Abramowitz

11 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 8/3/2024
FIRST: Edmund Marsh on 8/3   |   RECENT: steve abramowitz on 8/4

Income or spending? Top priority in retirement.

68 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 7/31/2024
FIRST: Rick Connor on 7/31   |   RECENT: Adam Starry on 8/4

Making the connection. Does anyone think about consequences of free stuff, of someone paying less or giving more to others? A Quinn mini rant. 

9 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 8/3/2024
FIRST: Linda Grady on 8/4   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 8/4

Who wants to be a millionaire?

20 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 7/26/2024
FIRST: Nuke Ken on 7/26   |   RECENT: Adam Starry on 8/4

It Hurt So Good

11 replies

AUTHOR: Dan Smith on 8/2/2024
FIRST: baldscreen on 8/2   |   RECENT: Dan Smith on 8/4

Is Small Beautiful? Four Index Choices from Vanguard by Steve Abramowitz

14 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 7/27/2024
FIRST: rick voorhies on 7/28   |   RECENT: steve abramowitz on 8/3

If money were no object, what would you NOT change?

9 replies

AUTHOR: Matt Morse on 7/29/2024
FIRST: R Quinn on 7/29   |   RECENT: Matt Morse on 8/3

All About Me

17 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/22/2024
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 7/22   |   RECENT: cesplint on 8/3

Feeling Lucky by Jonathan Clements

35 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/26/2024
FIRST: Neil Imus on 7/26   |   RECENT: cesplint on 8/3

When should you claim Social Security retirement benefits—and why?

34 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: David Powell on 4/5/2021   |   RECENT: cesplint on 8/3

You can accumulate wealth without ever being rich

13 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 7/29/2024
FIRST: R Quinn on 7/30   |   RECENT: parkslope on 8/3

It’s Up to Them by Edmund Marsh

17 replies

AUTHOR: Edmund Marsh on 8/1/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 8/2   |   RECENT: Dan Smith on 8/3

A Target On My Back by Ken Cutler

10 replies

AUTHOR: Nuke Ken on 7/30/2024
FIRST: Dan Smith on 7/30   |   RECENT: Nuke Ken on 8/2

July’s Hits-Forum Edition

9 replies

AUTHOR: Nuke Ken on 8/1/2024
FIRST: Rick Connor on 8/1   |   RECENT: Jeff on 8/1

Vanguard’s S&P and Total Market Funds: Soul Brothers or Twins by Steve Abramowitz

6 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 7/30/2024
FIRST: B Carr on 7/30   |   RECENT: steve abramowitz on 7/30

Vanguard vs. Fidelity: When First Class Is Cheaper than Economy by Steve Abramowitz

37 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 7/25/2024
FIRST: mytimetotravel on 7/25   |   RECENT: Mike Gaynes on 7/29

If money were no object, what would you change about your life?

31 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: kristinehayes2014 on 4/6/2021   |   RECENT: Edmund Marsh on 7/29

Should you prepay a mortgage?

31 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/28/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/28/2021   |   RECENT: JGarrett on 7/28

Trust – The reason I read Humble Dollar

1 reply

AUTHOR: William Perry on 7/28/2024
FIRST: Dan Smith on 7/28   |   RECENT: Dan Smith on 7/28

Signing up for pre-planned funeral services – Is it worth it?

17 replies

AUTHOR: smr1082 on 7/23/2024
FIRST: baldscreen on 7/24   |   RECENT: smr1082 on 7/28

Monday is a good day for a rant. Let’s talk everything annoying. People, money, people

47 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 6/24/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 6/24   |   RECENT: Michael1 on 7/28

Nobody wants to pay healthcare bills, Quinn says he knows why.

34 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 7/25/2024
FIRST: mytimetotravel on 7/25   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 7/28

Three Significant Moments

17 replies

AUTHOR: Wayne Proctor on 7/20/2024
FIRST: Matt Morse on 7/20   |   RECENT: Wayne Proctor on 7/27

Quinn relents. Apparently you can live on 66% of pre-retirement income. 😉😉

123 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 7/13/2024
FIRST: baldscreen on 7/13   |   RECENT: Cheryl Low on 7/27

What got you interested in investing?

14 replies

AUTHOR: H S on 7/13/2024
FIRST: Edmund Marsh on 7/13   |   RECENT: Alex McCusker on 7/26

Why do so many retirees struggle with inflation? Why is it unanticipated? Do you have a plan to deal with inflation in retirement?

36 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 7/23/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 7/23   |   RECENT: Michael1 on 7/26

A Case for First Class by Dan Smith

12 replies

AUTHOR: Dan Smith on 7/22/2024
FIRST: mytimetotravel on 7/22   |   RECENT: Ginger Williams on 7/24

What financial lessons—good or bad—did you learn from your parents?

30 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 4/4/2021   |   RECENT: H S on 7/24

Stored Memories: Friendship and Software

12 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 7/23/2024
FIRST: OldITGuy on 7/23   |   RECENT: steve abramowitz on 7/24

Retirement Reconnections by Ken Cutler

25 replies

AUTHOR: Nuke Ken on 6/22/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 6/22   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 7/23

Best Way to Sell Gold Eagles

5 replies

AUTHOR: mjflack on 7/15/2024
FIRST: stelea99 on 7/16   |   RECENT: William Perry on 7/23

Buying a house yesteryear and today – a long journey.

10 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 7/22/2024
FIRST: Jack Hannam on 7/22   |   RECENT: Jack Hannam on 7/23

What are the smartest financial moves you’ve ever made?

40 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Marc Bisbal Arias on 4/8/2021   |   RECENT: Rick Connor on 7/23

What’s your biggest financial regret?

16 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Anika Hedstrom on 4/19/2021   |   RECENT: H S on 7/23

Perils of market downturns early in retirement 

15 replies

AUTHOR: smr1082 on 7/19/2024
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 7/20   |   RECENT: Ormode on 7/22

What surprises have you experienced on your retirement journey?

18 replies

AUTHOR: Rick Connor on 6/24/2024
FIRST: Rick Connor on 6/24   |   RECENT: OldITGuy on 7/22

Quinn’s musings on Social Security and the preponderance of misinformation about the program.

19 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 7/19/2024
FIRST: William Perry on 7/19   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 7/22

Best/worst deals at Costco

33 replies

AUTHOR: Kyle Mcintosh on 7/14/2024
FIRST: Nuke Ken on 7/14   |   RECENT: Dominique Simonian on 7/22

What steps have you taken to simplify your finances?

29 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/5/2024
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 6/5   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 7/22

Vanguard Small-Cap: What’s in a Name? by Steve Abramowitz

6 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 7/12/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 7/13   |   RECENT: steve abramowitz on 7/21

Mid-year tax planning?

42 replies

AUTHOR: eludom on 7/17/2024
FIRST: Nuke Ken on 7/17   |   RECENT: parkslope on 7/21

Satisfying Splurges by Ken Cutler

22 replies

AUTHOR: Nuke Ken on 7/15/2024
FIRST: Rick Connor on 7/15   |   RECENT: Rick Connor on 7/21

What’s your favorite financial quote?

91 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Ben Rodriguez on 4/15/2021   |   RECENT: dorisn18 on 7/20

Is a 100% stock portfolio reckless?

32 replies

AUTHOR: johntlim on 6/18/2024
FIRST: Dan Smith on 6/18   |   RECENT: Olin on 7/20

Were we better off?

20 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 7/12/2024
FIRST: Nuke Ken on 7/12   |   RECENT: Mark Eckman on 7/20

Health Savings Accounts and When to Withdraw

9 replies

AUTHOR: Randy Dobkin on 7/18/2024
FIRST: baldscreen on 7/18   |   RECENT: Mark Eckman on 7/20

Would you leave a note?

27 replies

AUTHOR: Rick Connor on 7/17/2024
FIRST: Edmund Marsh on 7/17   |   RECENT: Olin on 7/20

Social Security Alert?

16 replies

AUTHOR: Edmund Marsh on 7/12/2024
FIRST: William Perry on 7/12   |   RECENT: Edmund Marsh on 7/20

Quinn’s advice for creating stress and losing your money – just ignore stuff

11 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 7/18/2024
FIRST: stelea99 on 7/18   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 7/19

Vanguard’s “Active” Vs. Passive ETFs: A Study in Serendipity by Steve Abramowitz

6 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 7/18/2024
FIRST: Randy Dobkin on 7/18   |   RECENT: steve abramowitz on 7/18

Humble Bragging by Jonathan Clements

36 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/12/2024
FIRST: Rick Connor on 7/12   |   RECENT: Sharon Edwards on 7/18

Simple wealth Inevitable wealth

1 reply

AUTHOR: Kenneth Tobin on 7/17/2024
FIRST: Rick Connor on 7/17   |   RECENT: Rick Connor on 7/17

How is a CD a bond?

6 replies

AUTHOR: mytimetotravel on 7/17/2024
FIRST: Dan Smith on 7/17   |   RECENT: Rick Connor on 7/17

Who are them and they?

8 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 7/16/2024
FIRST: Matt Morse on 7/16   |   RECENT: Bob Harrison on 7/17

College Savings Forum

12 replies

AUTHOR: Kyle Mcintosh on 6/25/2024
FIRST: Kyle Mcintosh on 6/25   |   RECENT: Kari Lorch on 7/16

Hurricane Beryl aftermath

15 replies

AUTHOR: Michael1 on 7/13/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 7/13   |   RECENT: Michael1 on 7/15

Clear evidence Americans spend too much‼️

10 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 7/9/2024
FIRST: Matt Morse on 7/9   |   RECENT: William Perry on 7/15

Long Remembered: A Fine Recollection by Ken Cutler

6 replies

AUTHOR: Nuke Ken on 6/29/2024
FIRST: Edmund Marsh on 6/30   |   RECENT: H S on 7/14

Scroll Down

11 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/12/2024
FIRST: Winston Smith on 7/12   |   RECENT: Jonathan Clements on 7/14

A challenge from RDQ. How do you define living comfortably in retirement, and is it enough?

19 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 7/11/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 7/11   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 7/13

Quality or Quantity?

18 replies

AUTHOR: Kyle Mcintosh on 7/7/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 7/8   |   RECENT: William Dorner on 7/13

Artificially Intelligent

17 replies

AUTHOR: Nuke Ken on 7/12/2024
FIRST: Dan Smith on 7/12   |   RECENT: Dan Smith on 7/13

Retirement Rehearsal by Edmund Marsh

10 replies

AUTHOR: Edmund Marsh on 7/11/2024
FIRST: Jeff Bond on 7/11   |   RECENT: gregorit on 7/12

They’re Sunk by Jonathan Clements

26 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/8/2024
FIRST: Edmund Marsh on 7/8   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 7/11

Four Mantras

10 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/1/2024
FIRST: 1PF on 7/1   |   RECENT: steve abramowitz on 7/10

My Shame

19 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/3/2024
FIRST: R Quinn on 7/3   |   RECENT: Matt Sherman on 7/10

Your Morningstar Freebee: Looking Beyond the Stars by Steve Abramowitz

0 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 7/10/2024

Falcone’s Rules

8 replies

AUTHOR: Laurianne Falcone on 7/4/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 7/4   |   RECENT: Randy Dobkin on 7/10

Perspicacious Perplexity

9 replies

AUTHOR: billehart on 7/4/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 7/4   |   RECENT: Randy Dobkin on 7/10

Quinn survived with only seat-of-the-pants financial tools using arithmetic and no sheets 

14 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 7/8/2024
FIRST: baldscreen on 7/8   |   RECENT: Nuke Ken on 7/10

The Morningstar Experience Part II: Does Your Portfolio Need an X-Ray?

7 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 7/9/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 7/10   |   RECENT: steve abramowitz on 7/10

We are off to the hospital for surgery today and dealing with the most inefficient health care system possible

28 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 7/3/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 7/3   |   RECENT: Jeff on 7/10

Navigate Your Portfolio in Morningstar in 20 Minutes

0 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 7/8/2024

Selling the Sizzle by Jonathan Clements

9 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/4/2024
FIRST: William Perry on 7/4   |   RECENT: Nuke Ken on 7/8

What percentage of your salary do you need for a comfortable retirement?

51 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/5/2024
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 6/5   |   RECENT: Matt Morse on 7/7

Reallocating QQQ

2 replies

AUTHOR: Dan Malone on 6/22/2024
FIRST: William Perry on 6/25   |   RECENT: OldITGuy on 7/7

The Sweet Spot by Ken Cutler

7 replies

AUTHOR: Nuke Ken on 7/5/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 7/5   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 7/7

Dick Quinn’s guaranteed route to becoming “rich.”

11 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 7/6/2024
FIRST: Christopher Matthews on 7/6   |   RECENT: Adam Starry on 7/7

Quinn defends his retirement income replacement percentage. It’s a lonely place to be

6 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 7/7/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 7/7   |   RECENT: Adam Starry on 7/7

Can annuity income be used to offset RMD obligations from other accounts?

12 replies

AUTHOR: Christopher Matthews on 7/5/2024
FIRST: Rick Connor on 7/5   |   RECENT: Christopher Matthews on 7/6

Is buying long-term-care insurance a good idea?

20 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: James McGlynn CFA RICP® on 4/14/2021   |   RECENT: Richard Hayman on 7/6

Did you retire in or around year 2000? If so, how’s it going?

5 replies

AUTHOR: Ben Rodriguez on 6/20/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 6/21   |   RECENT: Richard Hayman on 7/6

This time Quinn’s ranting to get away. Make travel a budget priority.

13 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 7/2/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 7/3   |   RECENT: Boomerst3 on 7/6

Why wait?

10 replies

AUTHOR: Edmund Marsh on 7/4/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 7/4   |   RECENT: snak123 on 7/6

Who is getting ripped off by CEO pay? Not RDQ😎

3 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 7/4/2024
FIRST: Bruce Trimble on 7/5   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 7/5

Happy Birthday America by Marjorie Kondrack

6 replies

AUTHOR: Marjorie Kondrack on 7/4/2024
FIRST: Edmund Marsh on 7/4   |   RECENT: Marjorie Kondrack on 7/5

Which accounts to spend first?

3 replies

AUTHOR: Jackie on 6/28/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 6/29   |   RECENT: Jackie on 7/4

How nosey are you?

14 replies

AUTHOR: Edmund Marsh on 6/30/2024
FIRST: Nuke Ken on 6/30   |   RECENT: Edmund Marsh on 7/4

My senior moment

9 replies

AUTHOR: Dennis Friedman on 6/23/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 6/23   |   RECENT: Chuck BV on 7/3

What do you need to feel financially secure?

21 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 6/13/2021   |   RECENT: H S on 7/3

Sleepless in Seattle by Steve Abramowitz

3 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 7/1/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 7/1   |   RECENT: Michael Swartley on 7/3


2 replies

AUTHOR: Mark Eckman on 7/2/2024
FIRST: Matt Morse on 7/2   |   RECENT: Matt Morse on 7/2

What Financial/ Life advice would you give a 2024 college graduate?

16 replies

AUTHOR: smr1082 on 6/29/2024
FIRST: Ed Wong on 6/29   |   RECENT: Ben Rodriguez on 7/2

Quinns confused about the 4% rule

13 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 7/1/2024
FIRST: Dan Smith on 7/1   |   RECENT: Matt Morse on 7/2

Salary vs Lifestyle

17 replies

AUTHOR: kt2062 on 6/23/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 6/23   |   RECENT: kt2062 on 7/1

Current TIPS opinion.

6 replies

AUTHOR: GARY BROWN on 6/22/2024
FIRST: Randy Dobkin on 6/22   |   RECENT: William Perry on 6/30

When to share estate plans and net worth with your adult children

19 replies

AUTHOR: Jane on 6/25/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 6/25   |   RECENT: Jane on 6/30

Longevity is your greatest risk in retirement. Keep that in mind when you are thirty

4 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 6/22/2024
FIRST: Jack Hannam on 6/26   |   RECENT: Jack Hannam on 6/30

Do you favor mutual funds or ETFs?

5 replies

AUTHOR: 1PF on 6/26/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 6/27   |   RECENT: David Powell on 6/30

When is it okay to go into debt?

8 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/9/2021   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 6/29

Paycheck to Paycheck?

4 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 6/28/2024
FIRST: Jackie on 6/28   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 6/29

How Much is Too Much

5 replies

AUTHOR: DAN SMITH on 6/27/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 6/28   |   RECENT: Ed Wong on 6/29

What’s the best financial book you’ve ever read?

72 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/24/2021
FIRST: Roboticus Aquarius on 3/24/2021   |   RECENT: Jack Hannam on 6/29

Meet Marcus

8 replies

AUTHOR: Philip Stein on 6/23/2024
FIRST: David Powell on 6/23   |   RECENT: Bottom Feeder on 6/29

Let’s challenge the value of attending college

2 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 6/29/2024
FIRST: stelea99 on 6/29   |   RECENT: Jackie on 6/29

My Limitations by Scott Martin

15 replies

AUTHOR: Scott Martin on 6/22/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 6/22   |   RECENT: Ed Hanson on 6/29

Which financial tasks do you find most irksome?

22 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/5/2021   |   RECENT: David Powell on 6/29

Due Diligence on Banks

6 replies

AUTHOR: cjaghblb on 6/27/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 6/28   |   RECENT: David Powell on 6/29

TD Ameritrade to Schwab

5 replies

AUTHOR: Nick Politakis on 6/22/2024
FIRST: OldITGuy on 6/23   |   RECENT: achnk53 on 6/29

Lumpsum Vs Monthly Payment – Which pension option is better?

34 replies

AUTHOR: smr1082 on 6/21/2024
FIRST: steve abramowitz on 6/22   |   RECENT: mjflack on 6/28

When Should You Sell Your Company Stock?

6 replies

AUTHOR: Nuke Ken on 6/25/2024
FIRST: R Quinn on 6/25   |   RECENT: mjflack on 6/28

How do you know when it is time to step in with elderly parents?

9 replies

AUTHOR: baldscreen on 6/25/2024
FIRST: Edmund Marsh on 6/25   |   RECENT: Jackie on 6/28

What do you wish your younger self knew?

23 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: Sonja Haggert on 8/17/2021   |   RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/28

“Free” you say. I’m thinking maybe that’s not accurate. 🤑

4 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 6/27/2024
FIRST: Matt Morse on 6/27   |   RECENT: Ed Haren on 6/27

A barbell strategy for stocks

2 replies

AUTHOR: billehart on 6/27/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 6/27   |   RECENT: billehart on 6/27

How do you feel about accepting money, etc. from your children?

6 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 6/26/2024
FIRST: baldscreen on 6/26   |   RECENT: Edmund Marsh on 6/27

What popular financial advice do you ignore?

40 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 5/14/2021   |   RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/27

What should be the top financial priorities for those in their 20s?

16 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 8/17/2021   |   RECENT: jay5914 on 6/27

What are your favorite charities?

36 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 4/14/2021   |   RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/27

If you could buy just three funds or less, what would they be?

21 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 3/20/2021   |   RECENT: jay5914 on 6/27

Which Bond Funds are you investing in right now?

6 replies

AUTHOR: Purple Rain on 6/22/2024
FIRST: R Quinn on 6/22   |   RECENT: jay5914 on 6/27

What advice do you wish you were given when you were in your late 40s?

15 replies

AUTHOR: Laurianne Falcone on 6/22/2024
FIRST: Nick Politakis on 6/22   |   RECENT: Laurianne Falcone on 6/26

Is an automatic income stream in retirement unrealistic?

9 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 6/25/2024
FIRST: baldscreen on 6/25   |   RECENT: David Powell on 6/26

What do you consider your greatest financial achievement?

48 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/29/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/29/2021   |   RECENT: baldscreen on 6/25

Is a good financial advisor worth 1% of assets per year?

31 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: johntlim on 6/6/2021   |   RECENT: DAN SMITH on 6/25

Is Vanguard International Index Fund Too Expensive?

3 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 6/24/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 6/25   |   RECENT: David Powell on 6/25

Which is better, traditional Medicare or Medicare Advantage?

32 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 11/3/2021
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 11/3/2021   |   RECENT: Bobby Joseph on 6/25

Is Social Security an Insurance Plan or an Investment?

7 replies

AUTHOR: Rick Connor on 6/23/2024
FIRST: R Quinn on 6/23   |   RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/25

Who are them and they?

3 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 6/21/2024
FIRST: DAN SMITH on 6/22   |   RECENT: Randy Dobkin on 6/24

What dangerous financial myths do you regularly hear?

17 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 10/13/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 10/13/2022   |   RECENT: H S on 6/24

What’s the best strategy for generating retirement income?

25 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 6/12/2021   |   RECENT: Kevin Lynch on 6/24

One Reason We Save and Invest

5 replies

AUTHOR: Don Southworth on 6/24/2024
FIRST: DAN SMITH on 6/24   |   RECENT: Rick Connor on 6/24

What’s your favorite actively managed fund—if any?

19 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 9/10/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 9/10/2021   |   RECENT: Jonathan Clements on 6/24

Completing 401K Contributions Early

8 replies

AUTHOR: Alice Patrick on 6/22/2024
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 6/22   |   RECENT: Purple Rain on 6/24

What everyday purchase do you consider a bargain?

41 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/26/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/26/2021   |   RECENT: Purple Rain on 6/24

Is it better to give away money now or upon death?

22 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2023
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/30/2023   |   RECENT: JSRMD on 6/24

Amazon (Almost) for Free

3 replies

AUTHOR: Andrew Forsythe on 6/23/2024
FIRST: Nuke Ken on 6/23   |   RECENT: Jonathan Clements on 6/24

Long Term Care

8 replies

AUTHOR: Joe D'Alessandro on 6/22/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 6/22   |   RECENT: Nuke Ken on 6/23

What is your definition of a millionaire?

14 replies

AUTHOR: Amy Reed on 6/22/2024
FIRST: R Quinn on 6/22   |   RECENT: David Powell on 6/23

Small Caps: How Long Can This Keep Going on?

8 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 6/22/2024
FIRST: Nuke Ken on 6/22   |   RECENT: steve abramowitz on 6/23

How would you summarize your financial philosophy in one sentence?

32 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2023
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/30/2023   |   RECENT: Jonathan Clements on 6/23

The longevity risk. Life is one long journey, not two

3 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 6/23/2024
FIRST: kt2062 on 6/23   |   RECENT: Amy Reed on 6/23

Which banks, brokerage firms and other financial companies would you recommend to friends?

33 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: James McGlynn CFA RICP® on 4/5/2021   |   RECENT: achnk53 on 6/23

Aging in Place: Count the Cost(s)

3 replies

AUTHOR: DrLefty on 6/22/2024
FIRST: baldscreen on 6/22   |   RECENT: DrLefty on 6/23

Why do many folks fail to save enough for retirement?

23 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/5/2024
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 6/5   |   RECENT: Lizbeth on 6/22

The predatory nature of T. Rowe Price (TRP) when trying access to my parents assets

2 replies

AUTHOR: Nivek Mah on 6/22/2024
FIRST: DAN SMITH on 6/22   |   RECENT: Rick Barnard on 6/22

How to unwind a 3,4, and 5 year MYGA ladder.

2 replies

AUTHOR: Dan Wick on 6/22/2024
FIRST: tshort on 6/22   |   RECENT: Tom Matera on 6/22

401k withdrawal, 0% cc balance transfer or home equity line of credit

1 reply

AUTHOR: Bill Frisher on 6/22/2024
FIRST: Scott Martin on 6/22   |   RECENT: Scott Martin on 6/22

What’s your most prized possession?

25 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 6/6/2021   |   RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/22

Who has had the greatest influence on your financial thinking?

20 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 10/13/2022
FIRST: David Sayler on 10/13/2022   |   RECENT: Bobby Joseph on 6/22

Is it okay not to leave a tip at a full-service restaurant?

26 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 3/20/2021   |   RECENT: JAY SCATTERGOOD on 6/22

Do you favor Roth or traditional retirement accounts, and why?

24 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 11/3/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 11/3/2021   |   RECENT: Matt McGuinness on 6/22

What everyday purchase do you consider most overpriced?

19 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 5/1/2021   |   RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/22

What should investors do about the possibility of higher interest rates?

19 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/6/2021   |   RECENT: James McGlynn CFA RICP® on 6/22

When have you insisted on paying the lowest cost possible—and regretted it?

12 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: David Powell on 4/4/2021   |   RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/22

Do target date funds have the “right” amount of risk at their target date?

1 reply

AUTHOR: Ron Surz on 6/22/2024
FIRST: steve abramowitz on 6/22   |   RECENT: steve abramowitz on 6/22

If you couldn’t buy index funds, how would you invest?

20 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 5/14/2021   |   RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/22

The Lone Wolf

7 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 6/21/2024
FIRST: Edmund Marsh on 6/22   |   RECENT: steve abramowitz on 6/22

Fidelity Funds

3 replies

AUTHOR: on 6/22/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 6/22   |   RECENT: David Johnson on 6/22

Foreign Baggage

3 replies

AUTHOR: steve abramowitz on 6/22/2024
FIRST: Doug Kaufman on 6/22   |   RECENT: steve abramowitz on 6/22

What’s the best way to gauge an investor’s risk tolerance?

7 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 8/17/2021   |   RECENT: Gary Cahn on 6/22

What do you do that’s financially foolish—but you do it anyway?

21 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 4/19/2021   |   RECENT: Ben Rodriguez on 6/22

Are annuities ever worth buying—and, if so, which type?

21 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: James McGlynn CFA RICP® on 4/14/2021   |   RECENT: JAY SCATTERGOOD on 6/22

What do you consider your greatest financial mistakes?

22 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/5/2021   |   RECENT: JAY SCATTERGOOD on 6/22

Is there a downside to the current popularity of indexing?

23 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 4/5/2021   |   RECENT: Gary Cahn on 6/22

When have you taken frugality too far?

19 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/5/2024
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 6/5   |   RECENT: Michael Werner on 6/22

What a greats Idea.

1 reply

AUTHOR: William Dorner on 6/22/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 6/22   |   RECENT: Jonathan Clements on 6/22

What’s the most important financial concept?

36 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 5/14/2021   |   RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/22

Getting to the Point

7 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/20/2024
FIRST: DAN SMITH on 6/20   |   RECENT: Aaron Hayes on 6/22

When during your life were you happiest—and what role did money play?

30 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 4/4/2021   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 6/22

I don’t accept that 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck

6 replies

AUTHOR: R Quinn on 6/19/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 6/20   |   RECENT: R Quinn on 6/22

Is bitcoin an investment or a speculation—and why?

24 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Ben Rodriguez on 4/5/2021   |   RECENT: John Yeigh on 6/19

Which financial figure—dead or alive—would you most like to spend an hour with?

14 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Ben Rodriguez on 4/15/2021   |   RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6

What financial topic do you find most confusing?

21 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Ben Rodriguez on 4/15/2021   |   RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6

What are your top financial worries?

21 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: William Ehart on 4/5/2021   |   RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6

Should our values—religious, civic or otherwise—guide our investment choices?

10 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 10/13/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 10/13/2022   |   RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6

Is it possible to have too much money?

19 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 6/6/2021   |   RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6

If you inherited an unexpected $5 million, how would you use the money?

28 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/26/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/26/2021   |   RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6

If you could live your financial life again, what would you do differently?

20 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: Sonja Haggert on 8/17/2021   |   RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6

How would you define “enough”?

27 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 6/12/2021   |   RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6

How has your financial thinking changed over the past year?

27 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: David Powell on 3/20/2021   |   RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6

Does money buy happiness?

25 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 4/4/2021   |   RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6

Will tax rates inevitably increase—and, if so, how should we prepare?

10 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: johntlim on 6/6/2021   |   RECENT: Ross Young on 6/1

What’s the best strategy for rebalancing a portfolio?

10 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 11/3/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 11/3/2021   |   RECENT: L H on 5/25

What percentage of a stock portfolio should be invested abroad?

43 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021   |   RECENT: William Dorner on 5/18

Which investments will perform worst over the next 10 years?

6 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: johntlim on 6/6/2021   |   RECENT: William Dorner on 5/18

Should U.S. investors own foreign bonds?

12 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/5/2021   |   RECENT: Kyle Mcintosh on 5/6

How did you get started as an investor?

28 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Andrew F. on 4/14/2021   |   RECENT: William Dorner on 5/5

Which life decisions shouldn’t involve financial considerations?

11 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/5/2021   |   RECENT: Doug Kaufman on 4/27

What do other people spend too much money on?

17 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 6/6/2021   |   RECENT: Ginger Williams on 4/21

Are top private colleges worth the cost?

19 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 4/14/2021   |   RECENT: Chuck BV on 4/20

What do you need for a fulfilling retirement?

13 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 6/6/2021   |   RECENT: jerry pinkard on 4/20

What’s the best place to earn a safe yield?

15 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/11/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 6/12/2021   |   RECENT: Jeff on 4/19

What’s the worst financial advice you’ve ever acted on?

17 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: Joe Kesler on 3/20/2021   |   RECENT: tshort on 4/13

Are children a good investment?

19 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Ben Rodriguez on 4/5/2021   |   RECENT: Patrick Brennan on 3/30

When does it make sense to buy a home?

8 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 5/16/2021   |   RECENT: Jeff Amick on 3/23

Should investors own alternative investments—and, if so, which ones?

10 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: David Powell on 4/5/2021   |   RECENT: billehart on 3/23

What’s the best place to stash money you’ll spend in the next few years?

17 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/23/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/23/2021   |   RECENT: Mike Zaccardi on 3/3

What’s the best strategy for charitable giving?

14 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2023
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/30/2023   |   RECENT: Bill Woolf on 3/2

Should children be paid for doing chores?

8 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/25/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/25/2021   |   RECENT: Rob Thompson on 3/2

How long before retirement should you dial down your portfolio’s risk?

14 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 2/7/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 2/8/2022   |   RECENT: Adam Starry on 2/25

What money advice do you recall hearing from your parents?

18 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2023
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/30/2023   |   RECENT: Tim Mueller on 2/24

Should investors tilt toward growth or value?

13 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2023
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/30/2023   |   RECENT: Tim Mueller on 2/24

Does it ever make sense to buy actively managed funds?

20 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Adam Grossman on 4/5/2021   |   RECENT: Michael Hennessy on 2/20

Should retirees use a 4% portfolio withdrawal rate?

18 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: David Powell on 4/5/2021   |   RECENT: Dennis Hurley on 2/17

What’s your favorite tax-savings strategy?

17 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2023
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/30/2023   |   RECENT: Boomerst3 on 2/17

What are your favorite financial apps and websites, present company excepted?

23 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: kristinehayes2014 on 4/4/2021   |   RECENT: Dennis Hurley on 2/17

What’s the wisest financial advice you’ve ever been given?

19 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Andrew F. on 4/14/2021   |   RECENT: Laurie Phillips on 2/4

Should you buy bond funds or individual bonds?

14 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/6/2021   |   RECENT: tshort on 2/3

When is it worth remodeling a home?

11 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 5/14/2021   |   RECENT: FarOutWest on 1/27

What should you look for when buying a home?

18 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 6/12/2021   |   RECENT: corrupt on 1/18

What spending brings you greatest happiness?

19 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2021   |   RECENT: Klaatu on 1/13

What’s the best way to teach children about money?

9 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 9/10/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 9/11/2021   |   RECENT: tobinw on 1/6

Which financial tasks do you keep putting off?

21 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 4/4/2021   |   RECENT: L H on 1/6

How do you save money on travel costs?

15 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 9/10/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 9/10/2021   |   RECENT: rightgal on 12/30/2023

When does it make sense to buy the extended warranty, if ever?

33 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: Joe Kesler on 3/20/2021   |   RECENT: Michael Hennessy on 12/30/2023

How much emergency money should you hold?

26 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/1/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 4/1/2021   |   RECENT: candygirl7 on 12/27/2023

What investment will perform best over the next 10 years?

20 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 5/3/2021   |   RECENT: Martin McCue on 12/23/2023

What costs are you most loath to pay?

35 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/5/2021   |   RECENT: booch221 on 12/16/2023

Does it ever make sense to carry a credit card balance?

11 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: kristinehayes2014 on 4/4/2021   |   RECENT: booch221 on 12/16/2023

What’s the best strategy for collecting and using credit card rewards?

15 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: kristinehayes2014 on 8/17/2021   |   RECENT: Jeff on 12/13/2023

Is a home a good investment?

16 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/20/2021   |   RECENT: Michael Stewart on 12/10/2023

Given a choice, should you take regular monthly pension payments or a lump sum?

18 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/25/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 4/29/2021   |   RECENT: Klaatu on 12/2/2023

Is “die broke” a smart retirement strategy?

13 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Sonja Haggert on 4/15/2021   |   RECENT: bhagwan g on 12/2/2023

What criteria should you use when picking a retirement location?

17 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 2/7/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 2/8/2022   |   RECENT: Christopher James on 11/26/2023

What do you need to be financially independent?

9 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 2/7/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 2/8/2022   |   RECENT: Cammer Michael on 11/25/2023

What’s the best strategy for getting a good deal on a car?

13 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 5/14/2021   |   RECENT: Edmund Marsh on 11/23/2023

When is it okay to drop life insurance coverage?

11 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 2/7/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 2/8/2022   |   RECENT: GaryW on 11/18/2023

Where do you see signs of inflation?

14 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/18/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 5/7/2021   |   RECENT: Mark Hirsch on 11/18/2023

What aspect of Wall Street do you find most distasteful?

8 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/28/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/28/2021   |   RECENT: Jennifer P on 11/12/2023

Do parents have an obligation to pay part or all of their children’s college costs?

14 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/23/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 6/23/2021   |   RECENT: Crystal Flores on 11/11/2023

Is buying a used car always the smarter financial choice?

18 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 2/7/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 2/8/2022   |   RECENT: Susanne Krivit on 11/11/2023

Should affluent parents insist their children pay a portion of college costs?

19 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 4/14/2021   |   RECENT: Rob Thompson on 10/21/2023

Should folks create and follow a written budget?

19 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/31/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/31/2021   |   RECENT: Kathy C on 10/7/2023

When is renting a home a good idea?

7 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 10/13/2022
FIRST: Kristine Hayes on 10/13/2022   |   RECENT: Kathy C on 9/30/2023

What’s the best strategy for selling a house?

9 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 6/13/2021   |   RECENT: Crystal Flores on 9/17/2023

Which aspect of the tax code do you hate the most?

29 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Andrew F. on 4/14/2021   |   RECENT: Michael Hennessy on 9/16/2023

Do we talk too little about our personal finances—or too much?

15 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: Sonja Haggert on 8/17/2021   |   RECENT: jerry pinkard on 9/16/2023

What are the hallmarks of a good financial advisor?

8 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: William Ehart on 6/8/2021   |   RECENT: Kathy C on 9/2/2023

Would you risk your own finances to help your retired parents?

8 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 4/4/2021   |   RECENT: Edmund Marsh on 8/27/2023

How often do you check your portfolio and the markets—and why?

18 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 8/17/2021   |   RECENT: Chuck BV on 8/26/2023

What stock would you happily hold for the next 10 years?

30 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: Sonja Haggert on 8/17/2021   |   RECENT: Lehman Brown on 8/26/2023

Is it okay to retire with debt?

21 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 4/14/2021   |   RECENT: tshort on 8/19/2023

What do you spend too much money on?

12 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 6/6/2021   |   RECENT: Susanne Krivit on 8/12/2023

Can the market be beaten?

21 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Joe Kesler on 4/14/2021   |   RECENT: alex scott on 8/5/2023

When does it make sense to hire a financial advisor?

13 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: James McGlynn CFA RICP® on 4/5/2021   |   RECENT: Marisol Aldahondo on 8/2/2023

How much financial help should parents give their children?

24 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: Kristine Hayes on 3/20/2021   |   RECENT: Tom Dee on 7/29/2023

What’s your No. 1 goal for retirement?

26 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: William Ehart on 3/20/2021   |   RECENT: Patrick Brennan on 7/29/2023

When should parents stop supporting their adult children financially?

11 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Joe Kesler on 4/14/2021   |   RECENT: Patrick Brennan on 7/1/2023

What items would you happily buy even if they were twice the price?

13 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: kristinehayes2014 on 5/14/2021   |   RECENT: Captain FI on 6/20/2023

Is it wise for everyday investors to buy individual stocks?

17 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: William Ehart on 3/20/2021   |   RECENT: Captain FI on 6/20/2023

Is rental real estate a good investment?

13 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 5/14/2021   |   RECENT: Captain FI on 6/20/2023

How much allowance should children receive?

7 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Catherine on 5/20/2021   |   RECENT: Bruce Keller on 4/30/2023

Should political views influence how we invest?

5 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 8/17/2021   |   RECENT: Bruce Keller on 4/30/2023

When does leasing a car make financial sense?

12 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 4/22/2021   |   RECENT: Bruce Keller on 4/30/2023

What purchase do you most regret?

20 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 3/20/2021   |   RECENT: mjflack on 4/23/2023

Is term life insurance always better than cash value?

7 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Joe Kesler on 4/5/2021   |   RECENT: Mark Eckman on 4/1/2023

What obligations do we have to our heirs?

10 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 8/17/2021   |   RECENT: alex scott on 11/6/2022

What financial advice would you give to those in their early 20s?

16 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/2/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 4/2/2021   |   RECENT: Philip Stein on 7/9/2022

Which financial markets are in a bubble, if any?

6 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: David Powell on 4/5/2021   |   RECENT: Kurt S on 7/17/2021

If you want long-run growth, is there an alternative to owning stocks?

5 replies

AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 4/4/2021   |   RECENT: Mike Zaccardi on 4/20/2021

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