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AUTHOR: Michael l Berard on 9/25/2024

Now, with the growing tension in the Mideast , the breakup of JLo and Ben Affleck, the new kickoff rules in the NFL and other horrific events, I feel I must continue my quest to try and scope out the economic future. If this is blocked for any reason, I understand, cruel and unusual punishment is banned by our Constitution.

1) I asked the circus people how things are going, it was a mixed bag. The acrobat was “ walking a tightrope”, financially. The magician saw his earnings go up in smoke, and the knife thrower was right on target.

2) At The NRA, all the new members were “ shooting the lights out”.

3)  At the diner, the wait staff had reached, “ The Tipping Point”, and were threatening to quit, but the owner says, “ things will pan out!”

4) Over  at Jenny Craig, the staff are overweight on health care stocks.

5) The markets are a bit too high, at least according to short sellers, Danny De Vito, Paul Simon and Robert Reich.

6) In Las Vegas, gamblers are unsure, also, so they are “ rolling the dice “, etc.

7) At the egg farm, the owner told me, “ cracks are appearing”.

8) The people at LASIK, are worried, as they were blindsided by the big interest rate drop.

9) And over at the TD Garden, the Celtics said a recession is a “ slam dunk”, and the Bruins think they are skating on thin ice.

10) The surveyors are plotting the path  and the axe men are “ clearing a path “ to the future.

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Mark Eckman
3 months ago

I remember, back in the day, when playing with words was serious business…

Jerry Pinkard
3 months ago

Great! Good to see a little humor.

3 months ago

Please tell me you aren’t “here all week!”

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