401k withdrawal, 0% cc balance transfer or home equity line of credit

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AUTHOR: Bill Frisher on 6/22/2024

My question is which would be better to use to pay down debt a 401k withdrawal (sell stocks) which would raise taxes (SS) at years end significantly a 0% credit card balance transfer (cost 3-5% annually) or a 9.3% home equity loan that hopefully the interest rate goes down next year.  I enjoy reading all your stories about finances and life. thank you.

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Scott Martin
3 months ago

Bill, this link details how I got out of debt:

I would recommend against a 401k withdrawal or home equity loan. I did use a zero interest credit card balance transfer and I paid off the debt long before the zero interest rate expired. The snowball method worked great for me. Best of luck on your debt-free journey. It is so worth it!

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