The predatory nature of T. Rowe Price (TRP) when trying access to my parents assets

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AUTHOR: Nivek Mah on 6/22/2024

Below is a copy of a review I left on trust pilot. It’s hardly any consolation that I was not the only person to experience their deceptive tactics. See link below: (

This review is in response to T.Rowe Price’s (TRP) concerted efforts to prevent me from getting access to my parents assets after their passing. As an executor and trustee I had full and legal rights to these funds. My estate attorney was “quite frankly ASTOUNDED” by their refusal to share information with me in spite of my status of trustee. The tactics used to inhibit access were as follows: TRP representatives NEVER provide customers with their last name or phone numbers so you could subsequently contact them. They only provided the main switchboard number. This totally prevents you from contacting the same person directly for follow-up. They NEVER provide case numbers or confirmations numbers, and refused to let me speak with their supervisors. They repeatedly provided incorrect information when providing directions on how to fill out forms. They made several mistakes on the various account registration causing tax nightmares.


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Rick Barnard
7 months ago

I’m surprised by your experience. Thankfully, mine has been positive. I’ve been a T. Rowe Price investor since the 1980s. In recent years, I dealt with the deaths of two relatives, both had TRP accounts. Their assets were transferred to the designated beneficiaries (including me) in seamless fashion. Like Dan, they had pay on death accounts. The customer service people were knowledgeable and helpful. And I was able to contact the same rep for follow-up questions. My beneficiaries are my two sons and I hope their experience is like mine. I wish yours had been better, Nivek, and I would love to know the reason for the difference.

7 months ago

This got my attention because I have investments at TRP. My experience with client services has been good… so far. I hope my beneficiaries don’t share your bad experience. My accounts are PODs so about all they should need is a death certificate. I did look at Trust Pilot and the reviews do indeed suck. Thing is, when I checked on Fidelity and Vanguard they too had terrible reviews.
Perhaps only the dissatisfied are posting reviews on that site?

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