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Lately, in my attempts to add a touch of humor to this site, I have apparently ruffled a few feathers. Mea Culpa. That’s Latin for ….er, something.
Now, even though it is difficult to make predictions about the future, I remain unfazed and herewith are my forecasts.
First, though, a bit of nostalgia, from the past. I used to be so poor, I had no common “sense”.( Cents, get it? )
B) I was once so destitute, I couldn’t even PAY attention.
Now, the forecast: When I die, I want my wife to have enough moolah to pay the piper.
Someday, somehow, I will find the missing penny. You, know, put your two cents in, but, only a penny for your thoughts.
And, that’s it. Thank you.
Well, I bought a pound of foolish for only a penny! Not to brag, or anything.
I like the missing penny best. From Catholic school and church, Mea culpa = My fault (I’m culpable), but I think you knew that 😉
Hello, yes, you are correct, I did know that, you saw right through my perhaps feeble attempt(s) to be humorous. Clearly, I will not be a threat to a talented comedian, and, also not to a threat to very astute investors, handsome men, and/or great musicians.
However, if there were prizes for holding down chairs by sitting in them for long time frames, and racing to the fridge , then to the bathroom and back to the chair way prior to the first commercial ending , during a Notre Dame football, game, I remain the champ.
Alas, on occasion, it ends poorly, to wit, once, and a tad too much red wine was a contributing factor, I was racing at high speed, and I stepped on the dogs tail, she jumped up, tripping me, and the combination of the wine and some blood from my once beautiful nose, was a fatal catastrophe for a light colored carpet. Subsequently, headquarters, i.e, my wife, was not amused.
Thank you for your comments, though, and although the Latin language is not my forte, I have mastered French, Russian, etc. Ready? French toast, White Russian, German chocolate cake, Portugese Man Of War, Canadian Whiskey, India ink, Australian cattle dog. Not bad!