Falcone’s Rules

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AUTHOR: Laurianne Falcone on 7/04/2024

This is a spinoff of Dick Quinn’s excellent rants post last week.  Bill Maher does a segment at the end of his show called “New Rules”.  It occurred to me that I have some societal rules of my own.  These would be self-enforcing (no citizens’ arrests please) but I am curious what you’d add to this list:

1.You may not look at your phone while driving, ever.  Not even at a red light!  If you need to look at your phone, please park your car first.

2.You may not use the self-checkout if you have 2 carts full of groceries.

3.You may not keep your backpack on while standing on a crowded train (also applies to boarding a plane).

4.You may not microwave fish in the communal kitchen at work.

5.You may not clip your nails on public transportation (applies to both fingers and toes).

6.You may not keep your phone on the table while we’re eating together.  Unless of course you’re on call or waiting for an important call.  Important is defined as someone is in the hospital vs. making a hair appointment.

7.Companies must make their products easier to open (ahem pharma) so I don’t have to get out the toolbox to do so.

8.Retired people may not shop on evenings or weekends (unless it’s an emergency).  You also may not reserve the 6 am appointment at the dentist for the same reason (again unless it’s an emergency).

Obviously this last one is tongue in cheek but I wanted to end my curmudgeonly post with a chuckle 🙂




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Randy Dobkin
6 months ago

I use a backpack to keep people from getting too close behind me. Works great on kids in line at Disney World.

Scott Masters
6 months ago

#13 is for food manufacturers…YOU MUST show sell by dates in bold print and make them uniformly easy to read! I have even written my Congressman and Senator after going through my late mothers fridge. UGH!

Brett Howser
6 months ago

Great list! And if you need to boil it down to one rule, I vote for #1. It’ll keep a lot if us alive.

Edmund Marsh
6 months ago

Ah, number four. I guess it’s an opportunity for me to practice tolerance in the workplace.

R Quinn
6 months ago

My wife just reminded me how she used to complain about the seniors being in the bank early in the morning. We took care of that, got rid of the tellers.

Dan Smith
6 months ago

Hey I’m retired and am totally in agreement with #8.

R Quinn
6 months ago

Nice list. Just back from the store. Anyone too lazy and inconsiderate to return shopping cart to proper place shall be
barred from voting.

Jonathan Clements
6 months ago

I think somebody is giving Mr. Quinn a run for his money. In case you missed Dick’s earlier list, here it is:

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