What do you spend too much money on?

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AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/06/2021
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Susanne Krivit
1 year ago

Dental bills are killing me. ($15K a year) Work I had done 30-40 years ago is failing. Bridges are being replaced by implants. Root canels are being redone. I tell people I go to the dentist instead of vacationing. No amount of brushing and flossing makes a difference. Not what I had in mind.

3 years ago

Streaming Services (Netflix / HBOMax / Amazon Prime / Sling) – with our college-aged kids a home during COVID, one or two “free trial” subscriptions got out of hand in a matter of months. Time to cull the herd come January.

Cammer Michael
3 years ago

Probably insurance. Home, car, liability, medical. And medical insurance isn’t even truly comprehensive; the US medical industry always figures out a way to overcharge.

3 years ago

My Grandkids.

James Messick
3 years ago

Fitness Club Fees. I haven’t been in months! But when I go on long vacations in my van it’s nice to be able to stop in for a shower!

3 years ago

Books. Although when I just checked Quicken, I found that taxes were my top spending category for 2021 so far. Bummer. I’d rather have it be travel! My book acquisition has a slight twist. I purchase books that are not available digitally (Kindle) and scan them. Then I only keep the digital scan, not the physical book. That way I have the books but they don’t take up any space (except on the hard drive).

Adam Grossman
3 years ago

I spend a lot on housing and tuition, but those are choices that I see as worthwhile. A few years ago, though, I went through my expenses and noticed one surprising four-figure expense that definitely was not intentional: name-brand toner cartridges. It was about $2,000. I’ve since switched to generic cartridges. The quality is maybe 1% worse, but the cost is about 80% less.

Ginger Williams
2 years ago
Reply to  Adam Grossman

I gave away my laser printer a few years ago, when I realized my last cartridge had lasted three years. I transfer most files digitally now instead of printing, so buying a new cartridge didn’t seem sensible. On the rare occasions when I need to print, I use an office supply store’s printing service.

Ben Rodriguez
3 years ago

Wine. But do I really? Wine is one of the few hobbies my wife and I enjoy tremendously and together. Probably money well spent after all.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ben Rodriguez

Happy Wife , Happy Life.

Jim Wasserman
3 years ago

Pre-made meals or to-go meals from markets or restaurants. I keep saying I will just buy the ingredients ad cook it myself, but laziness then drives me to buy the pre-made stuff and be done.

Sanjib Saha
3 years ago

We tend to spend a lot on travel and vacations. Both of us like to see new places and experience different cultures. We look forward to resume our travel.

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