Consuelo Mack WealthTrack

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AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 9/06/2024

Check out my interview with longtime friend and WealthTrack host Consuelo Mack. Over the years, I’ve done numerous interviews with Consuelo, whose PBS show is now in its 20th season, and first met her in 1990, when we were both at The Wall Street Journal.

This most recent interview was recorded in my living room here in Philly. All the necessary equipment arrived in a hard-sided suitcase delivered by FedEx, and I then set up the camera, audio, lights and so on ahead of the scheduled interview. Amazingly, it all went smoothly, though the ear pieces kept threatening to fall out. In the scenes you don’t see, you’ll find me desperately trying to shove them back in.

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4 months ago

I enjoyed it very much.
A few weeks ago I was speaking with a coworker/friend who previously worked for the “Merc” (San Jose Mercury News) for almost 25 years writing about personal finance. I mentioned Jonathan’s name to him and shared the news of his cancer diagnosis. The friend was very saddened to hear the news.
He mentioned how Jonathan was always able to “say” (write) about complicated matters in a way that made it easy to understand.

4 months ago

I was finally able to watch this this morning. Thank you, Jonathan. I have only known you through HD. It was interesting to know about your earlier work. I had no idea. I am humbled and grateful that you continue your mission of helping a regular person like me and all the other HD readers/writers. Chris

4 months ago

The video was excellent. Great reminder to get accounts consolidated! I still have to consolidate more accounts.

Hoping you will do more videos for WealthTrack sharing your wisdom.

Last edited 4 months ago by smr1082
Jack Hannam
4 months ago

I enjoyed the interview. You made an excellent point about how those of us with an interest in personal finance know quite a bit while many of those to whom we plan to leave our wealth may lack even the basics, or worse, a misunderstanding of them. I can think of a few gifted and well educated people who seem to view personal finance as a black box, akin to some who view math in that same way. So we can look to you and your writings as a means to help them understand basic financial literacy, even if its their plan to hire someone to handle their finances after we’ve gone.

Andrew Forsythe
4 months ago

Jonathan, I just sat down to view this interview and am very glad I did. You are as clear, concise, and to the point in your speaking as you are in your writing. Your whole philosophy on dying, as well as your practical suggestions for things to get done, are equally valuable.

Andrew Forsythe
4 months ago

No, I’m going to correct myself. The practical suggestions are important, but it’s your clear headed philosophy that has really had an effect on me.

Linda Grady
4 months ago

Thanks so much for sharing the link to your interview, Jonathan. I had been looking forward to the gathering you had been planning but had to cancel, so this was sort of a proxy. Especially appreciated your reminder to discuss financial matters with family members who may not have financial know-how. Talking about money can be so emotionally fraught – I will try to follow your good example of being calm, matter-of-fact, patient and injecting both gentle humor and humility, especially as I endeavor to help my brother make sound decisions with the proceeds from our mother’s estate. Thanks always!

Marjorie Kondrack
5 months ago

Jonathan, I try never to miss Wealthtrack. It’s a financial show packed with genuinely good information…and no commercials.
you look and sound wonderful. Great interview.
Your family must be so proud of you.

Jeff Bond
5 months ago

Great interview. I don’t think I learned anything new because you’ve been writing about this from the very start. But still, it’s a wonderful collection of thoughts and summary of your wishes going forward.

Ben Rodriguez
5 months ago

You look great!

Ben Rodriguez
5 months ago
Reply to  Ben Rodriguez

it was also a nice interview. I was listening during my first comment 😉

Edmund Marsh
5 months ago

Thanks for the heads-up on the interview. You look and sound vigorous.

William Perry
5 months ago

Thanks for your advice in the video to sit down with your love ones to discuss financial issues that I may understand but they do not. I have some of those stray financial accounts and actions I can take that now so that my family is not burdened with the headaches after I am no longer available.

Best, Bill

Dan Smith
5 months ago

Jonathan, what a great interview. It was great to put a voice with your face, though Chris said you sound a bit like Stewie from Family Guy!
I’m putting a few of your books in my Amazon shopping cart; I intend to gift them to some peeps looking for solid and down to earth advice.

Ben Rodriguez
5 months ago
Reply to  Dan Smith


Nuke Ken
5 months ago

I just finished watching it (happened to see the link you posted on LinkedIn about a half hour ago). It’s a must-see for everyone in the HumbleDollar community!

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