Food For Thought?

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AUTHOR: Michael l Berard on 11/10/2024

There is a fund run by Cathie Wood, the ticker is, ARKK ,Ark innovation fund, it gets a negative rating from Morningstar, alas, perhaps with the climate change, it could be suitable if we ever get another flood of biblical proportions?

There is an old movie, ” Arachnophobia”, about some troublesome spiders. I suggest to buy the S and P the Standard and Poors  Depository receipts,  Spiders fund, perhaps.

For the hep and cool cats, I suggest trading both AT and T, and Citigroup, symbols T and C.

In an attempt to help those wonderful beings with wings, I suggest the ” Fallen Angels,” high yield bond.

For our wonderful military personnel, the Vanguard Short treasury, symbol, VGSH, so, ” Very good, sir, hut”!

Is a “short sale”, the reason I keep losing the regattas? And is a “covered call”, when your broker covers the mouthpiece on the phone, to whisper to a co-worker?

I think a “put” happens after a drive , when the ball is on the green? And,  I made a margin call the other night at dinner. The butter ran out, so I shouted to the wife, ” Honey, can you bring some margin for the bread”?

” Yield to worst”, is when you are driving, and there is a horrible driver, so, even though you have the green light, you ” yield to worst”, driver, to avoid an accident.

” Maturity” is when the 30 year old scotch is ready and a “long term corporate bond”, is a life long friendship with a co-worker. ” Timing the market”, that’s getting to the grocery as soon as the fresh fruit is put out.

If you do well in the stock market, you can get more “options” on your car, and “junk bonds”, make you reluctant to sell the family scrap yard. CDS are great for your (johnny) Cash music, too.

And, luckily for the free world, I am finished. I feel a bit dizzy, now, henceforth I need to “rebalance”.   I also need to bathe the grandson, and I shall never, “throw the baby out with the bathwater.”

I went to Wall Street, Wal-Mart has a store there, and Pink Floyd’s, The Wall was playing. I ran into Wally Cox and Wally, Beaver’s older brother. I was hoping to see The Great Wallenda, tightrope guy, no soap.

Finally, is a ticker symbol a generic term for an EKG?  I know you feel my humor is quite without humor so,  Would you believe, I went to a Staples store recently, and they had no staples!




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