Jonathan founded HumbleDollar at year-end 2016. Earlier in his career, he spent almost 20 years at The Wall Street Journal, where he was the newspaper's personal finance columnist, and six years at Citigroup, where he was director of financial education for the bank's U.S. wealth management arm. Born in England and educated at Cambridge University, Jonathan now lives with his wife Elaine in Philadelphia, just a few blocks from his daughter, son-in-law and two grandsons. In addition to his Forum posts and comments, shown below, be sure to check out Jonathan's writer's page, where his articles are listed.
Booking It by Jonathan Clements
8 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 9/13/2024
FIRST: David Lancaster on 9/13 | RECENT: baldscreen on 9/13/2024 at 4:38 PM
Consuelo Mack WealthTrack
17 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 9/6/2024
FIRST: Nuke Ken on 9/6 | RECENT: jimbow13 on 9/13/2024 at 12:31 PM
First Place by Jonathan Clements
60 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 9/6/2024
FIRST: eludom on 9/6 | RECENT: Rick Connor on 9/10
Rules of the Road by Jonathan Clements
25 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/30/2024
FIRST: David Lancaster on 8/30 | RECENT: Michael1 on 8/31
Committing Ourselves by Jonathan Clements
13 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/23/2024
FIRST: Michael1 on 8/23 | RECENT: GNeil Nussen623 on 8/25
Nothing to Trust by Jonathan Clements
29 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/16/2024
FIRST: Edmund Marsh on 8/16 | RECENT: Michael1 on 8/17
Lines in the Sand by Jonathan Clements
47 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/9/2024
FIRST: bbbobbins on 8/9 | RECENT: kt2062 on 8/11
Staying the Course by Jonathan Clements
51 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/5/2024
FIRST: Rick Connor on 8/5 | RECENT: luvtoride44afe9eb1e on 8/11
All About Me
17 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/22/2024
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 7/22 | RECENT: cesplint on 8/3
Feeling Lucky by Jonathan Clements
35 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/26/2024
FIRST: Neil Imus on 7/26 | RECENT: cesplint on 8/3
When should you claim Social Security retirement benefits?
34 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: David Powell on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: cesplint on 8/3
If money were no object, what life changes would you make?
31 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: kristinehayes2014 on 4/6/2021 | RECENT: Edmund Marsh on 7/29
Should you prepay a mortgage?
31 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/28/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/28/2021 | RECENT: JGarrett on 7/28
What financial lessons did you learn from your parents?
30 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 4/4/2021 | RECENT: H S on 7/24
What are the smartest financial moves you’ve ever made?
40 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Marc Bisbal Arias on 4/8/2021 | RECENT: Rick Connor on 7/23
What’s your biggest financial regret?
16 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Anika Hedstrom on 4/19/2021 | RECENT: H S on 7/23
What steps have you taken to simplify your finances?
29 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/5/2024
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 6/5 | RECENT: R Quinn on 7/22
What’s your favorite financial quote?
91 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Ben Rodriguez on 4/15/2021 | RECENT: dorisn18 on 7/20
Humble Bragging
36 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/12/2024
FIRST: Rick Connor on 7/12 | RECENT: Sharon Edwards on 7/18
Scroll Down
11 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/12/2024
FIRST: Winston Smith on 7/12 | RECENT: Jonathan Clements on 7/14
They're Sunk by Jonathan Clements
26 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/8/2024
FIRST: Edmund Marsh on 7/8 | RECENT: R Quinn on 7/11
Four Mantras
10 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/1/2024
FIRST: 1PF on 7/1 | RECENT: steve abramowitz on 7/10
My Shame
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/3/2024
FIRST: R Quinn on 7/3 | RECENT: Matt Sherman on 7/10
Selling the Sizzle by Jonathan Clements
9 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/4/2024
FIRST: William Perry on 7/4 | RECENT: Nuke Ken on 7/8
What percentage of your salary do you need for a comfortable retirement?
51 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/5/2024
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 6/5 | RECENT: Matt Morse on 7/7
Is buying long-term-care insurance a good idea?
20 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: James McGlynn CFA RICP® on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: Richard Hayman on 7/6
What do you need to feel financially secure?
21 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 6/13/2021 | RECENT: H S on 7/3
When is it okay to go into debt?
8 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/9/2021 | RECENT: R Quinn on 6/29
What’s the best financial book you’ve ever read?
72 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/24/2021
FIRST: Roboticus Aquarius on 3/24/2021 | RECENT: Jack Hannam on 6/29
Which financial tasks do you find most irksome?
22 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: David Powell on 6/29
What do you wish your younger self knew?
23 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: Sonja Haggert on 8/17/2021 | RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/28
What popular financial advice do you ignore?
40 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 5/14/2021 | RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/27
What should be the top priorities for those in their 20s?
16 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 8/17/2021 | RECENT: jay5914 on 6/27
What are your favorite charities?
36 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/27
If you could buy just three funds or less, what would they be?
21 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 3/20/2021 | RECENT: jay5914 on 6/27
What do you consider your greatest financial achievement?
48 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/29/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/29/2021 | RECENT: baldscreen on 6/25
Is a good financial advisor worth 1% of assets per year?
31 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: johntlim on 6/6/2021 | RECENT: DAN SMITH on 6/25
Traditional Medicare or Medicare Advantage?
32 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 11/3/2021
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 11/3/2021 | RECENT: Bobby Joseph on 6/25
What dangerous financial myths do you regularly hear?
17 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 10/13/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 10/13/2022 | RECENT: H S on 6/24
What’s the best strategy for generating retirement income?
25 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 6/12/2021 | RECENT: Kevin Lynch on 6/24
What’s your favorite actively managed fund—if any?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 9/10/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 9/10/2021 | RECENT: Jonathan Clements on 6/24
What everyday purchase do you consider a bargain?
41 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/26/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/26/2021 | RECENT: Purple Rain on 6/24
Is it better to give away money now or upon death?
22 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2023
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/30/2023 | RECENT: JSRMD on 6/24
How would you summarize your financial philosophy?
32 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2023
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/30/2023 | RECENT: Jonathan Clements on 6/23
Which financial companies would you recommend?
33 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: James McGlynn CFA RICP® on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: achnk53 on 6/23
Why do many folks fail to save enough for retirement?
23 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/5/2024
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 6/5 | RECENT: Lizbeth on 6/22
What’s your most prized possession?
25 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 6/6/2021 | RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/22
Who most influenced your financial thinking?
20 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 10/13/2022
FIRST: David Sayler on 10/13/2022 | RECENT: Bobby Joseph on 6/22
Is it okay not to leave a tip at a full-service restaurant?
26 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 3/20/2021 | RECENT: JAY SCATTERGOOD on 6/22
Do you favor Roth or traditional retirement accounts?
24 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 11/3/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 11/3/2021 | RECENT: Matt McGuinness on 6/22
What everyday purchase do you consider most overpriced?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 5/1/2021 | RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/22
What should investors do about possible higher interest rates?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/6/2021 | RECENT: James McGlynn CFA RICP® on 6/22
When have you regretted paying the lowest cost possible?
12 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: David Powell on 4/4/2021 | RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/22
If you couldn’t buy index funds, how would you invest?
20 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 5/14/2021 | RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/22
What’s the best way to gauge an investor’s risk tolerance?
7 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 8/17/2021 | RECENT: Gary Cahn on 6/22
What do you do that’s financially foolish?
21 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 4/19/2021 | RECENT: Ben Rodriguez on 6/22
Are annuities ever worth buying—and, if so, which type?
21 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: James McGlynn CFA RICP® on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: JAY SCATTERGOOD on 6/22
What do you consider your greatest financial mistakes?
22 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: JAY SCATTERGOOD on 6/22
Is there a downside to the current popularity of indexing?
23 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: Gary Cahn on 6/22
When have you taken frugality too far?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/5/2024
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 6/5 | RECENT: Michael Werner on 6/22
What’s the most important financial concept?
36 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 5/14/2021 | RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/22
Getting to the Point
7 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/20/2024
FIRST: DAN SMITH on 6/20 | RECENT: Aaron Hayes on 6/22
When were you happiest—and what role did money play?
30 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 4/4/2021 | RECENT: R Quinn on 6/22
Is bitcoin an investment or a speculation?
24 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Ben Rodriguez on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: John Yeigh on 6/19
Which financial figure would you most like to spend an hour with?
14 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Ben Rodriguez on 4/15/2021 | RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6
What financial topic do you find most confusing?
21 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Ben Rodriguez on 4/15/2021 | RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6
What are your top financial worries?
21 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: William Ehart on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6
Should our values guide our investment choices?
10 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 10/13/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 10/13/2022 | RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6
Is it possible to have too much money?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 6/6/2021 | RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6
If you inherited $5 million, how would you use the money?
28 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/26/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/26/2021 | RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6
If you lived your financial life again, what would you change?
20 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: Sonja Haggert on 8/17/2021 | RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6
How would you define "enough"?
27 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 6/12/2021 | RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6
How has your financial thinking changed over the past year?
27 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: David Powell on 3/20/2021 | RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6
Does money buy happiness?
25 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 4/4/2021 | RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6
Will tax rates increase—and, if so, how should we prepare?
10 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: johntlim on 6/6/2021 | RECENT: Ross Young on 6/1
What’s the best strategy for rebalancing a portfolio?
10 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 11/3/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 11/3/2021 | RECENT: L H on 5/25
How much of a stock portfolio should be invested abroad?
43 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021 | RECENT: William Dorner on 5/18
Which investments will perform worst over the next 10 years?
6 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: johntlim on 6/6/2021 | RECENT: William Dorner on 5/18
Should U.S. investors own foreign bonds?
12 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: Kyle Mcintosh on 5/6
How did you get started as an investor?
28 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Andrew F. on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: William Dorner on 5/5
Which life decisions shouldn’t involve financial considerations?
11 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: Doug Kaufman on 4/27
What do other people spend too much money on?
17 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 6/6/2021 | RECENT: Ginger Williams on 4/21
Are top private colleges worth the cost?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: Chuck BV on 4/20
What do you need for a fulfilling retirement?
13 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 6/6/2021 | RECENT: jerry pinkard on 4/20
What’s the best place to earn a safe yield?
15 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/11/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 6/12/2021 | RECENT: Jeff on 4/19
What’s the worst financial advice you’ve ever acted on?
17 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: Joe Kesler on 3/20/2021 | RECENT: tshort on 4/13
Are children a good investment?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Ben Rodriguez on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: Patrick Brennan on 3/30
When does it make sense to buy a home?
8 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 5/16/2021 | RECENT: Jeff Amick on 3/23
Should investors own alternative investments?
10 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: David Powell on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: billehart on 3/23
What's the best place to stash money you'll spend soon?
17 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/23/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/23/2021 | RECENT: Mike Zaccardi on 3/3
What's the best strategy for charitable giving?
14 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2023
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/30/2023 | RECENT: Bill Woolf on 3/2
Should children be paid for doing chores?
8 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/25/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/25/2021 | RECENT: Rob Thompson on 3/2
How long before retirement should you dial down risk?
14 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 2/7/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 2/8/2022 | RECENT: Adam Starry on 2/25
What money advice do you recall hearing from your parents?
18 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2023
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/30/2023 | RECENT: Tim Mueller on 2/24
Should investors tilt toward growth or value?
13 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2023
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/30/2023 | RECENT: Tim Mueller on 2/24
Does it ever make sense to buy actively managed funds?
20 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Adam Grossman on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: Michael Hennessy on 2/20
Should retirees use a 4% portfolio withdrawal rate?
18 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: David Powell on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: Dennis Hurley on 2/17
What's your favorite tax-savings strategy?
17 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2023
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/30/2023 | RECENT: Boomerst3 on 2/17
What are your favorite financial apps and websites?
23 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: kristinehayes2014 on 4/4/2021 | RECENT: Dennis Hurley on 2/17
What’s the wisest financial advice you’ve ever been given?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Andrew F. on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: Laurie Phillips on 2/4
Should you buy bond funds or individual bonds?
14 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/6/2021 | RECENT: tshort on 2/3
When is it worth remodeling a home?
11 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 5/14/2021 | RECENT: FarOutWest on 1/27
What should you look for when buying a home?
18 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 6/12/2021 | RECENT: corrupt on 1/18
What spending brings you greatest happiness?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2021 | RECENT: Klaatu on 1/13
What’s the best way to teach children about money?
9 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 9/10/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 9/11/2021 | RECENT: tobinw on 1/6
Which financial tasks do you keep putting off?
21 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 4/4/2021 | RECENT: L H on 1/6
How do you save money on travel costs?
15 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 9/10/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 9/10/2021 | RECENT: rightgal on 12/30/2023
When does it make sense to buy the extended warranty, if ever?
33 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: Joe Kesler on 3/20/2021 | RECENT: Michael Hennessy on 12/30/2023
How much emergency money should you hold?
26 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/1/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 4/1/2021 | RECENT: candygirl7 on 12/27/2023
What investment will perform best over the next 10 years?
20 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 5/3/2021 | RECENT: Martin McCue on 12/23/2023
What costs are you most loath to pay?
35 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: booch221 on 12/16/2023
Does it ever make sense to carry a credit card balance?
11 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: kristinehayes2014 on 4/4/2021 | RECENT: booch221 on 12/16/2023
What’s the best way to collect and use credit card rewards?
15 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: kristinehayes2014 on 8/17/2021 | RECENT: Jeff on 12/13/2023
Is a home a good investment?
16 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/20/2021 | RECENT: Michael Stewart on 12/10/2023
Should you take pension payments or a lump sum?
18 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/25/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 4/29/2021 | RECENT: Klaatu on 12/2/2023
Is “die broke” a smart retirement strategy?
13 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Sonja Haggert on 4/15/2021 | RECENT: bhagwan g on 12/2/2023
What criteria should you use to pick a retirement location?
17 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 2/7/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 2/8/2022 | RECENT: Christopher James on 11/26/2023
What do you need to be financially independent?
9 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 2/7/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 2/8/2022 | RECENT: Cammer Michael on 11/25/2023
What’s the best strategy for getting a good deal on a car?
13 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 5/14/2021 | RECENT: Edmund Marsh on 11/23/2023
When is it okay to drop life insurance coverage?
11 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 2/7/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 2/8/2022 | RECENT: GaryW on 11/18/2023
Where do you see signs of inflation?
14 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/18/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 5/7/2021 | RECENT: Mark Hirsch on 11/18/2023
What aspect of Wall Street do you find most distasteful?
8 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/28/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/28/2021 | RECENT: Jennifer P on 11/12/2023
Do parents have an obligation to pay college costs?
14 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/23/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 6/23/2021 | RECENT: Crystal Flores on 11/11/2023
Is buying a used car always the smarter financial choice?
18 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 2/7/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 2/8/2022 | RECENT: Susanne Krivit on 11/11/2023
Should affluent parents insist their children pay college costs?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: Rob Thompson on 10/21/2023
Should folks create and follow a written budget?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/31/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/31/2021 | RECENT: Kathy C on 10/7/2023
When is renting a home a good idea?
7 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 10/13/2022
FIRST: Kristine Hayes on 10/13/2022 | RECENT: Kathy C on 9/30/2023
What’s the best strategy for selling a house?
9 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 6/13/2021 | RECENT: Crystal Flores on 9/17/2023
Which aspect of the tax code do you hate the most?
29 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Andrew F. on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: Michael Hennessy on 9/16/2023
Do we talk too little about our personal finances—or too much?
15 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: Sonja Haggert on 8/17/2021 | RECENT: jerry pinkard on 9/16/2023
What are the hallmarks of a good financial advisor?
8 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: William Ehart on 6/8/2021 | RECENT: Kathy C on 9/2/2023
Would you risk your finances to help your retired parents?
8 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 4/4/2021 | RECENT: Edmund Marsh on 8/27/2023
How often do you check your portfolio and the markets?
18 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 8/17/2021 | RECENT: Chuck BV on 8/26/2023
What stock would you happily hold for the next 10 years?
30 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: Sonja Haggert on 8/17/2021 | RECENT: Lehman Brown on 8/26/2023
Is it okay to retire with debt?
21 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: tshort on 8/19/2023
What do you spend too much money on?
12 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 6/6/2021 | RECENT: Susanne Krivit on 8/12/2023
Can the market be beaten?
21 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Joe Kesler on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: alex scott on 8/5/2023
When does it make sense to hire a financial advisor?
13 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: James McGlynn CFA RICP® on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: Marisol Aldahondo on 8/2/2023
How much financial help should parents give their children?
24 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: Kristine Hayes on 3/20/2021 | RECENT: Tom Dee on 7/29/2023
What’s your No. 1 goal for retirement?
26 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: William Ehart on 3/20/2021 | RECENT: Patrick Brennan on 7/29/2023
When should parents stop supporting their adult children?
11 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Joe Kesler on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: Patrick Brennan on 7/1/2023
What would you happily buy even if it were twice the price?
13 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: kristinehayes2014 on 5/14/2021 | RECENT: Captain FI on 6/20/2023
Is it wise for everyday investors to buy individual stocks?
17 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: William Ehart on 3/20/2021 | RECENT: Captain FI on 6/20/2023
Is rental real estate a good investment?
13 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 5/14/2021 | RECENT: Captain FI on 6/20/2023
How much allowance should children receive?
7 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Catherine on 5/20/2021 | RECENT: Bruce Keller on 4/30/2023
Should political views influence how we invest?
5 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 8/17/2021 | RECENT: Bruce Keller on 4/30/2023
When does leasing a car make financial sense?
12 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 4/22/2021 | RECENT: Bruce Keller on 4/30/2023
What purchase do you most regret?
20 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 3/20/2021 | RECENT: mjflack on 4/23/2023
Is term life insurance always better than cash value?
7 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Joe Kesler on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: Mark Eckman on 4/1/2023
What obligations do we have to our heirs?
10 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 8/17/2021 | RECENT: alex scott on 11/6/2022
What financial advice would you give to those in their early 20s?
16 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/2/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 4/2/2021 | RECENT: Philip Stein on 7/9/2022
Which financial markets are in a bubble, if any?
6 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: David Powell on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: Kurt S on 7/17/2021
If you want long-run growth, is there an alternative to stocks?
5 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 4/4/2021 | RECENT: Mike Zaccardi on 4/20/2021
MONEY MAY NOT BUY happiness directly, but it can certainly be a powerful tool for creating a more fulfilling life. The key lies in spending strategically, focusing on experiences and investments that nurture well-being rather than fleeting pleasures. Here are five smart ways to leverage your finances for a happier you:
1. Invest in Experiences, Not Things. Research shows that experiences bring us more long-term joy than material possessions. Think about it: The thrill of a weekend getaway with friends or the excitement of learning a new skill likely linger in your memory far longer than the satisfaction of a new gadget.
THE GOLDEN YEARS of life are often heralded as a time of relaxation and freedom, but for many, this period brings with it the daunting complexities of health care management. My journey through the labyrinth of Medicare Advantage and the elusive Medigap plan is a testament to the challenges faced by countless seniors across the nation.
The Allure of Medicare Advantage. Initially, the promise of Medicare Advantage seemed like a beacon of hope.
LIFE HAS A CURIOUS way of presenting us with unexpected opportunities for growth and learning. For me, one such moment occurred during an ordinary workday when I found myself trapped in an elevator with none other than Jack Bogle, the iconic figure in the world of finance and founder of Vanguard Group. Little did I know that this unforeseen predicament would lead to a profound exchange of ideas and invaluable investment lessons.
The day had started like any other,
THOSE WHO REGULARLY read posts on—and I’m guessing a good chunk of HumbleDollar readers do—know that the Bogleheads’ philosophy is to:
Never time the markets.
Buy only broad-market index funds via either mutual funds or exchange-traded funds.
Invest 25% to 75% of a portfolio in stocks using such funds, with the rest in bonds, and thereafter rebalance as needed. How big a percentage should you put in stocks? That’s based on risk tolerance.
THERE SEEM TO BE four subjects that folks are reluctant to discuss with acquaintances, friends, intimates and often themselves: money, sex, religion and death. A few months ago, I broached the subject of money, to wit, my investment history—territory well-trod by this readership.
I will now turn to the literal and figurative last item in the above lineup of forbidden subjects: death. As a physician, I have some knowledge about the death of others.
“SOME PEOPLE automatically sell the ‘winners’—stocks that go up—and hold on to their ‘losers’—stocks that go down—which is about as sensible as pulling out the flowers and watering the weeds,” argued Peter Lynch in his 1989 book One Up on Wall Street.
My father worked for Sears for 30 years, delivering washers, freezers and other appliances. Sears rewarded employees with stock, even delivery men like my dad. Over time, through splits and spin-offs,
FOR THE PAST FEW years, I’ve been on a Radiohead kick. For the uninitiated, Radiohead is an English rock band whose lead singer is Thom Yorke, known for his distinctive whining vocals—I mean that in a good way—and innovative songwriting.
As I read about Yorke, a quote from him leaped off the page: “When I was a kid, I always assumed that [fame] was going to answer something—fill a gap. And it does the absolute opposite.”
I immediately thought of the financial corollary.
I’VE ALWAYS BEEN a saver, and perhaps even pathologically frugal. Growing up, it pained me to spend money, even on food when I was hungry. Today, I have more than enough money, but I still resist paying full price for food.
Perhaps I’m just genetically frugal, or perhaps my feelings about money reflect my parents and my upbringing. My mom once shared that her aunt predicted that she’d make lots of money, but it would be like grains of rice and slip through her fingers. Meanwhile,
WHAT THE HELL WAS I doing all those years?
That’s the riddle that confounded me when I retired eight months ago. Much to my surprise, I didn’t find myself wandering in the desert of despair, missing my crowded email in-box. I was not bereft without staff meetings, diversity training, team-building exercises, cupcake Fridays. I felt not the slightest urge to lean in, stand up or spend any more time with management consultants.
I had a wonderful career as a financial journalist and public relations professional,
HOW CAN WE GET greater satisfaction from our life—and what role does money play? Below is an edited excerpt from A Wealth of Well-Being, published this month by Wiley.
I often note that the biggest risks in life aren’t found in the stock market. If you want real risk, I say, get married. And if you want more risk, have children.
People laugh. The point is obvious.
MANY HUMBLEDOLLAR readers are the financial experts that friends and family members rely on. But how can you best help those around you? Below is an edited excerpt from the 10th anniversary edition of “A More Beautiful Question.”
We all like to give advice—it feels good. “When you’re giving advice, you’re in control of the conversation,” notes the author and executive coach Michael Bungay Stanier. “You’re the one with the answers.”
But people who are experts at using questions to build rapport will tell you: resist the urge to dole out advice.
IN APRIL 1985, SENIORS in my high-school French program returned from a week in Paris and two in a La Rochelle lycée. They shared photos of the class in front of the Eiffel Tower. They detailed differences between French and American high schools. And they rhapsodized about the mighty U.S. dollar.
“France is dirt cheap.” The speaker extracted a Sony Walkman from her backpack. “This cost $30 less than it does here.”
I sat up.
AS I WATCH MY daughter gleefully play with her toes and stare in wonder as she turns the pages of a new book, I’ve never felt more fulfilled. The day she entered the world, I knew I’d finally found my true purpose.
I’ve always believed that money buys us choices, and I wanted a lot of choices and flexibility once I became a mom. My daughter, who is my firstborn, arrived eight months ago,
WHEN I WAS IN MY 20s, I didn’t think much about money. My spending wasn’t lavish. I didn’t go to high-end restaurants or wear expensive clothes.
Still, if I wanted a book or a compact disc, I bought it. I wasted money on fast food instead of cooking at home. I blew money on electronics like a fancy CD player and bought a bigger, more expensive television than I needed. For somebody who considered himself reasonably bright,
SOME 90% OF TAXPAYERS claim the standard deduction on their tax return. Thanks to 2017’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, today’s standard deduction is larger than the itemized deductions of most taxpayers, including those who previously itemized.
But my wife and I are among the 10% of taxpayers who have continued to itemize, including each of the five years since I retired in 2018. Despite the much higher standard deduction for married couples over age 65,
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Thanks, Marjorie. For now, I mostly do feel pretty good -- but a lot of the credit also goes to the fine editing done by the WealthTrack producers.
Post: Consuelo Mack WealthTrack
Link to comment from September 7, 2024
The down votes are indeed a little surprising. Obviously, I like it when writers reply to readers' comments. The more active the site, the better. But I also appreciate the effort involved in writing articles. If contributors feel that responding to readers' comments isn't something they want to do, I'm not going to quibble and thereby deter them from continuing to contribute new pieces.
Post: My Path to Peace
Link to comment from September 7, 2024
Yes, I too find myself playing the comforter role.
Post: No Regrets
Link to comment from September 7, 2024
My diagnosis has indeed been very rough on my mother. She keeps talking of a miracle based on the stories she's heard, and I keep emphasizing that I have stage 4 cancer, which is something that might be contained for a period, but can't be cured. Problem is, there are so many different types of cancer and folks are diagnosed at so many different stages, there are indeed countless stories of recovery that are floating around -- but that isn't going to be my story.
Post: No Regrets
Link to comment from September 7, 2024
Here's the article that Bill is referring to:
Post: David Enna’s tribute to Bob Brinker
Link to comment from September 4, 2024
I love your five categories. It's a great way to think about the motivation of buyers of luxury goods -- and it highlights an important point: Only the enthusiasts are purchasing the item because they truly appreciate the quality.
Post: Quinn is considering buying a Bentley 🤑
Link to comment from September 4, 2024
Got it!
Post: Year end action items?
Link to comment from September 2, 2024
Thank you!
Post: A Time to Give
Link to comment from September 1, 2024
I assume you mean harvesting capital losses....
Post: Year end action items?
Link to comment from September 1, 2024
The piece doesn't say retirees should travel, though obviously many do. But I've never met retirees who "do nothing." They may not travel, but often they're very active at home or in their community. We shouldn't view that as doing nothing.
Post: What We Believed
Link to comment from September 1, 2024