Fooled You
Jonathan Clements | Jul 15, 2017
WANT TO EARN THE derision of the so-called smart money? Here are 12 ways to get yourself labeled a financial rube:
- Express optimism about the stock market.
- Stick with capitalization-weighted total market index funds.
- Pay off your mortgage early.
- “Arnott vs. Asness? Missed that one. Was it on pay per view?”
- Shun alternative investments.
- Buy and hold.
- Have no opinion on the economy and market valuations.
- Dollar-cost average.
- Own a target-date retirement fund.
- Never cite Ben Graham, John Maynard Keynes or Warren Buffett.
- Favor stocks that pay dividends.
- Buy on dips.
What if you persist with such foolishness? Contrary to what the smart money would have you believe, there’s every chance you’ll end up wealthy. And, no, it wouldn’t be dumb luck.
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