Jonathan founded HumbleDollar at year-end 2016. Earlier in his career, he spent almost 20 years at The Wall Street Journal, where he was the newspaper's personal finance columnist, and six years at Citigroup, where he was director of financial education for the bank's U.S. wealth management arm. Born in England and educated at Cambridge University, Jonathan now lives with his wife Elaine in Philadelphia, just a few blocks from his daughter, son-in-law and two grandsons. In addition to his Forum posts and comments, shown below, be sure to check out Jonathan's writer's page, where his articles are listed.
Booking It by Jonathan Clements
8 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 9/13/2024
FIRST: David Lancaster on 9/13 | RECENT: baldscreen on 9/13/2024 at 4:38 PM
Consuelo Mack WealthTrack
17 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 9/6/2024
FIRST: Nuke Ken on 9/6 | RECENT: jimbow13 on 9/13/2024 at 12:31 PM
First Place by Jonathan Clements
60 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 9/6/2024
FIRST: eludom on 9/6 | RECENT: Rick Connor on 9/10
Rules of the Road by Jonathan Clements
25 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/30/2024
FIRST: David Lancaster on 8/30 | RECENT: Michael1 on 8/31
Committing Ourselves by Jonathan Clements
13 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/23/2024
FIRST: Michael1 on 8/23 | RECENT: GNeil Nussen623 on 8/25
Nothing to Trust by Jonathan Clements
29 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/16/2024
FIRST: Edmund Marsh on 8/16 | RECENT: Michael1 on 8/17
Lines in the Sand by Jonathan Clements
47 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/9/2024
FIRST: bbbobbins on 8/9 | RECENT: kt2062 on 8/11
Staying the Course by Jonathan Clements
51 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/5/2024
FIRST: Rick Connor on 8/5 | RECENT: luvtoride44afe9eb1e on 8/11
All About Me
17 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/22/2024
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 7/22 | RECENT: cesplint on 8/3
Feeling Lucky by Jonathan Clements
35 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/26/2024
FIRST: Neil Imus on 7/26 | RECENT: cesplint on 8/3
When should you claim Social Security retirement benefits?
34 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: David Powell on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: cesplint on 8/3
If money were no object, what life changes would you make?
31 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: kristinehayes2014 on 4/6/2021 | RECENT: Edmund Marsh on 7/29
Should you prepay a mortgage?
31 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/28/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/28/2021 | RECENT: JGarrett on 7/28
What financial lessons did you learn from your parents?
30 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 4/4/2021 | RECENT: H S on 7/24
What are the smartest financial moves you’ve ever made?
40 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Marc Bisbal Arias on 4/8/2021 | RECENT: Rick Connor on 7/23
What’s your biggest financial regret?
16 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Anika Hedstrom on 4/19/2021 | RECENT: H S on 7/23
What steps have you taken to simplify your finances?
29 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/5/2024
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 6/5 | RECENT: R Quinn on 7/22
What’s your favorite financial quote?
91 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Ben Rodriguez on 4/15/2021 | RECENT: dorisn18 on 7/20
Humble Bragging
36 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/12/2024
FIRST: Rick Connor on 7/12 | RECENT: Sharon Edwards on 7/18
Scroll Down
11 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/12/2024
FIRST: Winston Smith on 7/12 | RECENT: Jonathan Clements on 7/14
They're Sunk by Jonathan Clements
26 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/8/2024
FIRST: Edmund Marsh on 7/8 | RECENT: R Quinn on 7/11
Four Mantras
10 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/1/2024
FIRST: 1PF on 7/1 | RECENT: steve abramowitz on 7/10
My Shame
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/3/2024
FIRST: R Quinn on 7/3 | RECENT: Matt Sherman on 7/10
Selling the Sizzle by Jonathan Clements
9 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 7/4/2024
FIRST: William Perry on 7/4 | RECENT: Nuke Ken on 7/8
What percentage of your salary do you need for a comfortable retirement?
51 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/5/2024
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 6/5 | RECENT: Matt Morse on 7/7
Is buying long-term-care insurance a good idea?
20 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: James McGlynn CFA RICP® on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: Richard Hayman on 7/6
What do you need to feel financially secure?
21 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 6/13/2021 | RECENT: H S on 7/3
When is it okay to go into debt?
8 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/9/2021 | RECENT: R Quinn on 6/29
What’s the best financial book you’ve ever read?
72 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/24/2021
FIRST: Roboticus Aquarius on 3/24/2021 | RECENT: Jack Hannam on 6/29
Which financial tasks do you find most irksome?
22 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: David Powell on 6/29
What do you wish your younger self knew?
23 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: Sonja Haggert on 8/17/2021 | RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/28
What popular financial advice do you ignore?
40 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 5/14/2021 | RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/27
What should be the top priorities for those in their 20s?
16 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 8/17/2021 | RECENT: jay5914 on 6/27
What are your favorite charities?
36 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/27
If you could buy just three funds or less, what would they be?
21 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 3/20/2021 | RECENT: jay5914 on 6/27
What do you consider your greatest financial achievement?
48 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/29/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/29/2021 | RECENT: baldscreen on 6/25
Is a good financial advisor worth 1% of assets per year?
31 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: johntlim on 6/6/2021 | RECENT: DAN SMITH on 6/25
Traditional Medicare or Medicare Advantage?
32 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 11/3/2021
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 11/3/2021 | RECENT: Bobby Joseph on 6/25
What dangerous financial myths do you regularly hear?
17 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 10/13/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 10/13/2022 | RECENT: H S on 6/24
What’s the best strategy for generating retirement income?
25 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 6/12/2021 | RECENT: Kevin Lynch on 6/24
What’s your favorite actively managed fund—if any?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 9/10/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 9/10/2021 | RECENT: Jonathan Clements on 6/24
What everyday purchase do you consider a bargain?
41 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/26/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/26/2021 | RECENT: Purple Rain on 6/24
Is it better to give away money now or upon death?
22 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2023
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/30/2023 | RECENT: JSRMD on 6/24
How would you summarize your financial philosophy?
32 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2023
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/30/2023 | RECENT: Jonathan Clements on 6/23
Which financial companies would you recommend?
33 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: James McGlynn CFA RICP® on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: achnk53 on 6/23
Why do many folks fail to save enough for retirement?
23 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/5/2024
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 6/5 | RECENT: Lizbeth on 6/22
What’s your most prized possession?
25 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 6/6/2021 | RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/22
Who most influenced your financial thinking?
20 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 10/13/2022
FIRST: David Sayler on 10/13/2022 | RECENT: Bobby Joseph on 6/22
Is it okay not to leave a tip at a full-service restaurant?
26 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 3/20/2021 | RECENT: JAY SCATTERGOOD on 6/22
Do you favor Roth or traditional retirement accounts?
24 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 11/3/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 11/3/2021 | RECENT: Matt McGuinness on 6/22
What everyday purchase do you consider most overpriced?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 5/1/2021 | RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/22
What should investors do about possible higher interest rates?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/6/2021 | RECENT: James McGlynn CFA RICP® on 6/22
When have you regretted paying the lowest cost possible?
12 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: David Powell on 4/4/2021 | RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/22
If you couldn’t buy index funds, how would you invest?
20 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 5/14/2021 | RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/22
What’s the best way to gauge an investor’s risk tolerance?
7 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 8/17/2021 | RECENT: Gary Cahn on 6/22
What do you do that’s financially foolish?
21 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 4/19/2021 | RECENT: Ben Rodriguez on 6/22
Are annuities ever worth buying—and, if so, which type?
21 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: James McGlynn CFA RICP® on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: JAY SCATTERGOOD on 6/22
What do you consider your greatest financial mistakes?
22 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: JAY SCATTERGOOD on 6/22
Is there a downside to the current popularity of indexing?
23 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: Gary Cahn on 6/22
When have you taken frugality too far?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/5/2024
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 6/5 | RECENT: Michael Werner on 6/22
What’s the most important financial concept?
36 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 5/14/2021 | RECENT: Matt Morse on 6/22
Getting to the Point
7 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/20/2024
FIRST: DAN SMITH on 6/20 | RECENT: Aaron Hayes on 6/22
When were you happiest—and what role did money play?
30 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 4/4/2021 | RECENT: R Quinn on 6/22
Is bitcoin an investment or a speculation?
24 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Ben Rodriguez on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: John Yeigh on 6/19
Which financial figure would you most like to spend an hour with?
14 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Ben Rodriguez on 4/15/2021 | RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6
What financial topic do you find most confusing?
21 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Ben Rodriguez on 4/15/2021 | RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6
What are your top financial worries?
21 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: William Ehart on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6
Should our values guide our investment choices?
10 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 10/13/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 10/13/2022 | RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6
Is it possible to have too much money?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 6/6/2021 | RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6
If you inherited $5 million, how would you use the money?
28 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/26/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/26/2021 | RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6
If you lived your financial life again, what would you change?
20 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: Sonja Haggert on 8/17/2021 | RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6
How would you define "enough"?
27 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 6/12/2021 | RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6
How has your financial thinking changed over the past year?
27 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: David Powell on 3/20/2021 | RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6
Does money buy happiness?
25 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 4/4/2021 | RECENT: Ken Begley on 6/6
Will tax rates increase—and, if so, how should we prepare?
10 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: johntlim on 6/6/2021 | RECENT: Ross Young on 6/1
What’s the best strategy for rebalancing a portfolio?
10 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 11/3/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 11/3/2021 | RECENT: L H on 5/25
How much of a stock portfolio should be invested abroad?
43 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021 | RECENT: William Dorner on 5/18
Which investments will perform worst over the next 10 years?
6 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: johntlim on 6/6/2021 | RECENT: William Dorner on 5/18
Should U.S. investors own foreign bonds?
12 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: Kyle Mcintosh on 5/6
How did you get started as an investor?
28 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Andrew F. on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: William Dorner on 5/5
Which life decisions shouldn’t involve financial considerations?
11 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: Doug Kaufman on 4/27
What do other people spend too much money on?
17 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 6/6/2021 | RECENT: Ginger Williams on 4/21
Are top private colleges worth the cost?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: Chuck BV on 4/20
What do you need for a fulfilling retirement?
13 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 6/6/2021 | RECENT: jerry pinkard on 4/20
What’s the best place to earn a safe yield?
15 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/11/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 6/12/2021 | RECENT: Jeff on 4/19
What’s the worst financial advice you’ve ever acted on?
17 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: Joe Kesler on 3/20/2021 | RECENT: tshort on 4/13
Are children a good investment?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Ben Rodriguez on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: Patrick Brennan on 3/30
When does it make sense to buy a home?
8 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 5/16/2021 | RECENT: Jeff Amick on 3/23
Should investors own alternative investments?
10 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: David Powell on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: billehart on 3/23
What's the best place to stash money you'll spend soon?
17 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/23/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/23/2021 | RECENT: Mike Zaccardi on 3/3
What's the best strategy for charitable giving?
14 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2023
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/30/2023 | RECENT: Bill Woolf on 3/2
Should children be paid for doing chores?
8 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/25/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/25/2021 | RECENT: Rob Thompson on 3/2
How long before retirement should you dial down risk?
14 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 2/7/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 2/8/2022 | RECENT: Adam Starry on 2/25
What money advice do you recall hearing from your parents?
18 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2023
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/30/2023 | RECENT: Tim Mueller on 2/24
Should investors tilt toward growth or value?
13 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2023
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/30/2023 | RECENT: Tim Mueller on 2/24
Does it ever make sense to buy actively managed funds?
20 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Adam Grossman on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: Michael Hennessy on 2/20
Should retirees use a 4% portfolio withdrawal rate?
18 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: David Powell on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: Dennis Hurley on 2/17
What's your favorite tax-savings strategy?
17 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2023
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/30/2023 | RECENT: Boomerst3 on 2/17
What are your favorite financial apps and websites?
23 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: kristinehayes2014 on 4/4/2021 | RECENT: Dennis Hurley on 2/17
What’s the wisest financial advice you’ve ever been given?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Andrew F. on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: Laurie Phillips on 2/4
Should you buy bond funds or individual bonds?
14 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/6/2021 | RECENT: tshort on 2/3
When is it worth remodeling a home?
11 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 5/14/2021 | RECENT: FarOutWest on 1/27
What should you look for when buying a home?
18 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 6/12/2021 | RECENT: corrupt on 1/18
What spending brings you greatest happiness?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/30/2021 | RECENT: Klaatu on 1/13
What’s the best way to teach children about money?
9 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 9/10/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 9/11/2021 | RECENT: tobinw on 1/6
Which financial tasks do you keep putting off?
21 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 4/4/2021 | RECENT: L H on 1/6
How do you save money on travel costs?
15 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 9/10/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 9/10/2021 | RECENT: rightgal on 12/30/2023
When does it make sense to buy the extended warranty, if ever?
33 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: Joe Kesler on 3/20/2021 | RECENT: Michael Hennessy on 12/30/2023
How much emergency money should you hold?
26 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/1/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 4/1/2021 | RECENT: candygirl7 on 12/27/2023
What investment will perform best over the next 10 years?
20 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 5/3/2021 | RECENT: Martin McCue on 12/23/2023
What costs are you most loath to pay?
35 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: booch221 on 12/16/2023
Does it ever make sense to carry a credit card balance?
11 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: kristinehayes2014 on 4/4/2021 | RECENT: booch221 on 12/16/2023
What’s the best way to collect and use credit card rewards?
15 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: kristinehayes2014 on 8/17/2021 | RECENT: Jeff on 12/13/2023
Is a home a good investment?
16 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 3/20/2021 | RECENT: Michael Stewart on 12/10/2023
Should you take pension payments or a lump sum?
18 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/25/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 4/29/2021 | RECENT: Klaatu on 12/2/2023
Is “die broke” a smart retirement strategy?
13 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Sonja Haggert on 4/15/2021 | RECENT: bhagwan g on 12/2/2023
What criteria should you use to pick a retirement location?
17 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 2/7/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 2/8/2022 | RECENT: Christopher James on 11/26/2023
What do you need to be financially independent?
9 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 2/7/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 2/8/2022 | RECENT: Cammer Michael on 11/25/2023
What’s the best strategy for getting a good deal on a car?
13 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 5/14/2021 | RECENT: Edmund Marsh on 11/23/2023
When is it okay to drop life insurance coverage?
11 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 2/7/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 2/8/2022 | RECENT: GaryW on 11/18/2023
Where do you see signs of inflation?
14 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/18/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 5/7/2021 | RECENT: Mark Hirsch on 11/18/2023
What aspect of Wall Street do you find most distasteful?
8 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/28/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/28/2021 | RECENT: Jennifer P on 11/12/2023
Do parents have an obligation to pay college costs?
14 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/23/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 6/23/2021 | RECENT: Crystal Flores on 11/11/2023
Is buying a used car always the smarter financial choice?
18 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 2/7/2022
FIRST: Mike Zaccardi on 2/8/2022 | RECENT: Susanne Krivit on 11/11/2023
Should affluent parents insist their children pay college costs?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Jim Wasserman on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: Rob Thompson on 10/21/2023
Should folks create and follow a written budget?
19 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/31/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 3/31/2021 | RECENT: Kathy C on 10/7/2023
When is renting a home a good idea?
7 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 10/13/2022
FIRST: Kristine Hayes on 10/13/2022 | RECENT: Kathy C on 9/30/2023
What’s the best strategy for selling a house?
9 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 6/13/2021 | RECENT: Crystal Flores on 9/17/2023
Which aspect of the tax code do you hate the most?
29 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Andrew F. on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: Michael Hennessy on 9/16/2023
Do we talk too little about our personal finances—or too much?
15 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: Sonja Haggert on 8/17/2021 | RECENT: jerry pinkard on 9/16/2023
What are the hallmarks of a good financial advisor?
8 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: William Ehart on 6/8/2021 | RECENT: Kathy C on 9/2/2023
Would you risk your finances to help your retired parents?
8 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 4/4/2021 | RECENT: Edmund Marsh on 8/27/2023
How often do you check your portfolio and the markets?
18 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 8/17/2021 | RECENT: Chuck BV on 8/26/2023
What stock would you happily hold for the next 10 years?
30 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: Sonja Haggert on 8/17/2021 | RECENT: Lehman Brown on 8/26/2023
Is it okay to retire with debt?
21 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: tshort on 8/19/2023
What do you spend too much money on?
12 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 6/6/2021
FIRST: Sanjib Saha on 6/6/2021 | RECENT: Susanne Krivit on 8/12/2023
Can the market be beaten?
21 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Joe Kesler on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: alex scott on 8/5/2023
When does it make sense to hire a financial advisor?
13 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: James McGlynn CFA RICP® on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: Marisol Aldahondo on 8/2/2023
How much financial help should parents give their children?
24 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: Kristine Hayes on 3/20/2021 | RECENT: Tom Dee on 7/29/2023
What’s your No. 1 goal for retirement?
26 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: William Ehart on 3/20/2021 | RECENT: Patrick Brennan on 7/29/2023
When should parents stop supporting their adult children?
11 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Joe Kesler on 4/14/2021 | RECENT: Patrick Brennan on 7/1/2023
What would you happily buy even if it were twice the price?
13 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: kristinehayes2014 on 5/14/2021 | RECENT: Captain FI on 6/20/2023
Is it wise for everyday investors to buy individual stocks?
17 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: William Ehart on 3/20/2021 | RECENT: Captain FI on 6/20/2023
Is rental real estate a good investment?
13 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 5/14/2021
FIRST: Andrew Forsythe on 5/14/2021 | RECENT: Captain FI on 6/20/2023
How much allowance should children receive?
7 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Catherine on 5/20/2021 | RECENT: Bruce Keller on 4/30/2023
Should political views influence how we invest?
5 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 8/17/2021 | RECENT: Bruce Keller on 4/30/2023
When does leasing a car make financial sense?
12 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/12/2021
FIRST: Rick Connor on 4/22/2021 | RECENT: Bruce Keller on 4/30/2023
What purchase do you most regret?
20 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 3/20/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 3/20/2021 | RECENT: mjflack on 4/23/2023
Is term life insurance always better than cash value?
7 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: Joe Kesler on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: Mark Eckman on 4/1/2023
What obligations do we have to our heirs?
10 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 8/17/2021
FIRST: R Quinn on 8/17/2021 | RECENT: alex scott on 11/6/2022
What financial advice would you give to those in their early 20s?
16 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/2/2021
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 4/2/2021 | RECENT: Philip Stein on 7/9/2022
Which financial markets are in a bubble, if any?
6 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: David Powell on 4/5/2021 | RECENT: Kurt S on 7/17/2021
If you want long-run growth, is there an alternative to stocks?
5 replies
AUTHOR: Jonathan Clements on 4/4/2021
FIRST: John Goodell on 4/4/2021 | RECENT: Mike Zaccardi on 4/20/2021
FINANCIAL FRAUD against Americans age 60 and older costs $3 billion a year, and the average loss per incident is $120,000, according to a 2020 study by the AARP Public Policy Institute. And scams against older Americans are increasing. The FBI reports that losses more than doubled from 2019 to 2021 and internet swindles against elderly victims rose 84% in 2022.
My wife was the target of a fraud and you may have been,
I GREW UP IN A SMALL three-bedroom home, the youngest of 14 children. I was always sharing a bed with one older brother or another. My father drove a garbage truck for the county and my mom washed dishes in the school cafeteria.
Money was hard to come by and, when it was in hand, it needed to be spent wisely. My parents engrained in me the importance of education, although neither had a high school diploma.
IN GRADE SCHOOL, when my mother asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I recall saying “entrepreneur.” I’m sure she would rather I’d said “doctor” or “lawyer.” But the thrill of building something new and providing something of value to others has always appealed to me.
My first entrepreneurial memory was selling Entenmann’s donuts and coffee to captive motorists waiting on long gas lines during the energy crisis of the 1970s.
MORE THAN 92,000 people over age 60 reported losses to fraud totaling $1.7 billion in 2021, according to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center. That represented a 74% increase in losses from the year before.
With the population of older Americans growing, the need to protect this vulnerable population is more critical than ever. Enter the concept of a trusted contact.
The trusted contact has its origin in a Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) rule issued in March 2020.
PUBLISHED IN 1958, Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits by Philip Fisher was the first investment book to make The New York Times bestseller list.
Never heard of Fisher? Berkshire Hathaway Chairman Warren Buffett points to two key influences on his investment thinking: legendary value investor Benjamin Graham—and growth-stock proponent Phil Fisher. Indeed, I’d argue that Fisher’s words of advice on bonds, dividends and war scares are as relevant now as they were in 1958.
I’M A 70-YEAR-OLD retiree with a conservative fund portfolio. I have 65% in short- and intermediate-term bonds, Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) and cash, with the other 35% in stocks.
Last year was a rough one for retirees. Rising interest rates and unexpectedly high inflation resulted in a losing year for stocks and bonds. My bond funds lost some 10%. It was one of the worst annual losses for bonds ever. Bonds have only lost value in five of the past 45 years,
MY AFFINITY FOR spreadsheets began in the late 1960s when I was a paperboy in Virginia Beach. I had a morning route for The Virginian-Pilot and an afternoon route for the now-defunct Ledger-Star. I used my Huffy bicycle with huge baskets front and back.
The business model was straightforward. I paid wholesale for the papers, and customers paid the retail price of 35 cents per week, or 55 cents if they also got the Sunday paper.
DID YOU KNOW THAT more than 500 retired ballplayers aren’t receiving pensions for their time playing Major League Baseball? It’s true.
Today, the average salary per player is $3.7 million a year and even the last man on the bench receives a minimum salary of $700,000—and yet many old-timers are getting shafted by the sport they loved to play.
The story goes back more than four decades. During the 1980 Memorial Day weekend,
I MADE A MAJOR change late in my career, leaving behind my job as a financial manager at a dying computer business. I knew I needed to change. If I didn’t, there was a good chance I’d soon be out of work.
My new job, however, wasn’t what I expected.
I’d been with the computer company since graduating college. I was in my mid-50s and smart enough financially to know I still needed more savings for a successful retirement.
CAR LEASING WILL likely make a comeback in 2023. But is leasing a good idea?
Before the pandemic, leases represented about 30% of new car sales and as much as 70% or 80% for some luxury vehicles. But during the pandemic, with new vehicles in short supply, manufacturers reduced their generous lease subsidies. This, combined with low interest rates, reduced payment differences between financing and leasing, making leasing less attractive.
But that may be about to change.
I’VE SPENT THE PAST 10 years or so without any bonds or bond funds in my portfolio. What am I missing? And why did this happen?
Investing in bonds directly was always confusing to me. There are coupon rates, bond ladders, bond ratings and so much more. In the beginning, I just found it easier to ignore all the confusion. I know that bonds, in aggregate, represent a greater investment pool than stocks, but I just kept putting it off.
TRUTH HAS A FUNNY way of punching you in the gut. I received my punch thanks to the 2022 decline in the stock market, which put a dent in the “funded” status of the 529 college-savings plans for my two sons, ages 16 and 14.
Buy and hold is all well and good if you have an infinite investment time horizon. Strict adherents will argue that mark-to-market gains and losses are just noise. Time will smooth out the ripples.
IN JANUARY 1987, I was an unmarried junior Coast Guard officer just beginning the flight stage of U.S. Navy flying training. I decided to see a financial advisor who’d been recommended by friends.
This wasn’t just any advisor, but rather a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel and fighter pilot. He worked for a firm whose advisors were comprised mostly of retired military officers, and they marketed their services primarily to military officers. If there was anyone I could trust,
MONEY IS OFTEN TIGHT for those in their 20s. Yes, that first “adult” job typically pays more than any previous job. Still, finding money to save and invest can be tough. After handling all the other big expenses of early adulthood—house, wedding, student loans—there just isn’t much money left over.
That’s my dilemma and one facing many others in their 20s. How can we make extra money without getting a second job? My fiancée and I focus on earning money just by living.
I ONLY WOKE UP TO the notion of financial independence at age 50. I’d been asleep at the financial wheel and almost crashed. It had been a 20-year Rip Van Winkle slumber. I realized suddenly that I had an irresponsible, unconscious and unintentional money mindset.
I could offer plenty of excuses, but they don’t make me feel better. Shame, grief and disbelief overcame me initially. At times, regret still haunts me. We had lost so much time without taking care of our future.
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The rules don't apply to all non-spouse beneficiaries. In the article above, I included a hyperlink to this piece, which offers a good explanation of the rules:
Post: A Time to Give
Link to comment from August 24, 2024
I hope the funds work out well for you, but their history is not promising. Buy-write funds were popular in the 1980s, until shareholders realized the fat dividends were coming at the expense of stagnant or shrinking share prices. Unfortunately, a fund's better stocks tend to get called away, leaving the fund owning a portfolio of lackluster companies.
Post: A Foolish Option
Link to comment from August 24, 2024
Thanks for the post, Steve. One of HumbleDollar's strengths is its many disparate voices, each drawing on his or her personal experience. Contrary to what you suggest, I don't expect all contributors to be experts on Medicare, Social Security and other retirement issues -- and, arguably, most aren't. But if folks write candidly about their money adventures -- or adventures that have a money angle -- there will be much that others can learn. On that score, you've been a valued contributor, and I hope you keep posting.
Post: Running Away from Home (Again) by Steve Abramowitz
Link to comment from August 22, 2024
It's important to listen as well as talk. It's clear that the many in the HD community didn't appreciate your comments about the differences between the sexes -- or, for that matter, your repeated insistence that folks need 100% of their salary to retire in comfort or that present value calculations aren't helpful. Maybe it's time to learn from the feedback and turn your attention to other topics.
Post: Women and men are different. Quinn’s in trouble again
Link to comment from August 22, 2024
I think we would both agree that rants don't help. Dick labels his screeds as "rants" and, yes, he should tone it down. In the past, in emails, I've asked him to do just that. But as you said of your response "maybe rants breed rants," and that's not helpful, either.
Post: Women and men are different. Quinn’s in trouble again
Link to comment from August 21, 2024
I'm not saying I agree with Dick. Far from it. In fact, it strikes me as inadvisable for any man to start pontificating about his wife's shopping. There's simply too much room for silly stereotypes. But while I'm happy to delete any post that's overly political or excessively nasty, I don't want to go overboard and nix all debate. That, too, would elicit complaints.
Post: Women and men are different. Quinn’s in trouble again
Link to comment from August 21, 2024
Over the years, I've made a big effort to encourage women to write for HumbleDollar -- as I hope you would attest -- so I find your rant bothersome. Why are there more male writers than female? The easy answer is to blame men. But maybe, at least here at HumbleDollar, we shouldn't mimic the rest of the world and immediately go for the easy answer.
Post: Women and men are different. Quinn’s in trouble again
Link to comment from August 21, 2024
Come on, Dick. We just had an entire thread about the value of present value calculations in assessing Social Security and pensions. In that thread, you acknowledged being in the minority and being befuddled, and yet here you are again dismissing the whole notion, saying you "don’t know one person who ever considers" the present value of Social Security. Hmmm.
Post: RDQ says ignore those big scary numbers
Link to comment from August 21, 2024
As the saying goes, "The reason grandparents and grandchildren get on so well is because they have a common enemy."
Post: Kristine Wonders: Does Not Having Children Change How You Plan For Retirement?
Link to comment from August 20, 2024
Nothing is blowing up. If you include multiple hyperlinks in a piece, it gets sent for review. This helps prevent folks from posting inappropriate links to the site. Please show a little patience.
Post: I cannot figure out the procedures and methods for logging in to this site.
Link to comment from August 19, 2024