Thomas Andrews

    Forum Posts:


    • Steve, I enjoy and have learned much from your posts. I share the concern about the over weight of tech titans in VTI (although it's a core holding). I've been dollar cost averaging into Avantis U.S. Equity (AVUS), but I will check-out Vanguard Dividend Appreciation. Thank you for your contributions to this site!

      Post: A Cautionary Tale: The S&P and the Perilous Sequence of Returns by Steve Abramowitz

      Link to comment from September 21, 2024

    • Crystal, I admire your forethought and planning - well done. Regarding your plan to distribute your real estate holdings prior to your passing; please reconsider if the real estate has any significant appreciation as your sons would not benefit from the step-up in basis. Enjoyed your post.

      Post: No Slowing Down

      Link to comment from July 27, 2024

    • Mike, he did address that under the "How to Rebalance" paragraph (the 3.8% net Investment income tax).

      Post: Balance Issues

      Link to comment from July 3, 2024

    • I feel exactly the same - also the same age and similar stock allocation (25%). I believe a 1/3 allocation to stocks is right for us long-term, so I've been dollar cost averaging into a total market fund this year. With valuations this high it sure is difficult to pull the trigger every few months!

      Post: Lean Against the Wind

      Link to comment from December 23, 2023

    • Marjorie, I have to concur. I usually don't read Mr. Grossman's articles on Humble Dollar because I receive them via email. He is a wonderful resource of financial insight and his columns are incredibly well written - not easy to do. But I think you sell yourself short. I love your articles and look forward to them!

      Post: Riding the Cycle

      Link to comment from October 25, 2023

    • Mark - good examples. That must have taken more than a few minutes. Thanks for adding this to the discussion.

      Post: Getting Squeezed

      Link to comment from August 17, 2023

    • Dick, good points and perspective overall. However, the comment about having received over twice what you and your employer contributed doesn't take into account what those contributions would be worth today had they been invested and the returns compounded.

      Post: Getting Squeezed

      Link to comment from August 16, 2023

    • Marjorie, what a great resource - I've already found a couple other documentaries to watch in addition to "Grey Gardens". Thank you!!

      Post: Other People’s Stuff

      Link to comment from June 24, 2023

    • Ken, thank you for this (and yes, I can relate a bit). While you may have been miserly with your money, you've been tremendously generous in serving and supporting our country (where many of us are way too miserly). My sincere thanks and admiration.

      Post: Loosening My Grip

      Link to comment from June 14, 2023

    • Thank you for serving our country. Despite the "rookie mistakes", you've done an outstanding job of preparing for a secure retirement - especially with five kids! Thanks for sharing your story.

      Post: A Moving Predicament

      Link to comment from May 10, 2023