
    Forum Posts:


    • Thank you, Jonathan, for sharing this journey so candidly with us. You are an inspiration to my wife and me and I’m sure many others. We keep you in our thoughts and we continue to root for you beating the doc’s predictions. It certainly does happen, and your attitude and all the support coming from so many different places seems like a good recipe to help you do just that. Go well.

      Post: Turned Upside Down

      Link to comment from October 5, 2024

    • These are all great, Jonathan. The ones that resonated with me as I recall my very early days of investing under my father’s guidance are 1,2,and 8. He had me subscribing to Barron’s so I could become proficient at picking winners; and Fidelity’s Peter Lynch (of Magellan mutual fund fame) was everyone’s guru. Ha! Another one that he used to drill into my sibs and me was that nobody ever gets rich being a corporate executive, which is what he was for his career. The way to make real money was to be an entrepreneur. While he wasn’t wrong about that, those who are fortunate enough to make it even some way up the corporate ladder and hang on long enough to retire come out financially very well, so that’s also changed a lot.

      Post: What We Believed

      Link to comment from August 31, 2024

    • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      Post: He Asked, I Answered

      Link to comment from March 9, 2024

    • Actually, pensions were pretty common according to CNN Money, which asked and answered the question, Just how common are defined benefit pensions? Answer:

      Not very. The percentage of workers in the private sector whose only retirement account is a defined benefit pension plan is now 4%, down from 60% in the early 1980s. Point being, retirees have had to make a significant shift in their thinking over the last decade or two as more and more workers started to realize that their retirements no longer came with any sort of guaranteed income beyond Social Security.

      Post: He Asked, I Answered

      Link to comment from March 9, 2024