J Roy

    Forum Posts


    • If you fall and people laugh, you are young. If you fall and people ask if you are OK and help you, you are old. No one laughed the last time I fell.

      Post: On Being 80

      Link to comment from July 24, 2024

    • We want to do an Alaskan trip and we are thinking it would be smart to use a tour group. Would you mind sharing the tour company you used? Many thanks.

      Post: Satisfying Splurges by Ken Cutler

      Link to comment from July 15, 2024

    • As I near retirement I think about using an ICE strategy for the reasons you discuss. My issue is that I don't think I can find a situation where I can work at will. For example, if the weather looks nice for an extended stretch and I want to take time to go hiking in NH (you almost have to go during the week now because of crowds), I don't see a lot of employers being happy with a last minute call. I'm sure they exist, I just haven't found them yet.

      Post: Fire Meets Ice

      Link to comment from February 11, 2024

    • I agree with you regarding litter. My wife and I will often see trash on walks and try to figure out the litterers thought process. Do they say: "Gee, I'm done with this bag of chips. What are my options? I guess I'll just throw it out the window". All you can do is pick it up and throw it away but it always leaves me s little angry/sad.

      Post: Things I’ve Picked Up

      Link to comment from January 31, 2024

    • I went through the same thing. Went to my primary then a neurologist, then an ENT, then a dentist, then a an eye doctor, then an acupuncturist and then to a chiropractor (I'm sure there was a witch doctor in there somewhere). Had an MRI, CT scan, a CT scan with contrast, etc., etc. Suffered for close to 3 years. Finally my neurologist asked me if I had tried PT. Went and they did some trigger point therapy on my back (very intensive), added stretches and strengthening exercises and the headaches have disappeared. Wish I had started with the PT. But I have learned my lesson.

      Post: Pain in the Neck

      Link to comment from July 6, 2023

    • Thanks. By heel drops I meant basically the second part of calf raises (only the lowering portion). I've worked with podiatrists and PTs. Every morning I wake up and think this is the day and of course it is not. Thanks for your comments. Just need to learn patience.

      Post: Wishing My Life Away

      Link to comment from April 8, 2023

    • 60 years old and on my 8th month with insertional Achilles tendonitis. I've tried ice, heat, topical ointments, heel drops and several other ideas to no avail. Did anything work for you?

      Post: Wishing My Life Away

      Link to comment from April 8, 2023

    • I tend to think of breakeven a different way, not compared to what I put in but rather by what I would receive. For example, if I can collect $30k at age 62 in 20 years at age 82 I will have received $600k (ignoring COLA). If I wait until age 67 to collect $40k I get to the $600k at the same time. So if I think I will live past 82, it makes sense to wait. Purely a cash received analysis. Of course it's complicated by COLAs, longevity, spouse, retirement income, etc. I plan on using my break-even analysis as just another data point.

      Post: My Time to Claim

      Link to comment from March 14, 2022