Lot of good points here.. i grew up poor, divorced mother raining 3 kids on welfare in a housing project. Whenever my mother worked she couldn't make enough to support us, and there was no health care. Now I’m retired with plenty of money, but I still can’t get myself to overspend. It is ingrained in me. For example, cream or milk at grocery stores is sometimes close to $5. I go to BJ’s and Costco to get it for half that price. Yet I gave my 4 kids down payments for their homes. I will pay for quality but not overpay for basic commodities. Not sure if this is rational or not.
I’m with you in that we have more than enough for the rest of our lives, and we give to our kids now, when they need it the most. We also don’t like the charities in gilded cages, and that includes religion. Most religious organizations and ministers have beautiful buildings, and many are filthy rich. Some have jets and 20,000 sf homes.We’d rather give our money directly to organizations that rank high in Charity Navigator. We favor charities that help children and animals, both of whom rely on others to survive. I use QCD’s to give to my college, which has a program for economically disadvantaged city kids that gets them into college. That’s how I got my college education.
Unfortunately a lot of the republicans running for reelection live in MAGA districts, so they can continue the MAGA mantra of hate, white nationalism, bigotry, homophobia and misogyny and still get re-elected. Also, the judiciary isn’t going to be any help. Look at who Don the Con got into the SC
Because Biden isn’t as dangerous as Trump, and is a hell of a lot more qualified. Notice how Dems did NOT riot and attack others when the election was over. That is why
I retired in 2015, and my wife was a stay at home mom. While working, we traveled for work meetings (spouses were invited to some) and award trips, as well as some personal trips. We did a Viking River Cruise in Southern France years ago. We went to a few other countries as well as some other states in the US. We’ve had family cruises and family New Years vacation in Park City. Since retirement, we went to Vegas in 2023 and went to see Adele, and NY City this year. We live in Massachusetts so it was a h short train ride. Since retirement, other than Vegas and NY, we don’t have the desire or need to travel. As one of the commenters here stated, dealing with the hassle of airline flights and scheduling, as well as crowds, it is not appealing. The more popular countries and location in the US seem to be always mobbed, and in some places, it’s tough to get into restaurants. Maybe we feel we’ve done enough, but now have no desire to travel as retirees.
Good points here. I’m 73, had a knee replacement 9 years ago because of a college sport injury, have a partially torn rotator cuff and the typical joint pains from arthritis (thankfully not too serious). I go to a F45 gym 3-4 times a week, which is 45 minutes of Functional (the F in F45) movements. It includes cardio, weights and body resistance. Some call it HIIT. I am by far the oldest in the gym but because I have always been active, I can do it. I modify some exercises because of the rotator cuff injury, and you can go at your own pace. As many others here say, staying active as long as we can will definitely help us as we age. We may not be able to beat aging, but we can try to slow it down.
Dick. If reading about insurance was so simple, why are most retirees now choosing Medicare Advantage? Maybe because of the way it is presented, and politicians support it because they are financially supported by the industry.
Interesting that those that failed were insurance companies and banks. I think investors should not use these types of institutions for investments. Brokerage firms such as Fidelity and Vanguard don’t use your money the way banks and insurance companies do. The only uncertainty is the cyberattack mentioned
A recent analysis completed by the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget found that the national debt could grow by $3.5 trillion over the next 10 years under Harris.
The Democrat has vowed at campaign rallies that her economic plan, which focuses on the middle class, would be fully offset by her plan to raise the corporate tax rate and her plans for taxing the wealthy, the Associated Press reported. The same analysis found that the national debt could add another $7.5 trillion onto the national debt should Trump be elected – a number that could grow to $15.2 trillion under some scenarios, the AP reported.
Withdraw from an IRA or 401k to keep taxes down, and rescue the principal when having to take RMD’s. So, #4 then #3. Most do not have pensions so that doesn’t apply to many
Lot of good points here.. i grew up poor, divorced mother raining 3 kids on welfare in a housing project. Whenever my mother worked she couldn't make enough to support us, and there was no health care. Now I’m retired with plenty of money, but I still can’t get myself to overspend. It is ingrained in me. For example, cream or milk at grocery stores is sometimes close to $5. I go to BJ’s and Costco to get it for half that price. Yet I gave my 4 kids down payments for their homes. I will pay for quality but not overpay for basic commodities. Not sure if this is rational or not.
Post: Mind Over Money
Link to comment from February 1, 2025
I’m with you in that we have more than enough for the rest of our lives, and we give to our kids now, when they need it the most. We also don’t like the charities in gilded cages, and that includes religion. Most religious organizations and ministers have beautiful buildings, and many are filthy rich. Some have jets and 20,000 sf homes.We’d rather give our money directly to organizations that rank high in Charity Navigator. We favor charities that help children and animals, both of whom rely on others to survive. I use QCD’s to give to my college, which has a program for economically disadvantaged city kids that gets them into college. That’s how I got my college education.
Post: Give It Away Already
Link to comment from January 25, 2025
Unfortunately a lot of the republicans running for reelection live in MAGA districts, so they can continue the MAGA mantra of hate, white nationalism, bigotry, homophobia and misogyny and still get re-elected. Also, the judiciary isn’t going to be any help. Look at who Don the Con got into the SC
Post: Limits of Power by Jonathan Clements
Link to comment from January 18, 2025
Because Biden isn’t as dangerous as Trump, and is a hell of a lot more qualified. Notice how Dems did NOT riot and attack others when the election was over. That is why
Post: Limits of Power by Jonathan Clements
Link to comment from January 18, 2025
I retired in 2015, and my wife was a stay at home mom. While working, we traveled for work meetings (spouses were invited to some) and award trips, as well as some personal trips. We did a Viking River Cruise in Southern France years ago. We went to a few other countries as well as some other states in the US. We’ve had family cruises and family New Years vacation in Park City. Since retirement, we went to Vegas in 2023 and went to see Adele, and NY City this year. We live in Massachusetts so it was a h short train ride. Since retirement, other than Vegas and NY, we don’t have the desire or need to travel. As one of the commenters here stated, dealing with the hassle of airline flights and scheduling, as well as crowds, it is not appealing. The more popular countries and location in the US seem to be always mobbed, and in some places, it’s tough to get into restaurants. Maybe we feel we’ve done enough, but now have no desire to travel as retirees.
Post: No “Go-Go” by Kristine Hayes Nibler
Link to comment from January 11, 2025
Good points here. I’m 73, had a knee replacement 9 years ago because of a college sport injury, have a partially torn rotator cuff and the typical joint pains from arthritis (thankfully not too serious). I go to a F45 gym 3-4 times a week, which is 45 minutes of Functional (the F in F45) movements. It includes cardio, weights and body resistance. Some call it HIIT. I am by far the oldest in the gym but because I have always been active, I can do it. I modify some exercises because of the rotator cuff injury, and you can go at your own pace. As many others here say, staying active as long as we can will definitely help us as we age. We may not be able to beat aging, but we can try to slow it down.
Post: A Lifetime of Loss
Link to comment from December 28, 2024
Dick. If reading about insurance was so simple, why are most retirees now choosing Medicare Advantage? Maybe because of the way it is presented, and politicians support it because they are financially supported by the industry.
Post: Quinn’s last rant for 2024. Misinformation is frustrating. No, your wife is not a car!
Link to comment from December 22, 2024
Interesting that those that failed were insurance companies and banks. I think investors should not use these types of institutions for investments. Brokerage firms such as Fidelity and Vanguard don’t use your money the way banks and insurance companies do. The only uncertainty is the cyberattack mentioned
Post: Pick Your Peril
Link to comment from December 8, 2024
A recent analysis completed by the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget found that the national debt could grow by $3.5 trillion over the next 10 years under Harris. The Democrat has vowed at campaign rallies that her economic plan, which focuses on the middle class, would be fully offset by her plan to raise the corporate tax rate and her plans for taxing the wealthy, the Associated Press reported. The same analysis found that the national debt could add another $7.5 trillion onto the national debt should Trump be elected – a number that could grow to $15.2 trillion under some scenarios, the AP reported.
Post: Stuck at Home
Link to comment from November 23, 2024
Withdraw from an IRA or 401k to keep taxes down, and rescue the principal when having to take RMD’s. So, #4 then #3. Most do not have pensions so that doesn’t apply to many
Post: Bridge the Gap
Link to comment from November 16, 2024