Philip Karp

    Forum Posts:


    • There are two learning courses I will highly recommend for parents to encourage their older teens and young adult children to take. They can prepare them of the wide range of challenges they will face in the adult world. One course is the Dale Carnegie Human relations course. There are franchises in most cities. The other is to join your local chapter of Toastmasters. You might as take them too. Overcoming fear of talking and relating to other people in effective ways will make your and theirs lives so much easier.

      Post: Taking Stock by Jonathan Clements

      Link to comment from November 22, 2024

    • Read the poem “The men who don’t fit in”: It has served me well!

      Post: What life lessons would you like to pass on to the next generation?

      Link to comment from November 18, 2024

    • I’m better off financially because I have set myself up that way. I have a secure professional job due to my investments in education and training and I work hard and am a very valued employee. I have intelligently invested in the US and international equities and has steadily accrued in value over the years. I am in a stable marriage and so no divorce history. I never had an alcohol or drug addiction and neither has my family. No mental illnesses either. So I can say I am lucky and privileged. I once read a book in the 70’s by an author whose book title was “ How I found freedom in an unfree world”. It is very politically incorrect in this sensitive culture now adays. But it has been a very influential book in my life. Look out for your best interests and don’t screw things up!

      Post: Quinn ponders – Are you better off than you were four years ago?

      Link to comment from September 19, 2024

    • Interesting article on the meaning of time. Time is a human invention drummed into us in whatever culture we are born into. For me: It was drummed in at an early age: “Phil, you need to be aware of your time to organize your time better to meet your obligations”! And thru out life I have followed that mantra. Eternity has no practical meaning to me. When I die, organized time ends. It has been said by someone wiser than myself that we are made out of “stellar dust and will return as such” from an evolutionary time scale. So don’t think you’re “permanent” buried and fixed in the ground. Several billions of years later, the sun will incinerate the earth and away you go back to stellar dust!

      Post: The Dance of Time by Ken Cutler

      Link to comment from September 10, 2024

    • Realistically, unless there’s hyper inflation and the stock market collapses or there’s a civil war or there’s nuclear war, or there’s a collapse of the logistical pipeline due to the preceding events, or there’s mass die off due to a pandemic, or anything else catestropic such as drastic climate change, why should I worry if I have sufficient income to live comfortably? I don’t worry about money....but true black swans do kind of worry me!

      Post: Income or spending? Top priority in retirement.

      Link to comment from July 31, 2024

    • I understand the point of dreaming about having “unlimited money” to make changes in our hum-drum life. But it can lead to disappointment with what your life is and will be for the future. Appreciate what you have!

      Post: If money were no object, what would you change about your life?

      Link to comment from July 23, 2024

    • The comment I made about my redistributing this article should have been better stated. I suggest the author submit it to a much wider general circulation magazine such as Readers Digest. It is read by many older people.

      Post: On the Move

      Link to comment from July 2, 2024

    • This article is difficult emotionally for me to read; but the advice is really good. Can I have the author’s permission to redistribute this article into wider circulation but attribute it to the author?

      Post: On the Move

      Link to comment from July 2, 2024

    • This news is quite a shock: being told you are probably dead within a year! Very sobering! But face the reality. There’s document available: "Five Wishes” You can google to find it It provides a structured way to communicate in writing with family how you want for your remaining life to be handled. Such a written document can clarify your thinking and can be very comforting for you and your family.

      Post: The C Word

      Link to comment from June 18, 2024

    • Kristin Your story struck a nerve in me. I too grew up quiet to the world around me. I had a very difficult early life at school and at home due to a physical and psychological handicap that I didn’t know how to handle. I missed out on a lot.. a lot in my early years trying to not be noticed. Very painful! Once I became an adult leaving the home it was either "sink or swim”. I chose to learn how to swim. I read self-help books and the best thing I ever did was to take the Dale Carnegie basic course on getting along with people and developing self-confidence. And man o man, did I ever take off! I became more of a fun extrovert and have been richly rewarded ever since! Developing self confidence and a sense of good self esteem was the winning ticket for me!!

      Post: A Quiet Life

      Link to comment from March 23, 2024