Tim Mueller

    Forum Posts:


    • They can until you pack the court.

      Post: Limits of Power by Jonathan Clements

      Link to comment from January 18, 2025

    • Buy a small trailer, park it on the lot. The utility hookups might need to be redone above ground but should be fine below. Once the rebuilding surge is done then rebuild (if your insurance company will let you). But of course rebuild to be fire resistant or fire proof. Don't forget the windows or shutters. Many houses burn from the inside out because of the radiant energy of the fire coming through the windows. Good aluminum clad double pane windows or non-wood shutters can make a difference.

      Post: Would You Rebuild?

      Link to comment from January 18, 2025

    • To at least start to unclutter my house, garage, and my basement. Also finish off the many half finished projects which I never completed when I was working. I've made some progress since retiring 2 1/2 years ago but there's still a lot to do.

      Post: Resolutions? What will you do?

      Link to comment from January 4, 2025

    • Did you give your nieces and nephews gift cards or real cash? A stack of dollar bills is more impressive than a card. When my nieces and nephews were little I gave them cash equal to their age. They didn't seem to consider gift cards money. Having actual cash money in their hand seemed to make them feel important. I remember one birthday my niece proudly announced to everyone, "My Uncle gave me money for my birthday".

      Post: Am I the boring aunt?

      Link to comment from December 28, 2024

    • "Free" trade isn't the same thing as "Fair" trade. It's not fair when countries have tariffs on our products being imported to them but we have none on theirs. For the first 250 years of this country from 1789, through to the end of World War II, there was a protectionist policy in place that relied mostly on tariffs to fund the US government and to protect US industry and jobs. Most other countries did the same. After the war tariffs were dropped since most of America's international business competitors industrial bases had been wiped out by the war and were no longer considered a threat. The US also wanted to quickly repair the economies of democratic countries as an offset to the Soviet Union. The Federal Income tax became the main funding source of the government, which when it was first enacted in 1917, was only supposed to be paid by millionaires but of course has become the monster it is today. The current tariffs were started by Trump during his first term and have been continued by Biden. Tariffs now bring in about the same amount of money as the income tax so there is a rumored proposal by Trump to get rid of the federal income tax all together, which would take the country back to pre-pandemic spending levels. Just think, no more federal income tax hanging over your head every year, no more being accused of money laundering by using cash. No more huge IRS department treating everyone like we're potential tax cheats, all the money you make you get to keep. I hope it happens and I can't wait.

      Post: Trading Arguments

      Link to comment from December 18, 2024

    • 1.Read the Bible every day. 2.Don't be afraid to learn new things. 3.Buy a house you can afford and pay the mortgage off as soon as you can. 4.Use cash whenever possible. 5.The best usually costs less, learn to wait for the best to come on sale. 6.Don't let other people run your life. 6.Being wise is different then being smart. Getting wisdom(the correct application of knowledge) is the principal thing (see 1).

      Post: What life lessons would you like to pass on to the next generation?

      Link to comment from November 23, 2024

    • I would have to agree with Jonathan. Everyone should have some international stock exposure. The take away from all the investment programs and books I've watched and read over the years is that on average, US and International stocks trade places, one going flat and the other picking up, about every ten years.

      Post: Stuck at Home

      Link to comment from November 23, 2024

    • Now that I'm older and retired, I find I have to proofread everything at least 5 or 6 times. If there's a word the local spell checker is having a problem with I'll highlight, right click, do an internet search, and usually the word I'm looking for will pop right up. Thanks for the tip on WillMaker, I'll have to check it out.

      Post: Having the Last Word

      Link to comment from October 12, 2024

    • Michael, where do you live that a years worth of water is only $158? Is that for a house or something else? The only bottled water I use is distilled water, which I use for drinking water after our water was contaminated with cryptosporidium in 1993 here in Milwaukee. The distilled water is also chlorine free. I buy two gallons a week at a little over a dollar a gallon. The best well water I've ever had was at a small rental cabin that I stayed at over night right, next to the shore of Lake Superior this past summer in upper Michigan. It almost fizzed coming out of the faucet.

      Post: Truth is Often Stranger Than Fiction

      Link to comment from October 5, 2024

    • Jonathan, I agree with all the points you made. It's nice to retire with money in the bank from not over spending and living within you means. It would drive me crazy to have the large credit card bills most people have. Paying off my mortgage was one of the best things I ever did. Which I did long before I retired. Most of the time I can resist corporate marketing. When I haven't, and convinced myself I really needed something, then a year later I tell myself I must have crazy and should have thought more before buying. I hate paying full price for anything and will wait sometimes months or a year or more for a sale or black Friday. I do like to buy things that are higher quality. Usually the best is the cheapest in the long run, but not always, sometimes second best is the best deal. It drove me crazy recently when I bought a new heavy wool Mackinac coat from Johnson Woolen Mills at full price. No matter how much I searched I couldn't find it at discount or on sale anywhere. They never have sales, but the quality is so high I know it will last forever. At least the shipping was free. Same as you, I book ahead for vacations, mainly to get the best deal. Also when I was younger, I could never justify a first class plane ticket. Now I think they're the best thing in the world. Big SUV rental vehicles are nice also. The last two years I've gone with extra large Ford Expeditions. They actually aren't that much more expensive than a medium size car (at least at Avis) and the extra room and ride are wonderful. I'm single, so don't have a immediate family to leave money too but I do give God his share. I heard Jon Templeton say once that a person will never be truly successful unless they tithe on a regular basis. The Bible says God will bless you now if you do, plus earn treasure in heaven. I don't know how he does it but I have more money now in my wallet, and in the bank, then before I started tithing on a regular basis. Its just amazing.

      Post: My Spending Rules

      Link to comment from September 28, 2024