Margaret Fallon

    Forum Posts

    Article about Jonathan in the Telegraph

    14 replies

    AUTHOR: Margaret Fallon on 9/25/2024
    FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 9/25/2024   |   RECENT: Linda Grady on 9/26/2024


    • You say "I’d rather see a tiny cement clinic at the end of a dirt path." So would I. You may like some of these global charities that work to alleviate extreme poverty around the world while working to lift people up & improve their lives. The beauty is, we can have a profound impact on other people's lives, people who may not have been as fortunate as we have been, to have had access to a free education, clean drinking water & other basic necessities many of us in the western world have always taken for granted. For people who may not have a lot to give, you can buy some of their gifts for people in dire need, such as a goat, a cow or some chickens, a seeding kit, a baby kit, help a child stay in school & so on.... Concern Worldwide, Goal Global, Oxfam, Unicef, World Vision, International Rescue Committee, Save the Children, Feed the Children, Smile Train, Samaritan's Purse. I also love your concern & support for children leaving foster care. This is so important because support stops for many of them at age 18 & many become homeless.

      Post: Give It Away Already

      Link to comment from January 26, 2025

    • Try Stride, not sure if it will offer different results, I haven't tried it but I heard a pharmacy chain was partnering with them. Let us know if they're any good. Many people are looking for plans right now.

      Post: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

      Link to comment from December 4, 2024

    • Schwab, initial charge, $300, then $30.00 per month, Garrett Planning Network, XY Planning Network or the Fee Only Network. Vanguard also has advisors.

      Post: Finding a flat-fee financial advisor

      Link to comment from October 20, 2024

    • Blackrock is working on turning part of 401ks into annuities for future retirees. Retirement income solutions for the next generation | BlackRock

      Post: I’m depressed, not very optimistic about retirement by R Quinn

      Link to comment from October 6, 2024

    • if it's a one-to-one conversation with someone you know well, sometimes it's ok to mention an alternative, recently an elderly neighbor was complaining to me about the cost of her heart medication, I could tell by the way she kept looking down, that she could barely afford it, she actually told me she asked her doctor what would happen if she didn't take it, he said she would have a stroke. Later I realized that there maybe some help for seniors in this predicament and looked up a few options, I went to her & gave them to her, she was very pleased to have a few leads. It can go either way, sometimes people will 'bite your head off' for offering unsolicited advice especially if one states the obvious or they've spent days, weeks or months doing their own research or sometimes they will be very grateful to hear of alternatives. A friend regularly offers unsolicited advice to her friends, including me, often staring the obvious, letting me & others know what she thinks we could & should do which can be really annoying, I usually don't respond as it's in the middle of a conversation & I don't want to be rude. When another friend of hers found a job in her field, she said to me "I told her she could do that" which I thought was funny, as if her friend couldn't figure out she could get a job in the area she had been working in her whole life. When one time I tried to warn her about something, she blew up in exasperation, so she's ok with doling out advice to everyone but not so good at taking it.

      Post: Anybody Listening? by Jonathan Clements

      Link to comment from September 28, 2024

    • I think it was 2017 when it popped up in my MSN newsfeed, I was very pleased to see the familiar name as I hadn't heard anything from Johnathan since he left the WSJ & was very pleased, he was hosting a new website called HumbleDollar. It has vastly exceeded my expectations; we have been the beneficiaries of so many rich and varied articles containing tons of helpful information enhanced with commentary. Have a question on something or need advice? there's likely someone who has already spent countless hours studying the topic & can summarize what one needs to know in a few paragraphs or less or point one in the right direction on where to go for further information. A rich & varied community of people has been formed who swap advice & exchange ideas regularly. Thank you, Johnathan.

      Post: How and when did you find out about HumbleDollar?

      Link to comment from September 25, 2024

    • I agree

      Post: Article about Jonathan in the Telegraph

      Link to comment from September 25, 2024

    • when I clicked on it above, the story unfolds below the picture of J., I'm not sure why it doesn't open for you, here it is again; I’m 61 and I’ve got a year left to live, but I still plan to work every day (

      Post: Article about Jonathan in the Telegraph

      Link to comment from September 25, 2024

    • Sorry I misspelled your name.

      Post: Article about Jonathan in the Telegraph

      Link to comment from September 25, 2024

    • well, that's good in theory, but for most people the fall is very swift & sudden sometimes not even allowing them time to even put out their hands, one week ago I went behind some bushes to see what was behind there, I've seen deer coming in & out of there, upon coming out, i lifted my right foot but not high enough, the front of my sandal caught in a bramble and i fell over hard & sudden, I only realized I tripped one second before I landed hard on the ground, didn't even have time to put my hands out, I bruised the bones above the left side of my ribs quite hard, it was quite painful to breathe deeply for the last week, still a bit painful but better now.

      Post: Exercising Caution

      Link to comment from September 2, 2024