alex scott

    Forum Posts:


    • ''get a dog.'' and all that that implies... my wife insisted we get a dog. she passed suddenly 2 months later. i retired the following year. that dog gets me out of bed [literally] every day. two bad knees, but rarely a bad attitude.

      Post: Coming of Age

      Link to comment from October 11, 2023

    • always pay cash for cars. do have 48k out on a 150k home equity loan as i prep the house for sale. still sitting at 790. will be interesting to see what happens if i crack the magic 30% utilization thresh hold.

      Post: House of Cards

      Link to comment from October 8, 2023

    • ouch! a down vote for humour? i'll show u mine[humour model], if you show me yours [humour model].

      Post: House of Cards

      Link to comment from October 8, 2023

    • at 65, so happy i have outlived my immediate and extended family. my departed wife was in the same position. we both spent our self employed professional lives providing, ''home services'' in different arenas. after living amongst families, we never missed ''family''.

      Post: House of Cards

      Link to comment from October 7, 2023

    • put a 4k auto repair on a card once. was going to pay 1k /mos. saw the finance charge for that payment on the next statement. gobsmacked AND mortified. never again. paid balance off in full next cycle and ''ate beans and rice'' for awhile.

      Post: House of Cards

      Link to comment from October 7, 2023

    • had an 815 once. good on you. ''850 ain't nothin' but a number'', never an ''850''. well done.

      Post: House of Cards

      Link to comment from October 7, 2023

    • ...''modest sums''...

      1. wardrobe of new clothes.
      2. new bicycle.
      3. skateboard.
      4. other new toys.
      5. dog.
      may i pass along my RTN?

      Post: House of Cards

      Link to comment from October 7, 2023

    • best to walk. we just end up with a scar from beating our heads against a brick wall. ''the weak give up and stay, the strong give up and go.''

      Post: Powerful Savings

      Link to comment from September 24, 2023

    • ...but the point is, who makes you, or me, the arbiter? so much room for debate, but both sides, ''take the money and run'' i would like to have congressioanal debates, but i know it will never happen. the best i can do [on a personal level] is to take my tax dollars off the table. for me, that means off grid, homestead. more people are doing it every day. i am happy to join their ranks.

      Post: Powerful Savings

      Link to comment from September 24, 2023

    • it will nevwe be debated in the halls of power. they ALL love to spend other people's money. and since they all know what is best for us, it will never stop. from either side...

      Post: Powerful Savings

      Link to comment from September 24, 2023