An excellently written article! I commend you and your husband for conservatively handling your financial affairs and coming up with what is a very sensible solution for your unique retirement needs.
Regarding #1, all I could think of was Fred Schwed's book "Where are the Customers Yachts?" which was written over 80 years ago. As far as I'm concerned, this should be a "must read" for all investors.
Jonathan: Like many other readers who have already responded, I was shocked to read this week's column. I have been following you for many years beginning with "Getting Going" in the Wall Street Journal and of course through Humble Dollar. I'm sure that you and your doctors will choose the best course for treatment. I will be praying for you and hope for the best for you and the family. All my best, Dave Abbott
Jonathan: In answer to your question in the SS section, yes, back in 2014 I applied for SS and deferred so that my wife could start collecting 50% of my full benefit. This mechanism is no longer available as the Congress passed a law eliminating it as they claimed that only "rich people" were using it. I don't consider myself to be "rich", but I will take advantage of laws and/or procedures which are legally in place. Briefly, my wife and I decided to take the lump sum vs. the annuity as we were afraid we might die soon after taking the pension (car or airplane accident) and our kids would get nothing. I realize that all of this is really a roll of the dice as no one knows what's going to happen going forward.
Dick: I am in complete agreement with you regarding the 100% replacement of income at the time of retirement. I didn't retire until I was 69 as I was still working on getting children through college. As pointed out by at least one other commenter, my "number" for retirement was 100% because I knew that inflation never subsides.
Another great article Jonathon that I endorse. After "retiring" seven years ago, I finally got my dream job: full time investor. I continue to get up early every morning in order to keep up with what's going on in the financial world as everything ultimately affects your portfolio. I can honestly say I'm enjoying my "retirement'.
Eric: Really enjoyed your article and I admire you for having the gumption to retire early. I totally agree with you that retirement is a way to get yourself involved in what you really want to do. After retiring with nearly 40 years with my employer, I got my dream job of becoming a full time investor. I have a financial advisor, but I run my own portfolio which is a full time job. I spend most of my days reading (like Messrs. Buffet and Munger) and I wish this could have been my line of work much earlier in my career.
Great article. Many thanks to Stephen for putting us on to Peter Attia's book OUTLIVE. I have already started reading it and it looks like it will be a good read.
Hands down, the best financial book out there is "The Only Investment Guide You Will Ever Need" by Andrew Tobias. It's short, sweet and right on target.
An excellently written article! I commend you and your husband for conservatively handling your financial affairs and coming up with what is a very sensible solution for your unique retirement needs.
Post: Laying Down a Floor
Link to comment from September 14, 2024
Regarding #1, all I could think of was Fred Schwed's book "Where are the Customers Yachts?" which was written over 80 years ago. As far as I'm concerned, this should be a "must read" for all investors.
Post: What We Believed
Link to comment from August 31, 2024
Thanks for the continuing clear headed advice you are giving us readers despite your current health status. It is sincerely appreciated.
Post: A Time to Give
Link to comment from August 24, 2024
Jonathan: Like many other readers who have already responded, I was shocked to read this week's column. I have been following you for many years beginning with "Getting Going" in the Wall Street Journal and of course through Humble Dollar. I'm sure that you and your doctors will choose the best course for treatment. I will be praying for you and hope for the best for you and the family. All my best, Dave Abbott
Post: The C Word
Link to comment from June 15, 2024
Jonathan: In answer to your question in the SS section, yes, back in 2014 I applied for SS and deferred so that my wife could start collecting 50% of my full benefit. This mechanism is no longer available as the Congress passed a law eliminating it as they claimed that only "rich people" were using it. I don't consider myself to be "rich", but I will take advantage of laws and/or procedures which are legally in place. Briefly, my wife and I decided to take the lump sum vs. the annuity as we were afraid we might die soon after taking the pension (car or airplane accident) and our kids would get nothing. I realize that all of this is really a roll of the dice as no one knows what's going to happen going forward.
Post: Fully Committed
Link to comment from April 20, 2024
Dick: I am in complete agreement with you regarding the 100% replacement of income at the time of retirement. I didn't retire until I was 69 as I was still working on getting children through college. As pointed out by at least one other commenter, my "number" for retirement was 100% because I knew that inflation never subsides.
Post: He Asked, I Answered
Link to comment from March 9, 2024
Another great article Jonathon that I endorse. After "retiring" seven years ago, I finally got my dream job: full time investor. I continue to get up early every morning in order to keep up with what's going on in the financial world as everything ultimately affects your portfolio. I can honestly say I'm enjoying my "retirement'. "
Post: Fire Meets Ice
Link to comment from February 10, 2024
Eric: Really enjoyed your article and I admire you for having the gumption to retire early. I totally agree with you that retirement is a way to get yourself involved in what you really want to do. After retiring with nearly 40 years with my employer, I got my dream job of becoming a full time investor. I have a financial advisor, but I run my own portfolio which is a full time job. I spend most of my days reading (like Messrs. Buffet and Munger) and I wish this could have been my line of work much earlier in my career.
Post: Not What I Expected
Link to comment from November 8, 2023
Great article. Many thanks to Stephen for putting us on to Peter Attia's book OUTLIVE. I have already started reading it and it looks like it will be a good read.
Post: Bracing for Evening
Link to comment from November 4, 2023
Hands down, the best financial book out there is "The Only Investment Guide You Will Ever Need" by Andrew Tobias. It's short, sweet and right on target.
Post: What’s Your Answer?
Link to comment from April 15, 2023