Bo Simmons

    Forum Posts:


    • I've been a reader for about 5 years now, and I've always enjoyed your information. Your diagnosis was a shock to me when you first reported it, but your journey is giving me a lot of fuel for rethinking and self-examination. I've had my own business for 28 years. It has been hard and often a grind. The years 2001–02, 2008–10, 2018, and 2020 were especially challenging {= awful}. I made a commitment to myself and my wife 4 weeks ago to make changes, sell what I can of the book of business, and let the chips fall where they may. It is scary and daunting, but it is time. When I read these posts, it puts a lot more in perspective about what is truly important, what is truly daunting, and how I want to finish out my time on earth. I just wanted to express my admiration for your attitude and your ability to share so much. Thanks for the "It's a Wonderful Life" mirror and guidance!

      Post: Four Questions

      Link to comment from December 30, 2024

    • These articles are a great gift and part of your incredible legacy. The title of this article and your candid, open approach to discussing your diagnosis encouraged me to ask your thoughts about the new early cancer detection tests. I turn 60 this month, and I recently did the "Grail Test" That test costs $1000, is NOT without false positives, and definitely imperfect (i.e. not without complete misses on detection), but it is an attempt to move our treatment approach and methods from only later and late-stage to one where we detect and treat as early as possible. Personally, I hope it is part of a wave of testing and treatments that shift the enormous healthcare dollars spent to get better outcomes and increase longevity.

      Post: No Regrets

      Link to comment from September 7, 2024

    • Adam good article among your many good ones. I was curious if you can cite where these came from ... are these CBO#'s ? 47% of spending will be allocated to Social Security and Medicare benefits, 14% will be spent on defense and 13% on interest payments.

      Post: Paying the Piper

      Link to comment from July 8, 2024

    • "Make no mistake: Leaving behind a well-organized financial life is a wonderful gift to your family." Jonathan ...WORD!! My father did this for us. He passed in 1996 at what I now consider an early age (72) ... he planned it well but not perfectly ... still better than most. He sat us down 4 or 5 years before he was ever ill and talked about what he wanted to be done and how to care for our mom should he pass. She lived 18 yrs longer, comfortable and happy. He didn't just have it in a written will but he gave very clear directions -verbally face-to-face with all of the family in 1 sitting. Over the years, I knew this was special but not until I saw the complete opposite when both my inlaws passed away within 1 year of each other in 2022. There was a muddy will naming 3 children as "co-executors", the worst possible asset & estate planning, and most importantly, NO FAMILY CONVERSATIONS to give a clear mission to those left behind. It created estrangement, deceit, and anger. thank you for sharing and continuing to engage your readership.... Leave a legacy or leave a mess ... finances are just 1 important factor.

      Post: Looking Different

      Link to comment from July 8, 2024

    • WOW … just wow! I truly wish the best and I have deep admiration for what you created, your passion to share financial knowledge through the HD. I plan to stay tuned and keep learning- I hope that brings both of us some positives. I turn 60 in two months, thanks for openly sharing so much. i’ll put gratitude on the top of the list of things to think about.

      Post: The C Word

      Link to comment from June 22, 2024

    • Jonathan - I'm not really wild about the idea that these articles are 100% created by AI like Chat GPT. Like others, I can accept using Chat GPT for research, and I use it that way in my work, but I read it all and alter a lot of of the output. The idea of a fictitious meeting with Jack B. to write about his philosophy was a little scary and off-putting. I think Financial topics in your newsletters merit real people telling real stories. I came to HD after seeing John Lim on CNBC telling Becky about Ibonds; once I found HD, I subscribed and often read what I think is GREAT content!

      Post: The Lift I Needed

      Link to comment from May 29, 2024

    • I'll play the fire precentages, safe deposit boxes proved to be a real hassle during the pandemic.

      Post: Unsettling Experience

      Link to comment from May 14, 2024

    • Whew.... I have a little PTSD reading this but I totally get it. I was very involved, if not a lead, on 3 estates, none of which I was the actual executor, but I was the more financially savvy person around to help push along the paper. It really boils down to parents making a decision to leave a well-prepared situation and not a mess for their children and heirs. I think most people have a hard time understanding the difference or what constitutes a mess. We have no children, so I think about this some and I expect I'll try to keep it really clean for whoever has to deal with our stuff. These are the tough conversations that families mostly avoid.

      Post: Unsettling Experience

      Link to comment from May 14, 2024

    • My wife and I are 60, no kids, still working (a little) and just moved from Atlanta to a large gated golf community 20 min from Savannah Ga proper. No doubt it is sticky hot in june - late September but it might be a workable solution for us. as an avid skier, I like the mtn west a lot but decided for the near term i can get there in winter without having to move there or buy overpriced real estate and a be stuck in 1 place.

      Post: On the Road to Home

      Link to comment from October 18, 2023

    • I'm sorry if my comments seem callous. Put it on the market asap and get the cash to take care of your mom. In the end, the stuff and structure are far less important. I've seen this movie twice up close in the last decade. There were two completely different situations, but I think if you didn't want to talk about it or plan it out before now, this is not the time, just rip off the bandaid and get it done now. Really, how much time and $$ risk can you afford to take in a development plan if the market declines?

      Post: This Empty House

      Link to comment from January 4, 2023