Julie VanDore

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Forum Posts:

Q re Roth along with 403B

8 replies

AUTHOR: Julie VanDore on 9/17/2024
FIRST: Jonathan Clements on 9/17   |   RECENT: 1PF on 9/18


  • Thank you!

    Post: Q re Roth along with 403B

    Link to comment from September 18, 2024

  • Hi! Yes, I have already contributed this year the full 30,500.

    Post: Q re Roth along with 403B

    Link to comment from September 18, 2024

  • I was fortunate to be able to live in Australia (Brisbane) for 3 years, from 2015-2018. As I was on a temporary worker visa, I wasn't covered by their national single-payer system, and was required to purchase health insurance. Friends and colleagues when they heard this were very worried for me, that I had to pay for my own health insurance there. The monthly cost, for excellent health insurance was around 230 AUD$. When I had worked as a consultant in the US, and was self-pay, I paid around 800 USD$, so was thrilled to pay so little. I didn't have any big health care needs while in Australia, but when I did need care or checkups I was able to see excellent practitioners in a very short time. I agree whole-heartedly that the health care payment system here in the US is designed to funnel money to Health Insurance Company Excecutives.

    Post: This deserves a rant. The United States approach to paying for healthcare is a joke.

    Link to comment from August 17, 2024

  • I took a look at the website, and am not able to find anything on pricing. Makes me think that this is a "if you have to ask, you can't afford it" scenario.

    Post: I Know Your Blind Spot

    Link to comment from August 17, 2024

  • May I suggest that this resistance in the face of any medical costs is born of fear. That is, if I agree to pay for this medication, visit, procedure etc (that I thought was covered) that I can reasonably afford, then someone is going to come after me with a $10,000 charge that I cannot afford. Medical Billing in the US is opaque and confusing. We get bills when we least expect them and those bills are confusing and unclear. So, many people respond by resisting any costs at all. Even those of us who have some financial savvy get hit with bills and costs that make no sense. What is it like for someone who doesn't have that financial savviness to respond when they receive confusing bills that are in error?

    Post: Nobody wants to pay healthcare bills, Quinn says he knows why.

    Link to comment from July 28, 2024