Wow did this article speak to me. I felt the same way for a couple of years in my job before I finally got the nerve up to retire. I financially was able but I had to find the courage to do it. I thought I was valued more at my job then I was actually. What a difference in my life now of stress, happiness and freedom I have more of now. Wouldn't change a thing and a lot of the credit comes from reading these articles of this post. Thank you!
I enjoyed your article and I feel happy and satisfied. Thanks to your website, I recently retired and planned my finances ahead of time. Time is more precious and vital than working a "job" and thinking I just have to have a little bit more money. I have always lived within my means and saved this is why I can live a new life and new journey now and be content. Once my home was paid off I soon at the age of 65 retired and have no regrets.
Excellent article and I related to your feeling on how the workplace changes and one can lose the desire to continue working at a place that changes with time. I too worked at a University and after 31 years where the workplace's professionalism and morale declined and it was hard for me to stay now, I'm grateful because I retired this year and I love it and realized I was very much ready.
Amen Elaine! Turning into my 60s, I started to take of myself with a diet and lifestyle change and do not have one regret. Not that it was terrible before but I just fined tuned it. I rather have body over mind 100%. Strength and physical health is the key to enjoying life as we age.
Wow did this article speak to me. I felt the same way for a couple of years in my job before I finally got the nerve up to retire. I financially was able but I had to find the courage to do it. I thought I was valued more at my job then I was actually. What a difference in my life now of stress, happiness and freedom I have more of now. Wouldn't change a thing and a lot of the credit comes from reading these articles of this post. Thank you!
Post: Escape to What?
Link to comment from August 12, 2023
I enjoyed your article and I feel happy and satisfied. Thanks to your website, I recently retired and planned my finances ahead of time. Time is more precious and vital than working a "job" and thinking I just have to have a little bit more money. I have always lived within my means and saved this is why I can live a new life and new journey now and be content. Once my home was paid off I soon at the age of 65 retired and have no regrets.
Post: Free to Be
Link to comment from May 6, 2023
Excellent article and I related to your feeling on how the workplace changes and one can lose the desire to continue working at a place that changes with time. I too worked at a University and after 31 years where the workplace's professionalism and morale declined and it was hard for me to stay now, I'm grateful because I retired this year and I love it and realized I was very much ready.
Post: My Good Fortune
Link to comment from April 29, 2023
Amen Elaine! Turning into my 60s, I started to take of myself with a diet and lifestyle change and do not have one regret. Not that it was terrible before but I just fined tuned it. I rather have body over mind 100%. Strength and physical health is the key to enjoying life as we age.
Post: What do you need for a fulfilling retirement?
Link to comment from August 6, 2022