Mario Finkelstein

    Forum Posts:


    • Big hug,lots of luck with Your treatment and after all is said and done, thank you for the memories

      Post: Selling the Sizzle by Jonathan Clements

      Link to comment from July 6, 2024

    • Dear Jpnnathan, it makes me very sad to read about your news. Over the years I have gotten used to read your articles, learn from them. I always admired your humility, honesty and down to earth style. You will be in my heart, very close to Louis Rukeyser. you made a difference in my life. thanks for everything and the best with the treatment. Mario

      Post: The C Word

      Link to comment from June 15, 2024

    • Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I would like to discuss about different options that we all have when the end of our lives is near. I strongly believe in having the option to decide, when I have reached the bottom of my quality of life, how to end my suffering and avoid the tragedy of lingering in what for everyone is a terrible end. I believe that having the option to end my life, again when the quality of my existence is unbearable, gives me a sense of peace, control and calmness. There is a website. COMPASSION AND CHOICES, that creates an opportunity to learn about this challenging , complicated , and confusing events. Thanks again for giving me this opportunity. Mario Finkelstein

      Post: Dying at Home

      Link to comment from August 9, 2023