
    Forum Posts:


    • The ex member of the Chinese national bank I think had to step down as the director of the California employee retirement fund and our defense dept. retirement fund. Finally.

      Post: Fight That Bias

      Link to comment from March 12, 2022

    • Bought a 2012 Genesis new. Bought the premium warranty which I never do. It is a 10 year, all electrical and things not covered in the power train warranty. I did this because of all the new tv screen and no knob electronics. I modified the car with what is referred to as the "Korean Bentley package." It is my Sunday driver and still only has 78,000. So far Hyundai has paid for undercarriage damage, a new sun roof, and an electronic valve assembly for the parking brake. About $12,000 in repairs. Right now, because of this perceived "chip shortage" (with no explanation. Probably stacked up somewhere with all the toilet paper we couldn't buy) I am a little leary of buying new now not knowing where the electronics are coming from or what the story is with a shortage of something the is plastic and metal and you can ship in your pocket.

      Post: Is buying a used car always the smarter financial choice?

      Link to comment from March 12, 2022