This article is a good way to reflect on my past successes and failures. I review them and I try to learn my lessons. Hopefully, I won't repeat my failures. I think life as a whole has to be analyzed like the stock market. You learn from the past successes and hopefully the future will look more promising in the long run. It is a good idea to live a balanced life and accomplish your short-term goals as well as long-term goals.
Since I was born over sea, I always hold foreign stocks. I believe that people should have the finances to full fill their dreams and aspiration. When I invest in other countries, I support their goals and values. I had 50% in foreign index funds. Since I rebalanced every 5 years, my foreign index funds have shrunk to 38%. When times to rebalance comes, I will buy low foreign stocks and sell high US stocks.
Government benefits have many rules and regulations. I was watching on PBS channel that low income seniors and women with children who are eligible for food stamps are not getting the benefits. They qualify for benefits, but they have difficulty assessing them. They don’t understand income guidelines, age and other requirements. This let them going hungry and malnourished for something basic as food stamps.
Thanks Kristine for your response. I can see that there are differences as you explained. I also like dogs. My oldest son gave us a Boston Terry dog because he was moving to another state and he couldn’t take care of him. He prefers to be around me rather than my other son and my wife. I wonder if dogs have a preference among family members.
I recommend swimming above all exercises. You will workout your whole body and mind when you swim. It is a low impact exercise and it is something you can do until your 100 birthday. You just need good instructions. I took an intermediate swimming class when I was in college and I learned how to float without much effort. After that I learned different swimming styles. Please make sure that you take a college level class in a university campus. You can take it as a continued education class.
As time passed, you will adjust and see life through different lenses. Even if you are feeling like an oddball, you can let us know about your experience in managing your way when traveling. We all have to face the end of life sooner or later. Wishing you the best in your journey.
I learned about your diagnosis yesterday. It took me a while to digest this bad news. I hope that a miracle or science breakthrough helps your situation. I started reading your articles after I watched you at Wealthtrack with Consuelo Mack. You sounded very intelligent and I liked how you expressed yourself. May God give you strength during this challenging time.
This article is a good way to reflect on my past successes and failures. I review them and I try to learn my lessons. Hopefully, I won't repeat my failures. I think life as a whole has to be analyzed like the stock market. You learn from the past successes and hopefully the future will look more promising in the long run. It is a good idea to live a balanced life and accomplish your short-term goals as well as long-term goals.
Post: Why We Struggle
Link to comment from January 5, 2025
Since I was born over sea, I always hold foreign stocks. I believe that people should have the finances to full fill their dreams and aspiration. When I invest in other countries, I support their goals and values. I had 50% in foreign index funds. Since I rebalanced every 5 years, my foreign index funds have shrunk to 38%. When times to rebalance comes, I will buy low foreign stocks and sell high US stocks.
Post: Stuck at Home
Link to comment from November 24, 2024
Government benefits have many rules and regulations. I was watching on PBS channel that low income seniors and women with children who are eligible for food stamps are not getting the benefits. They qualify for benefits, but they have difficulty assessing them. They don’t understand income guidelines, age and other requirements. This let them going hungry and malnourished for something basic as food stamps.
Post: Death Benefits
Link to comment from October 20, 2024
Thanks Kristine for your response. I can see that there are differences as you explained. I also like dogs. My oldest son gave us a Boston Terry dog because he was moving to another state and he couldn’t take care of him. He prefers to be around me rather than my other son and my wife. I wonder if dogs have a preference among family members.
Post: Kristine Wonders: Does Personality Matter When It Comes To Finances?
Link to comment from August 27, 2024
Is an introvert person the same as a shy person? They may be related in terms of speaking or having a conversation with other people.
Post: Kristine Wonders: Does Personality Matter When It Comes To Finances?
Link to comment from August 26, 2024
I recommend swimming above all exercises. You will workout your whole body and mind when you swim. It is a low impact exercise and it is something you can do until your 100 birthday. You just need good instructions. I took an intermediate swimming class when I was in college and I learned how to float without much effort. After that I learned different swimming styles. Please make sure that you take a college level class in a university campus. You can take it as a continued education class.
Post: Final Countdown
Link to comment from August 25, 2024
Catherine, it sounds like you missed your husband. I like your passionate comment especially the end about visiting the cemetery. My condolences!
Post: On the Clock
Link to comment from August 21, 2024
Laura, Thanks for sharing. It is a good article.
Post: The Risks We Miss
Link to comment from July 14, 2024
As time passed, you will adjust and see life through different lenses. Even if you are feeling like an oddball, you can let us know about your experience in managing your way when traveling. We all have to face the end of life sooner or later. Wishing you the best in your journey.
Post: Looking Different
Link to comment from July 9, 2024
I learned about your diagnosis yesterday. It took me a while to digest this bad news. I hope that a miracle or science breakthrough helps your situation. I started reading your articles after I watched you at Wealthtrack with Consuelo Mack. You sounded very intelligent and I liked how you expressed yourself. May God give you strength during this challenging time.
Post: The C Word
Link to comment from June 23, 2024