
    Forum Posts:


    • I'm pretty sure that in the 1920s the word "woke" didn't have anywhere near the meaning it has been christened with today. Maybe Ford could try a little ESG of their own - Engineering & Scientific inGenuity - so that their stock doesn't go down the toilet.

      Post: Unwanted Attention

      Link to comment from September 18, 2024

    • Definitely a good point. Difficult to get an advisor on the phone, you have to leave a message and hope for a call-back in a day or two. Same wait time for email messages.

      Post: Unwanted Attention

      Link to comment from September 18, 2024

    • So how good has the Fed been for keeping our economy running smoothly? The value of the U.S. dollar has fallen by 96% since the Fed was created. They get an "F". Yeah, call me crazy. "The Panic of 1907 caused a 50% market drop." Then with the help of the Fed, the market dropped 90% in 1929-1936. Call me crazy again. As Ronald Reagan warned, run when you hear "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help". It was a mistake to save the banks in trouble in 2008-09, just as it was to save Silicon Valley Bank in 2023. The latter was particularly egregious since the government simply ignored the $250K maximum FDIC limit, and made all depositors whole. They changed the rules AFTER the horse left the barn. Why, if I wasn't told better, I would think that these folks running the Fed, the FDIC and the government are stupid beyond belief. Yes, crazy again.

      Post: Armed and Ready

      Link to comment from September 15, 2024

    • So that debt was in 2019. Here it is 2023, and that Federal debt has been paid down to $32T!! You said you wanted to make a difference in the debt, didn't you? Well, you may have forgotten 7th grade algebra - a difference is a difference. Who said the difference would be negative? ... or positive??? And we can rely on Congress to add to it.

      Post: Basket Case

      Link to comment from August 7, 2023

    • Will - It certainly is charitable of you to determine that your parents did not need Social Security. I know I am appreciative when the Democrats (leftists) pre-determine that I have no need of the first amendment, or the second either. I feel so much better when I don't have to make those difficult decisions on my own.

      Post: What popular financial advice do you ignore?

      Link to comment from August 7, 2023

    • I retired from full-time work a number of years ago. Since then, part-time jobs and mutual fund distributions meant I had to file quarterly taxes. If everyone paid their taxes quarterly, and had to write out a check (no auto-deducts by your employer) there would be instant demand for simplified Fed taxes, and lowering of rates as well. Who would desire to send a check for thousands of dollars every few months, based on what you THINK you will earn, to a system that never seems to have the citizens' interests at heart? And I still haven't found "charity payments to taxpayers" in our Constitution. These allow the Feds to generously distribute the funds of those who work(ed), to those who don't. EITC = 'easy income taxpayer charity'. What's that you say? I just didn't look hard enough - "charity" is immediately before the paragraph for "abortion" in Article XIV? OK then, missed that. I must have dozed off after Article VII. Good to hear that Ms. Yellen had tax return errors. Welcome to the club,

      Post: Yellen About Taxes

      Link to comment from December 19, 2022