Thank you for sharing your journey. I am at that juncture in life. I was a marathong runner and had to have a quarduple bypass in 2017, In 2021, I found out I had advance prostate cancer. I finished radiation recently and had a protectomy at the end of 2021. On november 3rd, I turned 62. I planned to retire in April of 2024. I have been planning on what I will be doing. none of it has to do with sitting down watching tv everday. I've done the best I can for my family and savings for retirement. It's time to live life, and not wait. Lifes too short.I have learne to ignore all the articles that says not to take your s.s.early. If you try and walk in my shoes, you will think differently about life. I learn the following from something I read on the web. Here are some things to stop doing after 60.
Stop thinking about savings.
Stop spending on things that don’t bring you joy
Stop pretending. You be you
Stop putting yourself down. We all have strengths and weaknesses. Don’t allow people to put you down. Need uplifting.
Stop worrying. It steals joy.
Stop over supporting adult children who can take care of themselves. There’s no retirement loans
Loved the article! Life experiences are truly the goal. I ran my 15th marathon after having a quadruple by-pass at 56 years of age 5 years ago. It was my worse time not that I cared about that anymore, but pushing myself to never give up and pass that on to my family and friends was more important. Great job!
Thank you for sharing your journey. I am at that juncture in life. I was a marathong runner and had to have a quarduple bypass in 2017, In 2021, I found out I had advance prostate cancer. I finished radiation recently and had a protectomy at the end of 2021. On november 3rd, I turned 62. I planned to retire in April of 2024. I have been planning on what I will be doing. none of it has to do with sitting down watching tv everday. I've done the best I can for my family and savings for retirement. It's time to live life, and not wait. Lifes too short.I have learne to ignore all the articles that says not to take your s.s.early. If you try and walk in my shoes, you will think differently about life. I learn the following from something I read on the web. Here are some things to stop doing after 60.
Post: My Best-Laid Plans
Link to comment from November 13, 2023
Excellent article. You travel is amazing! I am turning 62 in November and already focused on carpe diem!!!
Post: Better Things to Do
Link to comment from June 30, 2023
Loved the article! Life experiences are truly the goal. I ran my 15th marathon after having a quadruple by-pass at 56 years of age 5 years ago. It was my worse time not that I cared about that anymore, but pushing myself to never give up and pass that on to my family and friends was more important. Great job!
Post: My Ironman Triathlon
Link to comment from January 3, 2023