Don't payoff the free interest option for 12 mos. Buy a CD for the interim, interest reduces true cost of windows. Read the fine print to make sure on offer. We did that and got a 18 mos CD and reduced cost of windows.
For past 30 years I have used the rule of 20% of stock portfolio in foreign mutual funds. I re balance in January of each year(in an IRA account) and returns have been very favorable to both US and Foreign holdings. The 3 funds this year have outpaced the DJIA. A word of caution though: doing this in after tax accounts will cause some tax reporting and paying challenges.
Your affection is stimulated by holding these precious pieces of paper, and giving the same to others. Not any more, sorry, you have to purchase online and recipient must than have an account with Treasury dept in a weird account setup to redeem them. Takes away the good feeling of touching the paper bonds.
Thank you Mr.C, your link goes into a lot of detail,a lot for mere mortals to digest. Whats nice about the tax treatment is mutual payouts annually can go tax free but the real help is when one takes a distribution, the taxable amount is quite low since the annual payouts were reported on previous returns.
OMG, I left off the most important parts, there is no tax on qualified dividends or LT Cap gains with maximum taxable income (not AGI or MAGI). Single 0-$47,025
Married filing Jointly 0-$94,054 Sorry for this.
Well now, which is better paying taxes on qualified dividends or cap gains. Married taxpayers don't pay for TY2024. A big help to couples living on retirement incomes. For unbelievers, use your tax software with various incomes and see how much tax is levied (hint: use a fake soc sec number and for heaven's sake, don't efile the fake return)
Don't payoff the free interest option for 12 mos. Buy a CD for the interim, interest reduces true cost of windows. Read the fine print to make sure on offer. We did that and got a 18 mos CD and reduced cost of windows.
Post: What I Watch
Link to comment from January 21, 2025
Don't exit Treaury Direct just yet. You can invest in Treasury Bills for most any length you want. Mkt Place interest and no State Tax either.
Post: Retirement Realignment by Ken Cutler
Link to comment from January 21, 2025
For past 30 years I have used the rule of 20% of stock portfolio in foreign mutual funds. I re balance in January of each year(in an IRA account) and returns have been very favorable to both US and Foreign holdings. The 3 funds this year have outpaced the DJIA. A word of caution though: doing this in after tax accounts will cause some tax reporting and paying challenges.
Post: Underwater Overseas
Link to comment from October 14, 2024
Your affection is stimulated by holding these precious pieces of paper, and giving the same to others. Not any more, sorry, you have to purchase online and recipient must than have an account with Treasury dept in a weird account setup to redeem them. Takes away the good feeling of touching the paper bonds.
Post: In Love With Bonds
Link to comment from October 14, 2024
A significant point missed: savings bond interest is not taxed in most states where all CD, credit union interest, among others is.
Post: In Love With Bonds
Link to comment from October 14, 2024
Thank you Mr.C, your link goes into a lot of detail,a lot for mere mortals to digest. Whats nice about the tax treatment is mutual payouts annually can go tax free but the real help is when one takes a distribution, the taxable amount is quite low since the annual payouts were reported on previous returns.
Post: Perspicacious Perplexity
Link to comment from July 8, 2024
OMG, I left off the most important parts, there is no tax on qualified dividends or LT Cap gains with maximum taxable income (not AGI or MAGI). Single 0-$47,025 Married filing Jointly 0-$94,054 Sorry for this.
Post: Perspicacious Perplexity
Link to comment from July 8, 2024
Well now, which is better paying taxes on qualified dividends or cap gains. Married taxpayers don't pay for TY2024. A big help to couples living on retirement incomes. For unbelievers, use your tax software with various incomes and see how much tax is levied (hint: use a fake soc sec number and for heaven's sake, don't efile the fake return)
Post: Perspicacious Perplexity
Link to comment from July 8, 2024
If you follow Oracle of Omaha's advice, simply invest in a S&P Index, no work, no extra fees to someone who can't beat it.
Post: Is a good financial advisor worth 1% of assets per year?
Link to comment from June 22, 2024
Significant assets also means significant taxes paid at the switch.
Post: What advice do you wish you were given when you were in your late 40s?
Link to comment from June 22, 2024