Stuart Yancy

    Forum Posts:


    • Very good column. I was in a similar situation in my fifties. Many people were laid off. Those that were left like me got their work. After getting off a late night phone call from work and my BP being 180 over 100 and spending a good part of my previous vacation having to work, my wife convinced me to retire. My pension wasn't going to get any higher and the company would continue to allow us to stay on their health insurance plan at the same rates we had while I was working. So, I retired and we are both glad I did. I've taken over doing all the shopping.

      Post: Why I Retired

      Link to comment from June 30, 2023

    • Both my father-in-law (a couple of years ago) and my wife (four months ago) had hip replacement surgery. The improvement in their quality of life has been nothing short of remarkable. The new method of hip replacement is much less intrusive than it used to be. My wife's surgeon put her on a blood thinner after surgery to reduce the risk of clots.

      Post: Pretty Nice Joint

      Link to comment from April 6, 2023

    • Sounds just like the envelope system that Dave Ramsey has taught about for several decades.

      Post: The Envelope Returns

      Link to comment from March 6, 2023