Paula Karabelias

    Forum Posts:


    • The Venza is a very nice car but it is smaller than the Highlander. Depending on the number of kids or grandkids and your activities, the Highlander is a better choice and worth the extra 8k.

      Post: It Also Has Wheels

      Link to comment from April 16, 2023

    • Unfortunately reading comprehension today in the U.S. is poor , and reading has been poorly taught in the U.S. in the past 35 years. A majority of young people read very little , whether they go to public or private school. The back of a checking account statement provides very simple instruction on how to balance a checkbook but people won't read it. If people could read and were motivated to learn by reading, there would be no need to have classes to teach you how to balance a checkbook. And if so, it shouldn't be in a math class, unless you are talking about the second grade. Older students should be mastering algebra , geometry and calculus , not basic arithmetic. If you can't read well you won't do anything well.

      Post: Who’s Responsible?

      Link to comment from April 11, 2023

    • Anyone who knows anything at all about landscaping would not make mulch volcanoes against trees or scalp the lawn. Those people aren't pros.

      Post: Did It My Way

      Link to comment from April 11, 2023

    • Have you also worn a boot? I did that for about 9 months. I also had two cortisone shots that only worked for a few days. As I mentioned after a year of doing everything possible I had surgery in Boston. The recovery was long and painful but I was told I had to start walking right away. At first I wondered whether I did the right thing but now I know I did. My surgery was 13 years ago , maybe technique and post op treatment is better now. Very best wishes to you- I know how much this wears you down ..

      Post: Wishing My Life Away

      Link to comment from April 8, 2023

    • I had been a competetive runner for decades but was no longer interested in running by the time insertional Achilles developed in my early 50s. I suspect I would not run at the level I had after this surgery. However I am still winning rowing and swimming competitions in my 60s but more importantly I am pain free , can stand on my tip toes which I was unable to do before surgery.

      Post: Wishing My Life Away

      Link to comment from April 8, 2023

    • After a year of conservative treatments for insertional Achilles tendonitis I had Achilles debridement surgery in 2010. I was only on crutches a few days - my surgeon wanted me walking right away. It was painful post surgery and I went through two courses of PT. However I am painfree to this day, 13 years later. I do calf stretches every day and wear supportive shoes.(Not Hoka because they are a zero drop shoe). Not sure what you mean by heel drops but if you mean hanging your foot down off a step I would not recommend that. See a PT, podiatrist or possibly orthoped. Most ortho surgeons don't know much about Achilles however so you need to find one who does.

      Post: Wishing My Life Away

      Link to comment from April 8, 2023

    • Agree with all points. The rate of fatal auto accidents in drivers over 80 is significantly higher because of slower reaction time and increased frailty. In addition to the services you mentioned, friends, neighbors and relatives can usually help with driving. At my local YMCA there are members who drive members no longer able to drive so that they can have a safe place to exercise. These thoughtful people had noticed that some members were no longer attending because they could not drive. In my age group (60's) we have a friend with vision problems and we take him to the grocery store and doctor appointments.

      Post: Dress Rehearsal

      Link to comment from April 4, 2023

    • You are far better at analysis than I am , but I have owned two Fords (Expedition and Windstar), a Jeep Cherokee , and several Toyotas and Hondas. All were bought new. The American cars had more repairs , were less reliable and didn't last ten years. My current car, a 2008 Toyota Avalon has had only two repairs and I will drive it for as long as I can . We had a Honda Pilot with 250k miles and we only replaced it because we were tired of it. Bought another Pilot.

      Post: Back to the Office?

      Link to comment from March 28, 2023

    • I'm sorry this happened to you .Medigap doesn't cover shingles shots. It's covered by the Part D prescription plan or Medicare Advantage. This must be something specific to your policy because I and other family members have received the shingles vaccine - not subject to a either a deductible or a copay. I have never needed to submit a claim to Medicare for a vaccine or any service .

      Post: Unhealthy Claims

      Link to comment from March 21, 2023

    • I have bought a few new Toyotas for family members over the past several years as well as for myself . My first step was to go to the Toyota manufacturing site and "build" my car , then have the dealerships compete on price. I did that before visiting any . Buying a used Toyota had not made sense for years now. The last few times , ( before the pandemic) the used price was as just about high as new but there was no wait . And now you have found the used price is more ! I usually pay cash for new cars and drive them forever like you do. When I have financed, my local bank in Massachusetts where I've done business for years gave me a better deal than what the dealership could offer. Their "finance director" was amazed. I have found that more businesses are using Experian now, not TransUnion.

      Post: Driving Me Crazy

      Link to comment from March 15, 2023