Peter E. Leone

    Forum Posts:


    • Thanks for the thoughtful essay Johnathan. Good framework for thinking about the future. I've been retired from full-time work in academia for two years. My wife and I have sold the large suburban house in which we lived and raised three children. We're contemplating next steps and I'm struggling with disconnecting from work-related activities. I'm finding too much purpose in work I love even as I do it very part-time. We're feel quite secure as we've been living below our means and saving for retirement for years. For us, the next step is where do we move and for me, how do I get in sync with my wife who retired a year before me.

      Post: Retire Is a Verb

      Link to comment from January 28, 2023

    • Rick, thoughtful discussion of retirement planning issues. Thanks. I especially appreciate your comment about taxes being a civic duty. I'd add that paying taxes - something no one likes to do - maintains strong societies and enables us care for those less fortunate than us as well as repair roads, fund libraries, and much more.

      Post: Some Now More Later

      Link to comment from November 16, 2022

    • Thanks for highlighting the challenges in our broken healthcare system in the US. My wife and I have retired and receive both Medicare (with IRMA tax added) as well as state-subsidized supplemental health care coverage. We pay more for healthcare in retirement than we'd like to, but are fortunate to be able to afford coverage and are relatively healthy in our early 70s. I have traveled and received health care in Western Europe and in Japan over the years. Receiving services and the associated paperwork were simple compared to what we all experience in the US. Because 1/3 of our health care expenses are consumed by administrative expenses and health care plan administrators command high 6 and 7 figure salaries, we pay for expensive healthcare but do not receive high quality services overall. The ACA was a big step in the right direction, but we have a long way to go before healthcare is universal and affordable.

      Post: Affordable Care?

      Link to comment from April 6, 2022