Klaus Barre

    Forum Posts:


    • Robert: Well Done and keep going. I share having been an Oakland resident and a life long member of AAII. I have sufficient resources to enjoy life but still enjoy the rollercoaster as an observer. You desribed it very well. Mr. Clements articles in WSJ and subsequent books got me even more interested in the excitement of our capitalist system and how as an investor I could be a beneficial participant albeit on a very modest basis. Now past the anxiety mode of financial insecurity thanks to years of work, social security and some 401Ks I am free to make choices on what to do today and however many tomorrows are given. Thanks for sharing your optimism and the importance of enjoying the lives we've been granted.

      Post: For the Fun of It

      Link to comment from February 22, 2024

    • Thank you: nice quick tool. want to pass on to children as a reminder tool. Being retired, it was beneficial to be reminded of longterm care need or not dependent on resources. Always a welcome help. Thank you

      Post: Two-Minute Checkup

      Link to comment from August 6, 2022

    • Hopefully Jonathan and colleagues will elaborate on the "why keep playing?" since taking our marbles and leaving doesn't seem to be done very often. Hope these winners keep on coaching between rides and reads.

      Post: Life Cycle

      Link to comment from June 5, 2021

    • Lots of circumstances we are not in control of. Walking hiking are my current preferences, San Diego weather is accomadating all year round. Need to watch out for multitaskers with earphones but none appear to be life treatening. I look forward to your continued writings and thoughts on finance in retirement and when maintaining lifestyle has become a major component / objective of investing particularly avoiding "investing crashes" brought on by some of our own thinking and actions in response to economy we perceive in retirement. Continue in good health so you and colleagues can continue to share insights. Thank you guys.

      Post: Life Cycle

      Link to comment from June 5, 2021