Forum Posts


    • Quite appreciated the list Cheryl. To be up front, am a public health physician and member of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), which has long advocated for single payer / Improved Medicare for All, and practiced military medicine (“government/socialized/Military & Public Health Service Hospitals”) for most of my adult life. // Suggest looking at PNHP’s web site regarding significant cautions on Medicare Advantage plans; Nice to cover Silver Sneakers, etc, and clearly cheaper if healthy. A big potential landmine is if develop a significant illness later and want to “switch back”. As profit making entities, sponsoring insurance companies, with very different allegiances (i.e., to stockholders, not patients as their primary interest), overhead will be likely 12-14%+, whereas Medicare runs around 2%. IMHO, it is the patient, and the taxpayers, who are left in the lurch all too often by this “system”. - Konrad

      Post: Pre-Retirement List

      Link to comment from December 21, 2024

    • Thank you so much Jonathan for your sage counsel, and practical observations, as you deal with your illness. Recently started with HD, and it certainly is a virtual gold mine of unbiased information. In the time before my father died he, likewise, spent time wisely making updates and repairs so my mother wouldn’t have such concerns. A career as a military physician, practicing “socialized medicine” around the world, developed my appreciation for the need for an improved “Medicare for All” healthcare system so that many less well off, or underinsured by our fractured, existing processes, can get adequate care. Thanks to you, and yours, for your valuable ongoing contributions.

      Post: Model Behavior

      Link to comment from December 21, 2024

    • Thank you Jonathan for frankly sharing your sage perspectives in confronting mortality, along with being a source of sound financial counsel / perspective. Realize have both earned, and unearned privilege. Spent a career as a military public health physician, then as a civilian with two federal agencies. While that didn’t enable the wealth many not in uniform obtained, reflect with gratitude that also had fewer attractions of fleeting material goods dangled before me, and still was able to contribute regularly to others. Increasingly appreciate the wealth of friends, family, being able to engage in regular exercise, some volunteering, reading, and more.

      Post: Our Balancing Act

      Link to comment from September 7, 2024