Eleazar Morris

    Forum Posts:


    • We shop at multiple area stores. We have a teenager who is a very much in an extended chicken/beef/pork phase. At Wegmans, the price of meat is discounted by 30-50% as it approaches the expiration/best-by date. I scoop up as much as will fit in our freezer. For fruit and vegetables, in general we try to eat what is in season. The farmers markets are sometimes expensive, but it allows us local, often organic food that is flavorful. Right now that means pears, apples, and squash. The "fresh" berries are all imported from Peru or Mexico, frequently tart, and flavorless. We either have some leftover local berries in our freezer from the summer, or else we buy frozen berries, which are cheap(er) and great for smoothies.

      Post: Unhappy Meals

      Link to comment from October 12, 2022