I had figured the growth in the middle class in these areas would translate to increased stock market prices there. This is in keeping with Point#4, Fundamentals. I made a calculation based on one factor, growth of the new economies. I still have my buy and never sell long-term stock portfolio. Will have to see what 2020 to 2040 does!
I was so convinced since 2000 that emerging markets would be a great investment, looking at how India, China, and other Asian countries were growing, that I had a good portion of my portfolio in that area. I mean, historically that would make sense to invest well in these countries. However, it did not play out as I had anticipated.
Well-spoken! That is a great list, Mr. Quinn. Please allow me to start a new list about retirement realities, not myths. I. $50k in expenses are approximately $80926.36* in 2022 due to inflation from 2000 to 2022 having been averaging 2.41%. [If someone might please finish this, or not, as there is a lot to be said on this point alone by people who are wiser than myself!] *I used the average inflation rate per Google for this time period, not the actual sequence of inflation each of those years. I used a general internet compounding calculator to come up with the specific number. The actual expenses $50k in 2000 would be different for 2022. That's for smarter people to figure out.
If selling everything now results in $300k after you pay fees, and renting the house now but selling the lots individually later (through a broker or such) results in $3 million after fees, I might feel worth it to do the latter IF it means my mom's nursing facility costs are covered.
I had figured the growth in the middle class in these areas would translate to increased stock market prices there. This is in keeping with Point#4, Fundamentals. I made a calculation based on one factor, growth of the new economies. I still have my buy and never sell long-term stock portfolio. Will have to see what 2020 to 2040 does!
Post: Changing My Mind
Link to comment from April 23, 2023
I was so convinced since 2000 that emerging markets would be a great investment, looking at how India, China, and other Asian countries were growing, that I had a good portion of my portfolio in that area. I mean, historically that would make sense to invest well in these countries. However, it did not play out as I had anticipated.
Post: Changing My Mind
Link to comment from April 23, 2023
Welcome, Mr. Stephens, to HD. Your story resonates with me, my dad, and my son on many counts - I'll bear you the longer version!!
Post: Not Dad’s Retirement
Link to comment from February 16, 2023
Well-spoken! That is a great list, Mr. Quinn. Please allow me to start a new list about retirement realities, not myths. I. $50k in expenses are approximately $80926.36* in 2022 due to inflation from 2000 to 2022 having been averaging 2.41%. [If someone might please finish this, or not, as there is a lot to be said on this point alone by people who are wiser than myself!] *I used the average inflation rate per Google for this time period, not the actual sequence of inflation each of those years. I used a general internet compounding calculator to come up with the specific number. The actual expenses $50k in 2000 would be different for 2022. That's for smarter people to figure out.
Post: Nine Retirement Myths
Link to comment from January 5, 2023
I love your photo of your parents at home.
Post: This Empty House
Link to comment from January 4, 2023
If selling everything now results in $300k after you pay fees, and renting the house now but selling the lots individually later (through a broker or such) results in $3 million after fees, I might feel worth it to do the latter IF it means my mom's nursing facility costs are covered.
Post: This Empty House
Link to comment from January 4, 2023
Do the hardest thing on the To Do List first.
Post: Learning to Retire
Link to comment from January 1, 2023
Well said.
Post: My Confession
Link to comment from December 23, 2022
Just got your tongue-in-cheek with your title. Lol!
Post: Yellen About Taxes
Link to comment from December 23, 2022
Post: Yellen About Taxes
Link to comment from December 23, 2022