
    Forum Posts


    • I've always worked to live, not lived to work. I never found a career that would allow me to do what I want, when I want, and with whom I want. Morgan Housel's philosophy aligns closely with mine. It's all about time, making just enough money to provide the freedom to make choices.

      Post: Before You Quit

      Link to comment from October 26, 2024

    • I live better than the royalty of a hundred years ago in many areas, including entertainment, medical care, etc. I'm grateful to wake up every morning as a free man in retirement with enough money to do darn near anything I want. I don't even think about my failures as I won the big lottery by being born in modern America.

      Post: Never Quite Enough

      Link to comment from September 21, 2024

    • I've never understood the appeal of full time work. The only thing I want to do 40 or more hours a week is sleep. Other than that I like too much variety for any one job to provide. Plus the things I like to do I doubt I could get paid for anyway. Ideal scenario is I would have inherited enough money to be a professional student until at least 30, then move around to different states/countries for another decade or two. I'm retired now but no way do I have the energy to pickup where I left off on my dream life as outlined above. Very content and happy to wake up a free man everyday for the rest of life.

      Post: Long Odds

      Link to comment from May 4, 2024

    • My partner received Microsoft shares as part of her divorce settlement years ago. Keeping that has been quite profitable. She is selling some of that now that the stock has risen so high, but will be keeping some Microsoft shares indefinitely. Planning for 100% income replacement isn't a bad idea particularly in the early stages of retirement when travel expenses will be higher. That can be adjusted down later.

      Post: He Asked, I Answered

      Link to comment from March 9, 2024

    • Millions of page views sounds impressive to me! That's millions more than read what I post.

      Post: Business Schooled

      Link to comment from January 6, 2024

    • I'm a big fan of Peter Attia. For those who prefer video to reading, Peter has countless hours of video on YouTube. He interviews health experts so you get their perspectives in addition to Peter's. Peter does the deepest of dives in some of his videos and he loves acronyms so I pass on those videos that provide more info than I want, but they are there for those who are interested.

      Post: Make Them Good Years

      Link to comment from January 6, 2024

    • "Holding a mortgage in retirement adds to your financial headaches. Pay it off." All good suggestions except this one. I'd rather keep my money in the stock market than pay off my sub 3% mortgage. I'll die before my mortgage is paid off so I'd prefer to have the money to use myself rather than give it to the lender. They'll get their payoff after I'm gone. Win-win.

      Post: My Retirement Prep

      Link to comment from November 29, 2023

    • I just bought a 2023 SUV. I wanted the latest safety features as I'm getting older and my driving isn't what it used to be. My SUV signals me using visual and audio cues when my attention wanders on the road. I'd prefer a self-driving vehicle but we're not there yet.

      Post: Getting From A to B

      Link to comment from November 22, 2023

    • Illness can strike at any time, but more likely as we age. Partly why I've always been an advocate of more vacation time throughout life. Even if that means working a few more years. Teachers' time off would be ideal but even 6 or 7 weeks would be enough to travel when one's mind and body are young. I noticed a big difference in my body when I turned 60. At 59 I felt like I could have been 40 or even younger. I still want to travel, but the energy and mental flexibility has degraded so I don't see myself enjoying it as much.

      Post: My Best-Laid Plans

      Link to comment from November 11, 2023