MAKING SMART personal finance decisions involves lots of homework. Fortunately, there are plenty of great resources out there, both aspirational and practical, to help us figure out what to do. Here are my four favorite money blogs:
The Simple Dollar is my blog of choice when getting up to speed on practical money issues, like picking a savings account or insurance company. If you could only have one resource to help with your overall financial planning, this would be it.
Money After Graduation is a millennial-centric personal finance blog run by Bridget Casey. The site is a perfect entry point for people in their 20s who want to start their journey toward building long-term wealth.
The Points Guy, Brian Kelly’s travel hacking blog, is my favorite resource for learning how to turn day-to-day credit card spending into tangible rewards. Thanks to advice from The Points Guy, I’ve booked eight flights this year using points and pocket money. Don’t apply for a new credit card without coming here first.
Finally, housing is probably the single most expensive spending bucket in all of our lives. I love following Curbed New York to keep up on the city’s real estate market, home design trends and new neighborhoods worth exploring. There’s a ton of motivational content, like celebrity housing listings, to keep you focused on your savings goals.
This is the first in a series of articles devoted to the favorite websites of HumbleDollar’s writers.
Steven Aguiar’s previous articles include Getting an Edge and Going It Alone. Steve is the founder of BlueWing, a B2B digital marketing agency. He majored in Economics and Hispanic Studies at Brown, and is a big fan of compound interest.
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